
The new home looks so good, but there are still a lot of regrets!

author:Home fairy

In the journey of decoration full of unknowns and explorations, every step seems to be full of infinite possibilities, but at the same time, it is also accompanied by various regrets and lessons. If you ask me if I have any regrets about hardwear, the answer is yes – there are many.

The new home looks so good, but there are still a lot of regrets!
The new home looks so good, but there are still a lot of regrets!

When I first planned it, I didn't try to break through the walls to create an open kitchen, but now I think about how spacious and bright it will be. I regret not choosing latex paint in warm tones to make the atmosphere of my home more cozy; And the suspended ceiling, which now seems to be a redundant design. These decisions seemed reasonable at the time, but with the passage of time and aesthetic changes, they became a small regret in my heart.

The new home looks so good, but there are still a lot of regrets!
The new home looks so good, but there are still a lot of regrets!

Luckily, I'm always a toss-up, and my home has been changing since I moved in. Through continuous experimentation and adjustment of soft decoration, this small home slowly showed the appearance I liked.

The new home looks so good, but there are still a lot of regrets!
The new home looks so good, but there are still a lot of regrets!

When it comes to soft furnishings, I decided to ditch the same grey tones in favour of a large area of warm brown tones to create a warm atmosphere in a pre-loved style. I didn't choose complicated decorations, but kept the color tone uniform, with no more than three large color blocks, and then added some bright embellishments, so that the whole space seemed vivid and harmonious.

The new home looks so good, but there are still a lot of regrets!
The new home looks so good, but there are still a lot of regrets!

In the process, I learned that the power of soft furnishing is that it can change with the growth and change of the occupants, and it can flexibly reflect our personality and preferences. From hard decoration to soft decoration, every choice is an exploration and practice of the concept of self-living.

The new home looks so good, but there are still a lot of regrets!

Although there are regrets in the hard decoration, the soft decoration gives me infinite possibilities, giving me the opportunity to correct these deficiencies and make the home closer to the ideal appearance in my heart. After all, home is not just a place to live, it's a work of art that is constantly being created, documenting our tastes, growth, and stories. Image courtesy of @Alicesi