
Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

author:Tidal Bean Tournament
Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry
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Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

Late one night in 2013, Liu Yunlong sat at his desk, intently flipping through a heavy script. The glow of the lamp reflected his slightly tired but still resolute face.

This script is the prototype of the spy war drama "Kite" that shocked the audience in the future.

No one expected that it would take four years from the conception of this work to the final presentation on the screen. When Kite finally met the audience in 2017, it immediately caused a strong response among the audience.

This drama breaks the inherent model of traditional main theme dramas, and delves into the complex emotions of both sides from a new perspective, which amazes the audience.

Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

The success of "Kite" is not accidental, it embodies Liu Yunlong's persistent pursuit of art over the years. So, what is the story behind this work? How did Liu Yunlong get to where he is today? Let's unravel this mystery and explore Liu Yunlong's artistic life.

In 1968, an ordinary family in Jinan, Shandong ushered in a new life, and this baby was Liu Yunlong, who would make waves in the Chinese film and television industry in the future. Growing up in that special era, Xiaoliu Yunlong's childhood and model drama formed an indissoluble bond.

The talented Liu Yunlong showed an amazing talent for imitation, and it only took a few listens to it to interpret the role vividly. Whenever after dinner, my father would always invite the neighbors to enjoy the impromptu performance of Xiao Yanagi Yunlong.

These childhood experiences undoubtedly planted the seeds of performance in Liu Yunlong's heart.

Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

The road of life is often full of accidents. Liu Yunlong, who originally planned to join the army after graduating from high school, became obsessed with guitar playing because of his accidental exposure to music. But soon, he realizes that his love for the performing arts is even better.

With enthusiasm for acting, Liu Yunlong resolutely applied for the Beijing Film Academy.

With his outstanding appearance and solid acting skills, Liu Yunlong was not only successfully admitted to Beijing Film Academy, but also achieved a perfect score in both professional courses and appearance scores, becoming the second person in the history of Beijing Film after Zhou Lijing.

Such an achievement undoubtedly casts a dazzling halo on Liu Yunlong's future.

Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

Life is always full of drama. After graduation, Liu Yunlong did not show his strength in the entertainment industry as he wished. Faced with the pressure of reality, he chose to go south to Guangzhou and started an unexpected business career.

In Guangzhou, Liu Yunlong keenly grasped the market opportunity. He started an advertising agency specializing in slogan design for roads and buildings. coincided with the golden period of Huizhou's rapid development, Liu Yunlong seized the opportunity and successfully earned the first pot of gold in his life.

Subsequently, when the advertising business shrank due to the slowdown in urban construction, Liu Yunlong, who has commercial sensibilities, turned to the home appliance industry in time. In just a few years, the former top students of art schools have been transformed into new stars in the business world.

This experience of ups and downs in the business world has allowed Liu Yunlong to accumulate valuable social experience and economic foundation, laying a solid foundation for his return to the entertainment industry in the future. However, his love for acting has always burned in his heart.

Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

Whenever I see the proud achievements of former classmates such as Shao Bing and Yu Feihong in the entertainment industry, the seed of performance buried deep in my heart is ready to move.

Liu Yunlong's experience shows his courage and adaptability in the face of turning points in his life. It not only enriched his life experience, but also accumulated valuable materials and experience for his future acting career.

This cross-border experience undoubtedly added a unique charm to Liu Yunlong's future performance career.

In 1996, with the wealth accumulated in the business world and a passion for performance, Liu Yunlong returned to Beijing. One of the first things he did was buy a property and make a home for himself in the city.

Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

After more than two years of social experience, the once sharp teenager has become much more mellow, but his love for acting has not diminished at all.

By coincidence, the fifth-generation director Wu Tianming is preparing the movie "Very Love". At this time, Liu Yunlong, because of his long-term travel in Guangzhou, has dark skin and a thin body, and he is as handsome and chic as a student.

However, this image is exactly in line with the image of the male protagonist in Wu Tianming's mind. In this way, Liu Yunlong got the opportunity to return to the film industry, partnering with Yuan Li, who has not yet graduated, to perform a touching love story together.

Although "Very Love" finally won the Huabiao Award for Outstanding Feature Film, the work did not cause much repercussions in the overall sluggish Chinese film market at that time.

Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

In the following years, Liu Yunlong starred in many TV series such as "Withered Vine", "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix", and "Guardian of Peace", but he never left a deep impression in the hearts of the audience.

In 2002, the opportunity struck again. In the TV series "Public Security Chief", Liu Yunlong challenged a completely different role from the past - the villain "Zhong Liuyi".

On the surface, this character is the chairman of the group who is enthusiastic about charity and public welfare, but in fact he is the leader of an underworld force who does all kinds of evil and is lawless.

In order to perfectly interpret this complex role, Liu Yunlong has put in great efforts. He adjusted his hairstyle several times to suit the needs of the role, and even paid for clothing out of his own pocket.

Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

More importantly, he read extensively books on business and management, and had in-depth exchanges with young entrepreneurs, striving to show the Confucian merchant temperament of "Zhong Liuyi" to the fullest.

However, fate always seems to play a joke with Liu Yunlong. When "Public Security Chief" was broadcast, another TV series "Conquest", which also involved gangster themes, had already taken the lead and occupied the audience's attention.

Sun Honglei's image of the black boss Liu Huaqiang in "Conquest" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which invisibly obscures Liu Yunlong's outstanding performance in "Public Security Bureau".

Despite this, Liu Yunlong's seriousness and dedication have won high praise from the show's producer, Yang Jian. Yang Jian is a well-known Chinese producer and an important driver of Liu Yunlong's future fame.

Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

This difficult starting experience shows Liu Yunlong's indomitable spirit in the face of adversity. Even though he has missed success many times, he still sticks to his acting dream, constantly challenges new roles, and strives to improve his acting skills.

This perseverance and hard work laid a solid foundation for his future success.

The year 2004 was a pivotal turning point for Liu Yunlong. With the support of producer Yang Jian, he decided to set up his own film and television production company. The company's first project was the later critically acclaimed spy war drama "Secret Calculation".

This decision marks that Liu Yunlong not only has to show his talent in front of the camera, but also shows his creative talent behind the scenes.

Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

However, the filming process of "Secret Calculation" was not all smooth sailing. In the early days of creation, Liu Yunlong had serious differences with the original director on the creative concept. As an investor, Liu Yunlong made a bold decision: to direct the work himself.

This decision undoubtedly added a lot of pressure to him, but it also gave him more creative freedom.

In order to truly restore the plot, Liu Yunlong led the crew to Sichuan, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Northwest and other regions for real-life shooting. His pursuit of details is almost paranoid, and in order to make Wang Baoqiang's "Blind Man A Bing" more real, he even arranged for Wang Baoqiang to live in a blind school for three months.

In addition, Liu Yunlong also boldly changed the ending of the hero and heroine in the original work, striving to make the plot more infectious.

Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

However, when the dailies were sent to the television station, they suffered an unexpected setback. The TV station returned the sample on the grounds that "I have never seen such a unique spy war drama".

Liu Yunlong's heart was full of loss and unwillingness, but he did not give up. After many rounds, "Secret Calculation" was finally broadcast on a local TV station.

Surprisingly, the show caused a sensation as soon as it aired. The novel three-stage narrative technique, as well as the abandonment of the traditional didactic and face-painted fixed mode, won warm praise from the audience.

With the continuous fermentation of word-of-mouth, "Secret Calculation" was finally broadcast nationwide and became a phenomenal work of the year.

Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

Liu Yunlong plays two roles in the play: both the calm and rational An Zaitian, and the loyal and upright Qian Zhijiang. His superb acting skills have been unanimously recognized by the audience and industry insiders, and various invitations have come one after another.

In this way, at the age of 37, Liu Yunlong finally ushered in the peak of his career.

The success of "Secret Calculation" not only proves Liu Yunlong's acting strength, but also shows his talent as a director. This work became an important milestone in his acting career, and also pointed out the direction for his future creative path.

However, in the face of sudden fame and fortune, Liu Yunlong did not lose his mind. He has always maintained a sense of awe for his acting career, constantly challenging himself and pursuing breakthroughs.

Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

This attitude laid a solid foundation for his future artistic career.

After becoming famous, Liu Yunlong did not stop, but continued to explore on the road of acting. He has starred in many works such as "Blood Mist", "East Wind and Rain", "The Story of the Great Southwest Bandits", "The Informer", "Broken Thorn", "Iron Blood", "King of Legends" and many other works, trying various different types of roles.

Although some viewers questioned that he had no amazing works after "Secret Calculation", Liu Yunlong didn't care about these voices. He knows very well that the value of an actor should not be measured by just one or two works.

In 2013, Liu Yunlong met the script that made him feel excited-"Kite". He decided to challenge himself again and devote himself to the creation of this work as a director and star.

Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

However, the filming process of "Kite" was fraught with hardships. From the temporary replacement of the heroine, to being asked to revise and delete it many times, to the four-year waiting period, every step tested Liu Yunlong's patience and determination.

Finally, in 2017, "Kite" met the audience. This drama shows the emotional entanglement of both sides from a new perspective, which has sparked a wide range of discussions.

Zheng Yaoxian, played by Liu Yunlong, an agent who has gone through self-questioning, war baptism, and the evil of human nature, but always adheres to his beliefs, has left a deep impression on the audience.

However, after "Kite", Liu Yunlong seems to have disappeared from the entertainment industry. In fact, he didn't stop creating. After "Odds" encountered a broadcast dilemma, he devoted himself to the filming of "The Mighty City".

Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

However, when the drama was about to be completed, it was forced to suspend due to the investor's suspected absconding with the money.

In the face of successive setbacks, Liu Yunlong did not give up. He still adheres to his artistic pursuits, rejecting fast-food productions and focusing on the creation of high-quality plays.

In this impetuous entertainment industry, Liu Yunlong's persistence is particularly valuable.

He once said: "An excellent work should have far-reaching influence, which can touch and change the spiritual outlook of the whole nation." This is not only his creative philosophy, but also his creed that he has been practicing.

Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

Liu Yunlong's acting career shows an artist's adherence to ideals. He does not follow the crowd, is not trapped by fame and fortune, but always insists on his artistic pursuit.

This attitude is particularly precious in today's fast-paced entertainment industry.

In this entertainment industry where "fast consumption" is the mainstream, Liu Yunlong's "slow work and meticulous work" seems out of place. However, it is this persistent pursuit of art that has won people's respect and admiration.

Unlike many celebrities, Liu Yunlong rarely participates in variety shows or commercial activities. He is not keen on sharing his personal life on social platforms, nor does he rely on hype and scandals to maintain his popularity.

Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

When he is not filming, he either concentrates on new scripts or enjoys rare family time. This attitude of distancing himself from the entertainment industry allows him to have more time and energy to focus on creating and performing.

Liu Yunlong's "disappearance" is actually a commendable persistence. In this impetuous entertainment industry, he proves with practical actions that real artists should use their works to speak.

Each of his works embodies his thoughts and pursuit of art.

This kind of persistence is undoubtedly a kind of luck for the entire entertainment industry. It reminds us not to forget the essence and value of art while chasing fame and fortune. Liu Yunlong's existence, like a clear stream, has injected pure artistic pursuit into the entertainment industry, and also brought high-quality spiritual food to the audience.

Liu Yunlong's "retirement" is actually the "luck" of the entire entertainment industry

In this era of rapid change, Liu Yunlong's "disappearance" has instead become a unique way of existence. It allows us to see that still water flows deeply, and the real artistic charm often becomes more and more mellow in the precipitation.

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