
Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

author:Fei Ge Curiosity
Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings
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Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

On March 24, 2009, the air in the hospital was filled with the smell of disinfectant water, and Guo Jinglin, 50, sat on the edge of the hospital bed, hugging his wife, Tong Xin's emaciated body.

His voice was choked, almost inaudible: "Baby, goodbye, my baby, goodbye." Tears silently slid across his resolute face and dripped onto the back of Tong Xin's pale hand.

At this moment, Guo Jinglin not only lost the love of his companionship for many years, but also started a long lonely years. 11 years have passed, and he is still alone, and he has no intention of continuing the frontier.

What kind of ups and downs has this unforgettable love story experienced? Why is this successful actor still difficult to let go? Let's walk into Guo Jinglin's inner world and unveil this affectionate veil.

Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

In 1970, Guo Jinglin was born into a financially strapped family. There is also a mentally retarded sister in the family who needs special care, which makes the young Guo Jinglin have to learn to be independent prematurely.

The burden of life weighs on his immature shoulders, but it also forges his tenacious character. After graduating from junior high school, in order to reduce the burden on his family, Guo Jinglin used the holidays to work around and experience the hardships of life.

However, the gears of fate always turn inadvertently. At the age of 20, with a passion for acting, Guo Jinglin mustered up the courage to apply for the Shanghai Theater Academy.

The moment he stepped into the campus, it was as if he saw another possibility in life. It was here that he met his first girlfriend, Tong Xin. The two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love.

Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

In an era of scarcity of supplies, their dates were simple and warm. I often spend five cents to buy a baked biscuit, stroll along the tree-lined avenues of the campus, and share my vision for the future.

This innocent and romantic relationship has become the most precious memory of Guo Jinglin's life, and it has also injected warm power into his difficult years in the future.

However, fate always seems unwilling to let go of Guo Jinglin easily. In his junior year, the bad news suddenly came - his mother died of a cerebral infarction. This blow made the already not wealthy family even worse, the father fell into great grief, and the whole family was on the verge of collapse.

Faced with this sudden change, Guo Jinglin struggled inwardly and came up with the idea of dropping out of school and going home to take care of his family. Just when he was about to give up his dream, Tong Xin stood firmly by his side.

Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

She not only persuaded Guo Jinglin to continue her studies, but also took the initiative to take care of Guo Jinglin's family.

"You're only a year away from graduating, and it's a shame to give up now." Tong Xin held Guo Jinglin's hand, her eyes were firm, "You concentrate on studying, I'll help you take care of your family."

This sentence is like a light, illuminating Guo Jinglin's confused future.

Tong Xin's selflessness and courage deeply touched Guo Jinglin. With her support, he gritted his teeth and persevered in completing his studies. After graduating, Guo Jinglin devoted himself to the drama performance career without hesitation.

Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

Although it was difficult to enter the industry at the beginning, with Tong Xin by his side, he always maintained his confidence in the future.

In 2002, after experiencing countless ups and downs, Guo Jinglin and Tong Xin finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. This hard-won result is a chapter written by them with love and courage.

However, they do not realize that a greater test awaits them in the future.

After marriage, Guo Jinglin and Tong Xin faced a difficult dilemma in their career development. The drama market is shrinking day by day, and the audience loss is serious, Guo Jinglin has to turn his attention to the field of TV dramas to seek new breakthroughs.

Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

However, the road to transformation has not been easy. Although he tried to shoot several works, he never managed to attract widespread attention, and his career fell into a trough.

During this difficult period, Tong Xin became Guo Jinglin's most solid backing. She not only takes care of all aspects of the family, but also gives her husband great support and encouragement mentally.

Whenever Guo Jinglin was frustrated because he failed the audition or the role was replaced, Tong Xin always gently held his hand and said softly, "Don't be discouraged, you will definitely succeed."

I believe in your talent. This firm belief, like a warm current, continues to nourish Guo Jinglin's soul.

Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

In 2006, the opportunity finally came. Guo Jinglin played an unruly and slightly evil character in the TV series "Days Related to Youth". He interpreted the role vividly, and his uninhibited temperament with a hint of rebellion deeply attracted the audience.

The success of this work has made Guo Jinglin gradually a new star that has attracted much attention, and it has also opened a new door for his acting career.

This bad news was like a bolt from the blue, pushing Guo Jinglin and Tong Xin into a difficult choice. Tong Xin insisted on giving birth to the child before receiving treatment, she said: "This child is the crystallization of our love, and I can't give up on him."

However, the doctor seriously advised her to have surgery as soon as possible, warning that the daily medication could cause irreversible damage to the fetus.

Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

Faced with this cruel choice, the couple fell into a painful struggle. Guo Jinglin stayed by his wife's side day and night, searching for various medical options, hoping to find the best of both worlds.

However, reality has ruthlessly shattered their hopes. After a long period of painful struggle, Tong Xin finally made a difficult decision to give up the fetus in her womb and accept treatment.

This decision was a huge blow to both Tong Xin and Guo Jinglin. Guo Jinglin felt sorry for what happened to his wife, but he couldn't do anything about it. He can only accompany Tong Xin as much as possible after work, giving her the greatest care and support.

During these difficult days, Guo Jinglin often hid alone on the balcony and wept, but in front of Tong Xin, he always maintained a strong and optimistic attitude, encouraging his wife to face the illness bravely.

Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

After a period of chemotherapy and other treatments, the cancer cells in Tong Xin's body were temporarily controlled. Seeing his wife smile again, Guo Jinglin's hanging heart relaxed slightly.

They believe that as long as they love each other, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. What they don't know, however, is that greater trials await them.

At the beginning of 2009, a sudden storm hit Guo Jinglin and Tong Xin's lives again. Tong Xin's physical condition deteriorated dramatically, and the cancer cells spread throughout the body at an alarming rate.

Although Guo Jinglin traveled around, searched for famous doctors, and tried various treatments, Tong Xin's condition continued to deteriorate.

Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

The hospital became Guo Jinglin's second home. He waited by Tong Xin's side day and night, taking care of his wife's every need. Even if he is busy at work, he will find time to accompany Tong Xin, read to her, tell her stories, and try to keep her positive and optimistic.

However, as time went on, it became clear to them that the countdown to life had begun.

On March 24, an indescribably heavy atmosphere permeated the hospital wards. Guo Jinglin held Tong Xin's increasingly thin hand, his eyes full of reluctance and pain.

Tong Xin said weakly to her husband, "I'm sorry, I may have to go first." Guo Jinglin held back his tears and comforted softly: "Don't say stupid things, you will definitely get better."

Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

However, they all knew in their hearts that this might be their last conversation.

In the afternoon of the same day, Tong Xin's life finally came to an end. She lay quietly in Guo Jinglin's arms, as if she had just fallen asleep. Guo Jinglin hugged his wife's body tightly, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Baby, goodbye, my baby, goodbye", he choked and whispered, his voice barely audible. At this moment, he felt that a part of himself had disappeared forever with Tong Xin's departure.

Tong Xin's departure brought a huge blow to Guo Jinglin. In the following days, he often sat alone at home in a daze, reminiscing about the bits and pieces he spent with Tong Xin.

Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

Sometimes, he would unconsciously pick up the phone and want to dial Tong Xin's number, only to realize at the last moment that his wife had left forever. This unforgettable pain made it almost impossible for him to live a normal life.

However, life goes on. Guo Jinglin forced himself to devote himself to work, as if he could only temporarily forget the pain in his heart when he was acting. In the movie "Yuan Longping", Guo Jinglin successfully created the image of Yuan Longping, a great scientist, with his gentle and elegant performance.

However, when the camera filmed the love scene between Yuan Longping and his wife, Guo Jinglin's eyes always unconsciously revealed deep sadness. This sincere emotion made his performance more touching, and also made the audience feel the deep love behind the character.

The loss of Tong Xin's Guo Jinglin is like losing the most important pillar of life. However, it is this unforgettable love that has become the driving force that supports him to continue to move forward.

Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

He knew that Tong Xin would want him to live well and continue to chase their common dream.

Time flies, and it has been 11 cold summers since Tong Xin's death in a blink of an eye. Today's Guo Jinglin has entered the year of knowing the destiny of heaven, and his career has been successful, but he has always remained single.

Over the years, relatives and friends around him have matched him many times, hoping that he can rebuild his family and find the second spring of his life. However, Guo Jinglin always declined politely, he always had Tong Xin's figure in his heart, and he couldn't easily let go of this unforgettable love.

In a rare media interview, Guo Jinglin recalled the bits and pieces with Tong Xin, and his eyes flashed with tenderness and sadness that could not be concealed. He said softly: "Tong Xin is not only my wife, but also my life partner and best friend.

Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

Her departure took with her the most precious part of my life. When asked if he would consider remarrying, Guo Jinglin shook his head, and his tone was firm and calm: "I'm already very satisfied.

Being able to meet Tong Xin is the greatest happiness in my life. This love is enough to warm me for the rest of my life.

Although his heart was still full of sorrow, Guo Jinglin was not trapped by grief. He devoted all his energy to his acting career, commemorating his wife with excellent works, as if this would allow Tong Xin's soul to continue to accompany him.

After "Yuan Longping", he took over a number of high-quality film and television dramas, and every performance poured all his enthusiasm and talent, winning unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders.

Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

Guo Jinglin's colleagues praised him as a dedicated and talented actor. On the set, he always puts his heart and soul into every role, striving to interpret the characters in place.

Even in between filming, he often sits quietly in the corner alone, figuring out the inner world of the character. In private, he is a quiet and introverted person, rarely participating in entertainment and gatherings in the entertainment industry, as if he is cut off from the complicated world.

Some people say that Guo Jinglin's eyes always have a trace of imperceptible melancholy, which is a scar that cannot be healed after losing a loved one. However, it is this deep emotion that makes his performance more infectious, and it also allows him to maintain a unique temperament in this impetuous entertainment industry.

Whenever he stands in front of the camera, he can always bring the audience a long-precipitated emotional power, as if telling his life story through the characters.

Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

Over the past 11 years, Guo Jinglin has interpreted in his own way what true loyalty is. In this fast-paced, seductive society, his perseverance is particularly valuable.

Perhaps, as he said at an awards ceremony: "True love does not need to be fetters, just seek no regrets in this life." This affection is not only a nostalgia for the deceased lover, but also a kind of persistence and respect for oneself.

The story of Guo Jinglin, like a distant and moving elegy for love, is particularly precious in this impetuous era. 11 years have not erased his thoughts about Tong Xin; At the age of 50, he still maintains his loyalty to his first love.

In this ever-changing entertainment industry, Guo Jinglin uses his own way to interpret what true love is.

Guo Jinglin: After his wife died of cancer in his arms, he has been single for more than ten years and has no intention of continuing the strings

His perseverance is not only a nostalgia for his deceased lover, but also a kind of respect for himself. Perhaps, as he said in an interview: "True love does not need to be fettered, just seek no regrets in this life."

This deep affection across life and death is enough to move people, and it is also worth thinking about by each of us.

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