
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing

author:Wise Pencil S
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing
My wife's reply to her husband's message was so funny that it made me laugh, it's really a thing to a thing

In the early morning of the town, the sun shines through the sparse clouds and sprinkles on the quiet river, creating layers of golden ripples. By the river, Li Xiaozhi was holding his mobile phone, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he looked amused by some interesting story.

It turned out that just a few minutes ago, he received a text message from his wife. The content of this text message almost made him laugh out loud, as if the silence of the whole morning was broken by this sudden laughter.

Li Xiaozhi's wife is a cheerful and humorous person, and she usually likes to joke with him. And today, this text message of hers takes her sense of humor to the extreme.

The text message reads: "Honey, I heard you stayed up late and worked overtime again last night? Remember what I said? No matter how busy you are at work, don't forget to take care of yourself! Also, don't forget that today we are going to the supermarket together to buy ingredients, and I will cook you a big meal in the evening. ”

Li Xiaozhi looked at this text message, and his heart was warm. He knew that his wife cared about him, but at the same time he was impressed by her sense of humor. He couldn't help laughing out loud and sent a text message back: "Obey, wife!" I got up, washed up, and got ready to go. ”

However, just as he was about to put down his phone, another text message from his wife jumped out: "Also, I had a dream last night that you turned into a giant panda, and the dark circles under your eyes were about to fall to the ground." Do you think that means it's time for you to take a break? ”

After reading this text message, Li Xiaozhi couldn't help but laugh out loud again. He seemed to be able to see his wife winking mischievously on the other end of the phone, with a smug smile on her face. He replied with a text message: "Haha, wife, you are so talented!" I promise to have a good rest today and not let 'Panda Eyes' continue to deteriorate! ”

In the following days, Li Xiaozhi really began to pay attention to adjusting his schedule and try to ensure adequate sleep. And his wife often reminds him in text messages to pay attention to rest, drink more water, and exercise more. These seemingly simple words of concern made Li Xiaozhi feel endless warmth and happiness.

One night, the two sat together by the river, watching the starry sky and enjoying a rare quiet time. Li Xiaozhi suddenly said with emotion: "Wife, thank you for always caring about me and taking care of me so much." I'm really blessed to have you by my side. ”

When his wife heard this, she gently leaned on Li Xiaozhi's shoulder, smiled and said, "Fool, we are a family!" Of course I have to care about you and take care of you. And, your health is really important to me. So, you have to listen to me in the future! ”

The two looked at each other and smiled, their hearts full of beautiful visions and expectations for the future. They know that as long as they care for each other and support each other, they can go through every difficulty together and enjoy the beauty and happiness of life.

And that funny text message has also become a beautiful memory and testimony between them. Whenever they think of that text message, they can't help but laugh out loud, as if they are back by the river in the town in the early morning, enjoying each other's company and love.