
Shangguan Ya's Transformation: Is It a Success in Character Building, or Is It a Satire of Modern Life?

author:Xingwen wants to say


Shangguan Ya in the previous life: a victim within the palace walls

Shangguan Ya's previous life was a typical court tragedy. Having been instilled with family honor above all else since she was a child, she entered the deep palace early and became the queen. Her life is full of rules and sacrifices, and every move is strictly monitored and evaluated.

Shangguan Ya's Transformation: Is It a Success in Character Building, or Is It a Satire of Modern Life?

Her smile, her emotions, were all overshadowed by the gloom within the palace walls. Every time she appeared in front of the camera, she was expressionless, as if she had lost all her emotions and self. This heavy life made her full of class flavor and became a victim of family interests.

Shangguan Ya's Transformation: Is It a Success in Character Building, or Is It a Satire of Modern Life?

Shangguan Ya in this life: A bright girl who has regained her life

However, Shangguan Ya in this life is a completely different story. In her first life, she met herself before entering the palace, the bright, free and sincere little girl.

Shangguan Ya's Transformation: Is It a Success in Character Building, or Is It a Satire of Modern Life?

Her smile comes from the heart, her behavior is uninhibited, and her life is full of color and energy. This stark contrast makes people sigh that when she enters the palace, it is as deep as the sea, but the opportunity to be reborn allows her to find her true self. Her transformation is not only a change in appearance, but also an awakening and growth in her heart.

Shangguan Ya's Transformation: Is It a Success in Character Building, or Is It a Satire of Modern Life?

Funny comments from netizens: Before work VS after work

Netizens are also talking about Shangguan Ya's change. Some people joke that this is simply an ancient version of the current generation of young people before and after work. Shangguan Ya before going to work is bright and full of vitality; After going to work, Shangguan Ya was full of class flavor and lost all its brilliance.

Shangguan Ya's Transformation: Is It a Success in Character Building, or Is It a Satire of Modern Life?

This kind of comparison makes people laugh out loud, and it also makes people think deeply, are we like Shangguan Ya in life, who have lost themselves under the pressure of society?

Shangguan Ya's Transformation: Is It a Success in Character Building, or Is It a Satire of Modern Life?

The acting of the results: the transition from heavy to bright

The performance of the results in "Du Hua Nian" is undoubtedly a highlight of this drama. She successfully created a Shangguan Ya who went from heavy to bright.

Shangguan Ya's Transformation: Is It a Success in Character Building, or Is It a Satire of Modern Life?

Every detail, every expression, makes people feel the inner world of the characters. Her acting skills make people see the profound skills and infinite possibilities of an actor. This transformation from heavy to bright is not only a change in the role, but also a demonstration of the actor's acting skills.

Shangguan Ya's Transformation: Is It a Success in Character Building, or Is It a Satire of Modern Life?

Ending: Shangguan Ya's double life


Shangguan Ya's double life makes people see the growth and awakening of a character. Her story is not only the plot of a court drama, but also a metaphor for modern life.

Shangguan Ya's Transformation: Is It a Success in Character Building, or Is It a Satire of Modern Life?

Are we, like Shangguan Ya, also losing ourselves under the pressure of society? Can she be like her, find a chance to be reborn and find her true self? This question is worth pondering for each and every one of us.

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