
Don't be fooled, the U.S. layout in the Middle East is perfect, and Israel wins or loses, it is a winner

author:Xu Xu.


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Don't be fooled, the U.S. layout in the Middle East is perfect, and Israel wins or loses, it is a winner

Text: Xu Xu.

Edited by Xu Xu.

The U.S. layout in the Middle East can be described as a well-planned chess game. On the surface, they fully support Israel, but in fact they secretly create hatred for it.

From the Jerusalem issue to the Anti-Semitic Discrimination Act to the situation in the Red Sea, every move of the United States has a profound meaning. This game is not only about geopolitics, but also about the economic interests of the United States.

Regardless of Israel's eventual victory or defeat, the United States seems to be able to reap the benefits. However, are there deeper risks hidden behind this seemingly perfect strategy?

Let's take a closer look at U.S. policy in the Middle East and reveal the strategic considerations and potential pitfalls behind it.

Don't be fooled, the U.S. layout in the Middle East is perfect, and Israel wins or loses, it is a winner

America's Middle East Chess Game: Superficial Support, Hidden Mystery

The U.S. layout in the Middle East can be called a well-designed political drama. On the surface, Washington's support for Tel Aviv can be described as unsparing, but a closer look reveals a series of thought-provoking contradictions. What are the strategic considerations behind this seemingly contradictory policy?

First, we need to recognize that every move the United States makes in the Middle East is deliberate. From the Trump administration's relocation of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, to the Biden administration's introduction of the Anti-Semitic Discrimination Act, to the recent military operation in the Red Sea, these seemingly scattered events are actually different parts of a larger chess game.

The U.S. strategy can be summed up as "acting in the name of support, acting in a divisive manner." Through ostensible acts of support, Israel is actually creating more regional enemies for Israel, thereby deepening Israel's dependence on the United States. This method has to be said to be clever, because it not only satisfies the needs of pro-Israel forces at home, but also wins greater room for the United States to manipulate in the regional structure.

Don't be fooled, the U.S. layout in the Middle East is perfect, and Israel wins or loses, it is a winner

But is this strategy really as perfect as it seems? Is it likely to trigger greater regional instability in the future? These questions deserve our in-depth consideration.

Jerusalem and the Anti-Semitic Act: A Double-edged Sword to Create Contradictions

Why is the United States so aggressive on Jerusalem? Why, in this era of equality, should a bill be introduced that clearly favors a particular ethnic group? What is the logic behind these decisions?

The decision on Jerusalem, ostensibly an endorsement of Israel's sovereignty, is in fact a time bomb planted in the Middle East. This move angered not only the Palestinians, but also the entire Arab world. By doing so, the United States is actually making enemies for Israel, making it more isolated in the region and becoming more dependent on the support of the United States.

Don't be fooled, the U.S. layout in the Middle East is perfect, and Israel wins or loses, it is a winner

Similarly, the Anti-Semitic Discrimination Act may appear to protect the Jewish community, but it may actually exacerbate social tensions. In a society that emphasizes diversity and equality, such a bill would undoubtedly provoke discontent among other ethnic groups. In doing so, they are using the law to create potential social antagonism for the Jewish community.

These policies of the United States appear to be supporting its allies, but in fact they are skillfully manipulating the regional situation. But will this manipulation end up eating out against the United States itself? This is something we need to pay close attention to.

The situation in the Red Sea: an elaborate plan of the United States or a real threat?

To fully understand the US strategy in the Middle East, we cannot ignore recent developments in the Red Sea. The rise of the Houthis and the threat to Red Sea shipping, ostensibly a challenge to U.S. interests, may actually be part of the U.S. layout.

Don't be fooled, the U.S. layout in the Middle East is perfect, and Israel wins or loses, it is a winner

Let's review what happened. In October 2023, Yemen's Houthi rebels began attacks on Red Sea shipping, claiming to support Palestinians in Gaza. The United States then formed a multinational maritime alliance that claimed to protect shipping in the Red Sea. However, despite the fact that the United States has the most powerful navy in the world, the Houthi attacks seem difficult to stop completely.

This situation raises the question: can a regional armed group really pose such a threat to the US Navy? Or is it all a choreographed "drama"?

If we look at it from a strategic point of view, the US operation in the Red Sea may actually have multiple purposes:

  1. Strengthen the U.S.-Israel alliance by demonstrating support for Israel.
  2. Take the opportunity to strengthen the military presence in the Red Sea region and consolidate geostrategic advantages.
  3. Create new market demand for the military-industrial complex, stimulate the domestic economy.
  4. By creating a "common threat," we will win over regional allies and strengthen U.S. leadership in the Middle East.
Don't be fooled, the U.S. layout in the Middle East is perfect, and Israel wins or loses, it is a winner

This complex strategy reflects the far-sighted thinking of the United States in the Middle East. However, this strategy can also have unintended consequences. For example, it may further exacerbate regional contradictions, increase regional instability, and may even lead to larger-scale conflicts.

America's Economic Motivations: Strategic Choices in the Debt Crisis

In analyzing the U.S. policy in the Middle East, we cannot ignore the economic motives behind it. The United States is currently facing a massive debt of $35 trillion, which is even more than the annual GDP of the United States. Under these circumstances, the United States urgently needs to find new sources of economic growth and financing.

The U.S. strategy may include the following:

  1. By creating regional instability, it attracts global capital flows to the United States and strengthens the international status of the dollar.
  2. Take advantage of the situation in the Middle East to create new market demand for the military-industrial complex and stimulate the domestic economy.
  3. Indirectly control the vast wealth of the Jewish rich by deepening Israel's dependence on the United States.
Don't be fooled, the U.S. layout in the Middle East is perfect, and Israel wins or loses, it is a winner

While this strategy may benefit the United States in the short term, it may damage America's credibility and moral standing in the international community in the long run.

Future outlook: Potential risks and opportunities for U.S. strategies

The U.S. strategy in the Middle East, whether Israel ultimately wins or loses, seems to be in the interest of the United States. However, behind this "win-win" strategy, there are huge risks.

In an optimistic scenario, the United States may succeed in consolidating its dominance in the Middle East while easing domestic economic pressures. But in a pessimistic scenario, such a strategy could trigger a larger regional conflict, damage the international image of the United States, and even lead to a significant decline in American influence in the Middle East.

Don't be fooled, the U.S. layout in the Middle East is perfect, and Israel wins or loses, it is a winner

For China, U.S. strategy in the Middle East is both a challenge and an opportunity. On the one hand, China needs to be wary of the possibility that the United States may use the situation in the Middle East to contain China's Belt and Road Initiative. On the other hand, China can also take this opportunity to increase its influence in the Middle East through peaceful diplomacy and economic cooperation.

Netizens are hotly discussed: the US Middle East policy from multiple perspectives

The discussion about U.S. policy in the Middle East quickly sparked heated discussions online. Netizens expressed their opinions from different angles:

"The United States is playing this trick really well, ostensibly supporting Israel, but in fact it is digging a hole for it. Isn't this 'selling teammates'? "
Don't be fooled, the U.S. layout in the Middle East is perfect, and Israel wins or loses, it is a winner
"I think the United States is playing with fire and setting itself on fire. The Middle East is so complex that you think you can control the situation, and you can end up making even more trouble. "
"From an economic point of view, the U.S. is quite clever in this move. Using geopolitics to solve one's own economic problems can be said to kill two birds with one stone. "
"I think the U.S. is walking a tightrope. In case Israel is really in trouble, will the United States be able to keep it? At that time, not only will the Middle East allies be shaken, but even the European side may lose confidence in the United States. "
Don't be fooled, the U.S. layout in the Middle East is perfect, and Israel wins or loses, it is a winner
"Don't forget, there's oil in that. The United States' control of the Middle East is tantamount to choking the lifeblood of global energy. That's what they're aiming for, right? "

These comments reflect the public's diverse understanding of U.S. policy in the Middle East, as well as the complex and controversial nature of the issue.

Conclusion: Deep Thinking in the International Landscape

The layout of the United States in the Middle East is undoubtedly a complicated strategic game. On the surface, the United States seems to have the upper hand at every move, but behind this seemingly perfect strategy, there may be deeper risks.

Don't be fooled, the U.S. layout in the Middle East is perfect, and Israel wins or loses, it is a winner

We need to recognize that in today's complex international landscape, no major power can act in isolation. The U.S. Middle East policy is not only affecting the regional situation, but also profoundly changing the global geopolitical landscape.

As the world's second largest economy and a responsible major country, China needs to pay close attention to the development of this situation, and make due contributions to regional peace and development while safeguarding its own interests.

Finally, we can't help but ask: how should countries balance their own interests and regional stability in this complex international game? Will U.S. Middle East policy really be able to achieve its strategic goals? These questions deserve deep thought by each of us.

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