
Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

author:Langzhong's materia medica

When it comes to singers, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind should be Li Guyi and others, especially "Unforgettable Tonight" sung by Li Guyi, which can be described as a melody that people all over the country are familiar with.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

However, what we want to talk about today is not Li Guyi, but Ha Hui, who is known as the "little diva of folk songs".

Seeing this name now, everyone may be a little unfamiliar, but when it comes to her husband, Yang Liu, everyone should be very familiar.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

You must know that Yang Liu is not only the host of CCTV, but also nicknamed "a suave talent" by everyone.

Since Ha Hui and him got married, the marital status of the two has attracted more and more attention, and everyone wants to know how long Yang Liu's third marriage can go, so what is happening to the two now?

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?
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"Folk Song Little Diva"

Ha Hui is an authentic Shaanxi girl, because she was born in a Kochi family and has a good family atmosphere, so Ha Hui has received a good education since she was a child.

Under the influence of his family, Ha Hui began to come into contact with traditional culture and developed a strong interest in traditional culture. In order to better understand Chinese culture, Ha Hui put all his energy into his studies until he was admitted to the music department of the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

After starting to study music, Ha Hui resolutely embarked on the road of music, and she herself seemed to be born to eat music.

After seeing that Ha Hui was getting better and better on the music road, his family supported Ha Hui to continue his studies, so Ha Hui was admitted to the Art Troupe of the Political Department of the Air Force with his own efforts.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

You must know that at that time, there were very few people who could be admitted to the art troupe, and Ha Hui was one of them, which made everyone more sure of Ha Hui's musical talent.

Ha Hui also did not live up to everyone's expectations, her figure and singing voice not only appeared on various important occasions, but also successfully walked to CCTV.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

After the motherland's successful bid for the Olympic Games, Ha Hui showed her singing voice at the celebration dinner, and her song "Singing the Motherland" was sought after by countless audiences.

After this public appearance, the audience firmly remembered the name Ha Hui, because she was born in Shaanxi, and Shaanxi is rich in folk songs, so Ha Hui is aptly called "the little diva of folk songs" by the audience.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

When you are confused, you meet love

After gaining a loyal audience, everyone thought that Ha Hui would go further and further on the road of music, but what no one expected was that Ha Hui actually chose to give up music and go to business.

Faced with Ha Hui's choice, the family said that they didn't understand, their daughter has made such great achievements on the road of music, why don't they continue to persevere? Could it be that she was also blinded by money?

In fact, Ha Hui was not blinded by money, but wanted to use money to make up for the pain when he was a child.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

Although Ha Hui was born in a Kochi family and his parents were intellectuals, they simply did not have time to take care of Xiao Ha Hui because his parents were too busy.

Every time they prepare something for their daughter, the parents are always careless, they always feel that the child can be fed and does not need to be so careful.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

But it is precisely because of this "free-range" of his parents that most of Ha Hui's clothes are black and gray. While other little girls wore beautiful dresses, Ha Hui wore dirt-resistant clothes.

After a long time, some children began to laugh at Ha Hui, and even said that Ha Hui was not like a girl.

Affected by these events, Ha Hui grew up to pay special attention to her image, even if she had already achieved some achievements in music, she still felt that she was not good enough.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

It is precisely because of this that Ha Hui wants to make up for himself with money, so that others will not laugh at him. But what Ha Hui didn't expect was that this kind of thought would make him give up his music dream.

At this time, Ha Hui met Yang Liu under the introduction of a friend, because Ha Hui had appeared on the stage of CCTV, and some media had also promoted Ha Hui, so Yang Liu had an impression of Ha Hui.

It's just that what the two didn't expect was that this acquaintance made a marriage.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

Brave Bride Three Marriages

When Ha Hui met Yang Liu, her attitude towards life had just changed, and she felt that she no longer needed to prove it with external substances.

So as soon as the two came into contact, Yang Liu was attracted to this "simple" girl, and he felt that this girl had a very special temperament.

However, at this time, Yang Liu did not expect that he would marry Ha Hui as his wife, after all, he had already had two marriages.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

In these two marriages, Yang Liu did not feel the happiness of the family, but felt deeply tired, which made Yang Liu no longer have hope for the family.

But because Yang Liuyang is the host, there are still many girls around him, and his parents also hope that he will start a married life again.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

After contacting Ha Hui, Yang Liu felt that his heart was active again, although the identity of the third marriage made him controversial, but Yang Liu still decided to bravely pursue the love he wanted.

After hearing Yang Liu's sudden confession, Ha Hui was stunned, she didn't expect Yang Liu to pursue her at all, let alone that he would confess in a straight way.

Although this incident surprised Ha Hui, because the two had many common interests and hobbies, and both of them were interested in Chinese culture, Ha Hui decided to accept Yang Liu.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

After this incident was exposed, most people were opposed, especially fans who liked Ha Hui, but they all said that Ha Hui should not marry Yang Liu.

You must know that at that time, Yang Liu was the identity of the third marriage, and Ha Hui had a better choice. If you marry Yang Liu like this, it will be too much of a loss.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

In the face of these doubts from the outside world, Ha Hui did not waver, because she knew that what the outside world saw was the surface of Yang Liu, and she knew very well in her heart whether this man was worth it or not.

In this way, Ha Hui and Yang Liu entered the marriage hall, and her married life also proved that her original choice was not wrong.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

Although Yang Liu has experienced two marriages, he has not completely lost his trust in marriage, especially after marrying Ha Hui, he has been working hard to manage the marriage between the two.

After having a son and a daughter, Yang Liu put most of her energy on her wife and children, which attracted the envy of many people, everyone said that Ha Hui really married right, and she was glad that she did not listen to the doubts of the outside world at that time.

This is also something that Ha Hui herself is happy about, since the two got married, she really felt the happiness of marriage.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

Although today's Ha Hui has given up part of her career for her children, Yang Liu did not let her lose in this marriage, but used love and care to make Ha Hui a real winner in life.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?

And it is worth mentioning that Yang Liu has always supported Ha Hui to develop her career, and she is now just postponing her career for the sake of her children.

When the children are older, the two may have to walk side by side, and at that time everyone will understand the meaning of Ha Hui marrying Yang Liu.

Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?


We can't define a marriage by taking it at face value, because the marriage between Ha Hui and Yang Liu has proven it to us.

Although many people did not support them at the time, we are still envious of the current situation of the two, after all, Ha Hui has really achieved a double harvest of love and career.


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Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?
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Famous singer Ha Hui: Not afraid of rumors about marrying a third husband, and having a son and a daughter after marriage, what is happening now?