
"Tiger poison does not eat children" was subverted? Daughter has become a "thorn in the eye"? What is the bottom line of human nature?

author:Starfire Life

As the old saying goes, "a tiger poison does not eat its children", this sentence popularly depicts that even if a tiger is regarded as a fierce and cruel representative in nature, it will not harm its cubs, as a metaphor for the most basic family affection and ethics in the world. However, even what animals can do, some people can't do.

Gan Yang (pseudonym) and Zeng Fengchun (pseudonym) lived in the same village since childhood, and later under the introduction of the villagers, the two knew each other, fell in love, and entered the palace of marriage together.

"Tiger poison does not eat children" was subverted? Daughter has become a "thorn in the eye"? What is the bottom line of human nature?

After getting married, Zeng Fengchun soon became pregnant, and Gan Yang took care of her in every way. Under Gan Yang's careful care, Zeng Fengchun gave birth to a lovely daughter.

Gan Yang regarded his daughter as the pearl of his palm, and named her - Pearl, hoping that she would be bright and bright in the future.

Although the family is not wealthy, Ganyan will give the best everything to his daughter and wife.

I thought that I could live happily like this, but it often backfired.

"Tiger poison does not eat children" was subverted? Daughter has become a "thorn in the eye"? What is the bottom line of human nature?

"Why did you come back so late, and there is no wife like me in your eyes?"

"I told you, now Pearl wants to drink milk powder, which requires a lot of money, and I can only work overtime, so I came back late."

"Don't talk about your daughter, I don't believe at all, you can work overtime until 12 o'clock at night."

In such an environment, Zeng Fengchun became more and more suspicious, and his temper became more and more irritable.

In the end, the two chose to divorce.

After the divorce, Zeng Fengchun left alone, leaving the pearl to Gan Yang.

Although his wife is gone, the days will go on, and the pearl will gradually grow up under Ganyang's care.

In order to make up for his daughter's loss of maternal love, Gan Yang worked harder, and at the same time devoted more time and energy to accompanying his daughter's growth.

"Tiger poison does not eat children" was subverted? Daughter has become a "thorn in the eye"? What is the bottom line of human nature?

He taught Pearl to read and write, played games with her, and taught her the principles of being a human being, which filled her childhood with warmth and happiness.

When Pearl was 7 years old, the two chose to remarry under the persuasion of their parents. Faced with her mother, who suddenly returned to the family, Pearl didn't know how to deal with it for a while, she was already used to living with her father.

In order to give his wife and daughter a better life, Gan Yang chose to go out to work. Ganyan would not have thought about what kind of life Pearl would live in the future because of this choice.

After Gan Yang went out, Zeng Fengchun revealed her true face, and in her eyes, it was precisely because of the appearance of her daughter that she divorced.

She thought of various ways to abuse Pearl, such as: making Pearl stand in ice water and scrub her body on a cold day; do not buy winter clothes for pearls; Wear only some tattered and thin coats for Pearl; Let Pearl go to sleep on the roof at night. Even, sometimes the pearl is not cooked, and the pearl eats its own excrement.

Seven-year-old Pearl couldn't figure out why her mother was doing this to her.

"Tiger poison does not eat children" was subverted? Daughter has become a "thorn in the eye"? What is the bottom line of human nature?

During this period, Gan Yang would also talk to Pearl on the phone, and in front of the camera, Zeng Fengchun was very kind to Pearl.

Gan Yang would not have imagined that the daughter, who is regarded as a "pearl", is suffering from the inhuman torture of her biological mother.

One day, when Gan Yang was at work, he received a call from Zeng Fengchun, asking him to buy a ticket to go home quickly, and Pearl was sick.

When Gan Yang heard that his daughter was sick, he hurried back to his hometown and rushed to the hospital. The doctor told Ganyan that Pearl was in a bad condition and needed to have her leg amputated, and advised Ganyan to call the police.

When the police came, Gan Yang understood why the doctor asked him to call the police, and how much his daughter's biological mother had done to hurt her daughter in his absence.

Gan Yang hugged the pearl and cried bitterly.

"Tiger poison does not eat children" was subverted? Daughter has become a "thorn in the eye"? What is the bottom line of human nature?

Zeng Fengchun was arrested by the police in accordance with the law. According to article 260 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China: Whoever abuses a family member, and the circumstances are heinous, is to be sentenced to up to two years imprisonment, short-term detention or controlled release. Where the crime in the preceding paragraph is committed, causing serious injury or death to the victim, a sentence of between two and seven years imprisonment is to be given.

After trial, the court sentenced Zeng Fenghua to six years and nine months in prison.

In this harrowing story, we see the dark side of human nature, but we also feel the power of family affection and the justice of the law.

Zeng Fengchun's behavior is undoubtedly a serious challenge to the bottom line of human nature, and her cruel behavior not only hurts innocent children, but also violates the most basic ethics and morals of society.

It is tragedies like this that underscore the importance of protecting family members, especially children, from abuse.

"Tiger poison does not eat children" was subverted? Daughter has become a "thorn in the eye"? What is the bottom line of human nature?

Although Pearl suffered unimaginable suffering, she was also lucky. Because she has a father who loves her deeply, Gan Yang, who will do whatever it takes to care for and save her with all his might.

Ganyang's persistence and love are the warmest light in Pearl's life, and they are also the source of strength for her to get out of the haze and regain hope in life.

This story also reminds us that everyone in society has a responsibility to protect children.

The timely intervention of doctors, police, and the legal system not only saved Pearl from being harmed again, but also allowed the perpetrators to receive the punishment they deserved.

This reflects the power of social justice and tells us that in the face of domestic violence, silence is not an option, and that only by standing up and seeking help can we protect ourselves and our families.

Although the story of pearls is sad, it can also be a turning point that inspires more love and action in the society, ensuring that every child can grow up healthy in a loving and safe environment.

Hopefully, Pearl's future will be full of sunshine, and her story will inspire more people to become strong supporters to protect children's rights.

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional, and it is purely coincidental if there is any similarity. The illustrations in the article are from Visual China and have been licensed.