
The husband and wife divorced, and made a big fuss in the court in order to take the child's 260,000 New Year's money, and the final verdict surprised the two

author:Sharp-eyed life

During the Chinese New Year, the happiest people are the children, who can not only wear beautiful clothes, but also get New Year's money. Generally, when children are still young, they will give the New Year's money to their parents to keep, but does this mean that the New Year's money really belongs to the parents?

If the parents divorce, how exactly should the money be distributed?

The husband and wife divorced, and made a big fuss in the court in order to take the child's 260,000 New Year's money, and the final verdict surprised the two

Yang Fang (pseudonym) and Li Yan (pseudonym) turned against each other in order to snatch 260,000 yuan of New Year's money from their two children, completely ignoring the relationship between husband and wife in the past.

In 2006, Li Yan and Yang Fang met at a friend's wedding, because someone matched them, coupled with similar personalities, they were very satisfied with each other's families, and soon, Li Yan and Yang Fang became husband and wife and registered their marriage.

In the next 6 years, Yang Fang gave birth to her eldest son Li Xiaohua (pseudonym) and second son Li Yiming (pseudonym). The two children are smart and cute, and the family of four envy others. Because he has a wife and a son, Li Yan is very content, and he works hard to make money.

The husband and wife divorced, and made a big fuss in the court in order to take the child's 260,000 New Year's money, and the final verdict surprised the two

But as the children grow up, they always have disagreements about education and the living arrangements after the children, frequent quarrels and cold wars, and the relationship between husband and wife is not as good as usual, and they are completely troubled by the trivial things in life.

In 2018, the two began to quarrel again because of their children and trivial matters in life, Yang Fang was so angry that she left home directly with her two sons, leaving this sentence and turning away: "In the future, you can live by yourself, I will take my son and not bother you!" ”

The husband and wife divorced, and made a big fuss in the court in order to take the child's 260,000 New Year's money, and the final verdict surprised the two

Li Yan seems to be happy to be idle, and refuses to bow his head and admit his mistakes and take his daughter-in-law home as before, so Yang Fang has been living with her children in her parents' house.

During this period, the couple hardly saw each other, Li Yan ignored the lives of the two sons, and the children were all taken care of by their mother.

In May and September of this year, the disheartened Yang Fang and Li Yan sued for divorce respectively, but they were both rejected.

After living separately for 2 years, Li Yan filed for divorce again, and also asked for an equal division of the joint property of the husband and wife, including the New Year's money received by the two sons during the Chinese New Year over the years, a total of 260,000 yuan.

The husband and wife divorced, and made a big fuss in the court in order to take the child's 260,000 New Year's money, and the final verdict surprised the two

When Yang Fang heard the news, she felt very ridiculous, and even wanted to divide the children's New Year's money, which made her completely lose any thoughts about this marriage, and she didn't want to compete with herself in this kind of family anymore, but she didn't want the other party to take away the children's money.

In this divorce case, the court held that Yang Fang and Li Yan had indeed lost their relationship as husband and wife, so they agreed to their divorce request, and the property of the husband and wife was divided equally between them.

But the 260,000 New Year's money that originally belonged to the children, even if it was saved in the names of the two, did not actually belong to the couple.

The husband and wife divorced, and made a big fuss in the court in order to take the child's 260,000 New Year's money, and the final verdict surprised the two

The deposit of 260,000 yuan is a property gift from the elders to the children, that is, the things of the two children, which do not belong to the husband and wife, and they are not eligible to share it. The court dismissed the claim.

This result completely made the couple dumbfounded, originally Yang Fang thought that her ex-husband was not qualified to take it, and naturally belonged to herself, after all, she had been taking care of the children since the separation for several years, but in the end, it was obvious that she was not qualified to distribute the money.

In fact, minors are protected in any way, even if Li Xiaohua and Li Yiming were still young and under the age of eight when they got the New Year's money, it could not change the result that the money belonged to them.

The husband and wife divorced, and made a big fuss in the court in order to take the child's 260,000 New Year's money, and the final verdict surprised the two

In any divorce case, the husband and wife cannot ask for the division of the property belonging to the children as guardians of the parents, but can only be said to manage it on their behalf.

Perhaps after the divorce, the two are most concerned about how to divide the money and the house, but in the eyes of the children, these are not important, what they want most is still for the family to live happily.

The status of money in marriage is undeniable, but when couples turn their faces against each other for money, it is the children who are hurt the most in the end.

The husband and wife divorced, and made a big fuss in the court in order to take the child's 260,000 New Year's money, and the final verdict surprised the two

Children often can't understand why their parents are separated, and they are confused and scared. Many children even mistakenly believe that their parents divorced because of themselves, resulting in self-blame and guilt, which is often not felt by parents.

Children need to grow up in a loving environment, not in an atmosphere full of quarrels and hatred. If parents fail to solve the problems in the family, or even take their feelings into account during the divorce process, it will only make the children feel more sad and worried.

Even if you decide to divorce in the end, you should leave a positive impression on your children. After the divorce, you can't say bad things about each other in front of your children, but you should respect and understand, so that they can feel that even if their parents are separated, their love for them has not changed, and it will not affect their desire and yearning for the family in their hearts.

Note: This story is purely fictional, to educate people with cases, if there are similarities, it is purely coincidental; All images in this article are licensed by Visual China.