
Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

author:Jia Jia Literature Hall
Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life
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Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

In the dazzling entertainment industry, there is such a 49-year-old actor, who has spent 24 years working silently on the stage of supporting roles, but has won the hearts of countless audiences.

He is Zu Feng, with works such as "No War in Peking", "Ode to Joy" and "Mountains and Seas", he has become a well-deserved "gold medal supporting actor" in the eyes of the audience. However, what is less known is that this low-key and powerful actor was once an ordinary car mechanic.

What kind of experience made Zufeng what it is today? Why does he keep a low profile, away from the glitz and bustle? Let's uncover Zu Feng's life story and explore his unique growth trajectory.

Zu Feng's childhood was not all smooth sailing. Although he was born in a dual-income family and his material conditions are quite superior, his parents are busy with work and have limited time to accompany him.

Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

As a young man, Zu Feng devoted most of his free time to television and developed a strong interest in acting. He knows the plot and lines in the TV series inside out, and can even vividly imitate the characters in the play.

However, the parents were quite unhappy with their son's addiction to television. Once, Zu Feng forgot to do his homework because he was watching TV, and was severely reprimanded by his father. The father's angry questioning voice was like a heavy hammer, shattering the dream of being an actor in Zu Feng's heart.

Since then, he has moved away from television, determined to study hard and want to take control of his life.

It's a pity that the time to wake up was too late, and Zu Feng, who failed the college entrance examination, could only choose a technical school. After graduating, he went to his mother's factory and worked as an ordinary car mechanic.

Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

The boring work day after day made Zu Feng's heart gradually become numb.

However, a twist of fate came quietly at a gathering of friends. Listening to his peers share the colorful college life, the spark in Zu Feng's heart was ignited again.

He suddenly realized that life is short, youth is fleeting, and he can't let his life leave regrets.

With his yearning for Beijing Film Academy, Zu Feng began the arduous road of preparing for the exam. However, his first attempt ended in failure due to a lack of acting foundation.

Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

In the face of his father's reproach and doubts from the outside world, Zu Feng did not give up. He firmly believes that as long as he works hard, he will eventually achieve his dreams.

After three arduous attempts, Zu Feng finally received an admission letter from Beijing Film Academy. At this moment, the former auto mechanic finally embarked on the road of acting and opened a new chapter in his life.

From a technical school graduate to a student of Beiying, Zu Feng used his own experience to interpret the sentence "As long as you have a dream in your heart and make unremitting efforts for it, you will definitely be able to achieve it".

Zu Feng's story tells us that the road of life is not always smooth, but as long as we maintain our love and persist in pursuing, we can find our own bright future.

Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

From a teenager who is obsessed with TV, to a technical school student who is hit by reality, to a dreamer who regains his dreams, every step is full of hardships and challenges. However, it is these setbacks and persistence that have created the low-key and powerful actor Zu Feng that we know today.

His experience has taught us that no matter how old or young we are, no matter what situation we find ourselves in, as long as we dare to face our heart's desires and have the courage to work hard for our dreams, we can always find our way to our ideals.

Zu Feng's story is not only the growth history of an actor, but also an inspiring epic of struggle.

After stepping into the door of Beijing Film Academy, Zu Feng did not immediately devote himself to the showbiz. In 2000, at the age of 26, he made a surprising choice to stay on as a teacher at the Beijing Film Academy.

Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

This decision stems from his clear understanding of his own abilities, and he hopes to hone his acting skills through teaching, so as to fully prepare for his future acting career.

During his six-year career as a teacher, Zu Feng did not completely abandon his pursuit of acting. He is still involved in the filming of a number of film and television productions, which he sees as a valuable opportunity to gain experience.

However, as time went on, Zu Feng gradually realized that it was unfair to the students to juggle teaching and acting at the same time, and he had to make a difficult choice.

In 2006, after careful consideration, Zu Feng made a decision that changed the trajectory of his life - to resign from his teaching position and devote himself to his career as an actor. This decision was not a spur of the moment, but the result of careful consideration for his future.

Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

In order to better equip himself and meet the challenges of the entertainment industry, Zu Feng chose to go overseas to study for a master's degree in acting.

During this period, Zu Feng was not in a hurry to take on the play, but devoted himself to studying acting skills. He firmly believes that only with solid basic skills can he be comfortable on the road of acting in the future.

This precipitation and accumulation laid a solid foundation for his future acting career.

Zu Feng's choice tells us that success often requires courage and determination. He gave up his stable teaching position and chose an acting path full of unknowns. Although this decision was full of risks, it also opened a new door to his life.

Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

In this process, we can see Zu Feng's strict requirements for himself and his persistent pursuit of art. He is not satisfied with the comfortable life of a teacher, but chooses to take on greater challenges.

This spirit of pursuing excellence is the key to his ability to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

Zu Feng's story reminds us that sometimes, in order to follow our inner calling, we need to have the courage to step out of our comfort zone and embrace unknown challenges. Only in this way can we truly realize ourselves and find the direction of life.

From teachers to students, to full-time actors, Zu Feng's every choice is full of thinking about the future and sticking to his dreams. This spirit of continuous self-breakthrough is exactly what we need to learn on the road of pursuing our dreams.

Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

In 2008, Zu Feng ushered in an important turning point in his career. In the TV series "Latent", he successfully created the role of spy Li Xuan, making the audience remember this sinister and cunning image.

Although he was not the protagonist, Zu Feng's performance left a deep impression on the audience. The success of this work opened the door to the showbiz for Zu Feng, and invitations poured in.

However, after becoming famous, Zu Feng was not dominated by vanity. He has always kept a low profile and focused on improving his acting skills. In Zu Feng's view, there is no difference between big and small roles for actors, and every role is worth interpreting with heart.

This professional attitude has earned him a reputation as a "gold supporting actor" in the industry.

Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

Zu Feng's success is no accident. His persistent pursuit of performing arts, as well as his efforts to continuously improve himself, are the key to his ability to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

Whether it is Director Tan in "No War in Peking" or Bao Yifan in "Ode to Joy", Zu Feng can always interpret the role well and move the audience.

In this entertainment industry full of impetuousness and temptation, Zu Feng has always maintained a clear head. He never participates in any gossip and hype, but speaks with his own strength and works.

This low-key and focused attitude makes Zu Feng unique in the entertainment industry.

Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

Zufeng's growth process tells us that success does not lie in temporary popularity, but in continuous accumulation and progress. He used his actions to interpret what a real actor is and what is the persistent pursuit of art.

In this era of quick success, Zu Feng's persistence has undoubtedly taught us a vivid life lesson.

It is worth mentioning that Zu Feng has devoted all his efforts to each character, regardless of size. He believes that there are no small roles in the play, only small actors. This professional attitude allows him to impress the audience in every work.

From the supporting role in "Latent" to the important role in "Mountains and Seas", every performance of Zu Feng is a transcendence of himself.

Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

In the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, Zu Feng has always maintained his original intention. He does not pursue popularity, does not hype up scandals, but puts all his energy into character building.

This pure pursuit of art has allowed Zu Feng to establish a unique image in the hearts of the audience.

Zufeng's growth path tells us that true success requires time accumulation and continuous hard work. From an obscure supporting actor to an acclaimed and powerful actor, he has taken every step of the way steadily and firmly.

This attitude of not being impatient and focusing on self-improvement is worth learning from everyone who pursues their dreams.

Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

In this fast-paced era, Zu Feng interprets what real success is in his own way. He tells us that success is not an external aura, but an inner satisfaction; Not a momentary glory, but continuous progress.

The story of Zu Feng has undoubtedly brought inspiration and strength to those who feel lost on the road to chasing their dreams.

While his career is thriving, Zu Feng's private life also maintains a low-key attitude. In 2004, 26-year-old Zu Feng met fellow actor Liu Tianchi at an academic exchange meeting.

The two complement each other's personalities, hit it off at first sight, and soon fall in love.

Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

Although the outside world is not very optimistic about this relationship, they think that Liu Tianchi, who is a "Mou girl", has a bright future, and Zu Feng was still unknown at that time. However, the artistic resonance put the relationship between the two to the test.

In 2010, after six years of love, Zu Feng and Liu Tianchi entered the marriage hall hand in hand.

After marriage, Zu Feng and Liu Tianchi still maintain a low-key lifestyle and have never had any negative news. Although they have no children because of their busy careers, this has not affected the relationship between the two at all.

They supported each other, pursued their artistic ideals together, and became a model couple in the entertainment industry.

Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

Zu Feng's married life shows his wisdom in finding a balance between career and family. He and Liu Tianchi are both actors, and they understand each other's work pressure and artistic pursuits.

This mutual understanding and support has deepened their relationship.

In this entertainment industry full of temptation, the marriage between Zu Feng and Liu Tianchi is like a clear stream. They have proved with practical actions that even in the spotlight, they can keep their hearts and manage a happy marriage.

Zu Feng's private life tells us that career and family can be taken into account, and the key is to understand and support each other.

Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

After 20 years in the entertainment industry, the 49-year-old Zu Feng did not stop at the status quo. He began to try his hand at directing, opening up a new path for his artistic career.

This change was not sudden, but the result of Zu Feng's years of in-depth thinking about the performing arts.

As a director, Zu Feng still maintains his dedication and rigor in art. He brings his acting experience and insight into human nature over the years into his directing work, striving to present more profound and authentic works.

This kind of cross-border attempt shows Zu Feng's enthusiasm for all-round exploration of art.

Zu Feng, a 49-year-old "low-key addiction", has embarked on another road in life

Zu Feng's story tells us that there is no end to life, only a new beginning. Even though he has made good achievements on the road of actor, he still maintains his love and pursuit of art.

This spirit of constantly breaking through oneself and challenging new fields is the key to Zu Feng's longevity in the entertainment industry.

On the new journey of directing, Zu Feng continued his usual low-key style. He is not in a hurry to pursue commercial success, but instead focuses on artistic expression and creative quality. This attitude also reflects his pure pursuit of art.

Zu Feng proved with his own actions that at the age of 49, he has embarked on another road in life, and this road is also full of challenges and opportunities. His story reminds us that no matter how old we are, we can all start a new chapter in our lives if we maintain our love and pursuit of art.

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