
Wei Shao was completely panicked! Harden renews his contract with 7000w, George's maximum salary renews with 76ers, and the Clippers announced their dissolution

author:Wisboo knows the ball


This year, the Clippers definitely have the strength to reach the Western Conference finals. With a 51-31 record in the regular season, it ranks fourth in the West. In the six games against the Mavericks in the first round of the playoffs, core player Leonard missed four games and played two games with injuries. In the end, the Clippers were eliminated 2-4, and after the game, Yang Yi of the United States bluntly said that Leonard is definitely the worst superstar in history!

Wei Shao was completely panicked! Harden renews his contract with 7000w, George's maximum salary renews with 76ers, and the Clippers announced their dissolution
Wei Shao was completely panicked! Harden renews his contract with 7000w, George's maximum salary renews with 76ers, and the Clippers announced their dissolution

Kawhi Leonard averaged 32.5 points, 9.1 rebounds, 4.9 assists and 2.6 steals in 13 playoff games against the Mavericks in the 19-20 and 20-21 seasons. He shot 57.9 percent from the field and 36.8 percent from three-point range...... 值得‬一提‬的是‬:本轮系列赛,伦纳德场均仅能得到12分8篮板。


2020: The 3-1 lead in the second round was reversed by the Nuggets


2022: Eliminated by the Pelicans in the play-offs

2023: Eliminated by the Suns 1-4 in the first round

2024: Eliminated by the Mavericks 2-4 in the first round

Wei Shao was completely panicked! Harden renews his contract with 7000w, George's maximum salary renews with 76ers, and the Clippers announced their dissolution


常规赛威少‬出战68场,场均得到11.1分5.0篮板4.5助攻,投篮命中率45.4%。 季后赛威少‬出战6场,场均仅得到6.3分4.2篮板1.7助攻,投篮命中率26%。 曾经‬的历史‬三双‬王‬,mvp,75大‬球星‬,威少‬令人‬唏嘘‬。 没办法‬,油箱‬里的油‬已经‬见底‬,即使是‬底薪‬威少‬也没有‬多少‬球队‬愿意‬报价‬,并且‬Shams表示‬:

Wei Shao was completely panicked! Harden renews his contract with 7000w, George's maximum salary renews with 76ers, and the Clippers announced their dissolution


今天‬这个‬重磅‬消息‬还是‬来了‬,76人给乔治提供4年2.12亿美元的合同,目前‬已经‬达成‬签约‬。 当‬乔治38岁时,他会在76人拿到5660万美元的薪水。 The Clippers were never willing to offer such a contract at his age. George played five seasons with the Clippers. 恭喜‬乔治如愿‬拿到‬生涯‬最后‬一份‬大合同‬! 同时‬与‬恩比德‬、马克西‬组成‬豪华‬三巨头‬阵容‬! 说实话‬,乔治‬虽然‬合同大‬,很有‬可能‬成为‬垃圾‬合同‬,但‬毕竟‬他‬目前‬能力‬还是有的‬,而且‬76人‬也‬是‬白嫖‬到手‬,没‬花‬一个‬首轮‬签‬。

Wei Shao was completely panicked! Harden renews his contract with 7000w, George's maximum salary renews with 76ers, and the Clippers announced their dissolution


小德里克-琼斯签约快船,取代‬保罗乔治‬! A three-year, $30 million contract with the Los Angeles Clippers is planned. 这笔‬交易‬还是‬比较‬理性‬的,快船‬就缺‬这样‬能‬干‬脏活‬,能‬防守‬的球员‬,小琼斯在今年季后赛首轮曾有171个回合防守持球的保罗-乔治,只让他进了10个球。 他‬的‬表现‬都是‬有目共睹‬的,打的‬确实‬好‬。

Wei Shao was completely panicked! Harden renews his contract with 7000w, George's maximum salary renews with 76ers, and the Clippers announced their dissolution

不得‬不承认‬快船‬真的是劳改大队呀! 今天快船还与‬小凯文-波特签下‬一份‬两年‬的合同‬,此前‬小‬波特‬因涉嫌在酒店中袭击其女友,被警方逮捕。 On October 18, 2023, the Rockets sent Kevin Porter Jr. to the Thunder, who subsequently cut him. Kevin Porter Jr. played in 196 NBA games in his career, averaging 15.3 points, 4.3 rebounds and 5.0 assists per game.

Wei Shao was completely panicked! Harden renews his contract with 7000w, George's maximum salary renews with 76ers, and the Clippers announced their dissolution

Harden signed a two-year, $70 million contract extension with the Clippers. It is reported that this contract is a player option for the second year and is a fully guaranteed contract. This season, when Harden reached a contract extension with the Clippers, there were not many opportunities left for James to take a pay cut [cover face] [cover face]

Wei Shao was completely panicked! Harden renews his contract with 7000w, George's maximum salary renews with 76ers, and the Clippers announced their dissolution

詹姆斯已经跳出了他与洛杉矶湖人队下赛季价值5140万美元的合同的最后一年,现在他将寻求与湖人‬达成一份新合同。 詹姆斯愿意和湖人签下一份低于3年1.62亿美元顶薪金额的合同,降薪‬1600万‬左右‬,都在‬签约‬与‬即将‬签约‬的状态‬中‬,湖人‬现在‬唯一‬的目标就是‬克莱‬汤普森‬,如果‬最终‬克莱‬也‬不和湖人‬签约‬的话‬,那么‬詹姆斯‬将‬继续‬执行‬顶薪‬!

Wei Shao was completely panicked! Harden renews his contract with 7000w, George's maximum salary renews with 76ers, and the Clippers announced their dissolution

In addition, Plumlee joined the Suns [covering his face] [covering his face], the Suns are blessed, Plumlee is an extremely smart player, and a bit of a strategy, extremely fond of carrying and back dunks, and being taken off the head to rebound... [laughs]