
How strong is a 400w vacuum cleaner? How big is the suction?

author:Fusheng Encyclopedia

The 400W vacuum cleaner is a common household appliance that is loved by many families for its powerful suction power and practical functions.

This article will give you a detailed description of the performance of the 400W vacuum cleaner and how much suction power it really has.

First, the working principle of the 400W vacuum cleaner

The working principle of the 400W vacuum cleaner is mainly to generate negative pressure through the motor, so that the air passes through the vacuum cleaner quickly, thus generating suction.

Specifically, when the motor rotates, the fan blades turn rapidly, causing air to flow.

During the flow process, fine particles such as dust and paper scraps in the air are sucked into the vacuum cleaner and stored in a dust cup or dust bag.

The motor of the 400W vacuum cleaner is more powerful, so the suction power is also relatively strong.

How strong is a 400w vacuum cleaner? How big is the suction?

Second, the suction power of the 400W vacuum cleaner

The suction power of a 400W vacuum cleaner is related to factors such as motor power, air duct design, and nozzle type.

Generally speaking, the higher the power, the stronger the suction.

The motor power of the 400W vacuum cleaner is moderate and the suction power is relatively strong, which can easily cope with the daily cleaning needs of the family, such as sucking up dust and debris from the floor, carpet, sofa and other parts.

In order to understand the suction power of the 400W vacuum cleaner more intuitively, we can refer to some experimental data.

In the experiment, the 400W vacuum cleaner can suck up objects of a certain weight, such as coins, screws, etc., in a short time.

At the same time, it can also effectively remove dust and stains from floor crevices and deep carpets.

How strong is a 400w vacuum cleaner? How big is the suction?

3. Advantages and disadvantages of 400W vacuum cleaners


1. Strong suction: The 400W vacuum cleaner has strong suction, which can meet the daily cleaning needs of the family.

2. Rich functions: 400W vacuum cleaners are usually equipped with a variety of suction nozzles, such as floor suction nozzles, crevice suction nozzles, hair brushes, etc., which can cope with the cleaning needs of different scenes.

3. Easy to operate: The 400W vacuum cleaner is moderate in size, light in weight, easy to operate, and suitable for home use.

4. Moderate noise: Compared with high-power vacuum cleaners, the noise of 400W vacuum cleaners is relatively small, and it will not affect the rest of family members during use.


1. Limited suction power: Compared with higher-power vacuum cleaners, the suction power of 400W vacuum cleaners still has room for improvement, and may not be able to cope with heavily polluted cleaning scenarios.

2. Limited capacity: The 400W vacuum cleaner has a limited capacity of dust cup or dust bag, which needs to be cleaned regularly.

3. Battery life: Some wireless 400W vacuum cleaners have a short battery life and may not be able to complete large-scale cleaning at one time.

How strong is a 400w vacuum cleaner? How big is the suction?

Fourth, summary

With its moderate power, strong suction power and practical functions, the 400W vacuum cleaner has a high cost performance in the field of household cleaning.

Although the suction power is limited, it is enough to cope with the daily cleaning needs of the home.

When choosing a 400W vacuum cleaner, consumers can choose the right brand and model according to their actual needs and budget.

During use, pay attention to cleaning the dust cup or dust bag regularly to maintain the suction power of the vacuum cleaner.

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