
Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak

Copywriting|Entertainment and entertainment


Behind the prosperity of the entertainment industry, there are often intricate interest relationships and subtle interpersonal changes.

Today, let's talk about several recent high-profile entertainment news, which revolve around several well-known figures in the entertainment industry and show the warmth and coldness of Vanity Fair.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak

Let's go back to the live broadcast that sparked a lot of buzz.

On the same day, the live broadcast room of the well-known Internet celebrity Simba was very lively, and many fans and viewers gathered together to witness this unusual live broadcast.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak

And the special feature of this live broadcast is the unexpected appearance of Angelababy (referred to as Baby).

As a popular actress in the entertainment industry, Baby's arrival undoubtedly added a lot of highlights to this live broadcast.

In the live broadcast, in order to liven up the atmosphere, Baby called on colleagues to call Simba "Mr. Xin".

This move may seem like a simple interaction to ordinary people, but on this special occasion in the entertainment industry, it is particularly sensitive.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak

After all, although influencers and celebrities are inextricably linked, there are also insurmountable boundaries.

Baby's move seems to be courting the Internet celebrity Simba and trying to shorten the distance between them.

Simba's response surprised everyone.

He directly responded to Baby's call with the word "roll", and his tone was cold and decisive.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak

This scene shocked everyone present, and also made the atmosphere in the live broadcast room drop to freezing point in an instant.

In the face of Simba's indifferent response, Baby still maintains a low-brow and pleasing attitude, trying to please Simba.

This obvious status gap and trampling on dignity have made netizens talk about it.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak

Some netizens said: "Now Internet celebrities make more money than celebrities, and they really look down on celebrities." Although this sentence is a bit extreme, it also speaks to a reality in the entertainment industry.

In this profit-oriented circle, whoever can bring more traffic and attention will be able to get more resources and opportunities.

As an emerging force that has risen in recent years, Internet celebrities are gradually eating away at the market share of the traditional entertainment industry.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak

This change not only makes celebrities feel a lot of pressure, but also makes the pattern of the entire entertainment industry change profoundly.

With this, the relationship between Baby and Huang Xiaoming has always been a hot topic in the entertainment industry.

As a former husband and wife, the two were once a model couple in the entertainment industry.

With the passage of time and the development of their respective careers, the relationship between the two gradually drifted apart.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak

Just a few days ago, some netizens broke the news that the relationship between Baby and Huang Xiaoming broke the ice, and for the first time after the divorce, they took their son Little Sponge to Disney to play.

This news has made many netizens speculate that the two may get back together.

This speculation was quickly shattered by reality.

The sweet interaction between Huang Xiaoming and his girlfriend Ye Ke made netizens see the deep relationship between them.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak

And after Huang Xiaoming won the Golden Goblet Award for Best Actor, he was even more busy with work, and Ye Ke also frequently visited the class to support him.

This stable relationship allowed netizens to see Huang Xiaoming and Ye Ke's firm determination and happy life.

With this, the current situation of Baby seems a little bleak.

It is reported that she has not worked for 9 months, which undoubtedly reduces her status and influence in the entertainment industry.

In order to make ends meet and maintain popularity, Baby had to lower his profile and go to the live broadcast room of Internet celebrity Simba to seek opportunities.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak

What happened to her in the live broadcast made her feel lost and helpless.

During the livestream, Baby tries to interact with Simba and show her charm, but Simba's cold response makes her feel embarrassed and helpless.

She even said that she wanted to work in Simba's live broadcast room, but this request was also rejected by Simba.

This apparent gap in status and dignity left Baby feeling lost and frustrated.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak

This kind of encounter also gave netizens a deeper understanding of the interests of the entertainment industry.

In this circle, resources and opportunities are limited, and only those who can bring more traffic and attention can get more opportunities and resources.

And stars like Baby have to put down their bodies to seek opportunities and living space when they are faced with difficulties.

In addition, the plastic girlfriends in the entertainment industry are also a highlight.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak

The friendship between Baby and her good friend Yang Mi was once talked about by netizens, but with the passage of time and the development of their respective careers, the relationship between the two has gradually drifted apart.

Now, the two have lost contact, and this plastic girlfriend relationship has been completely unveiled.

In the bizarre world of the entertainment industry, fame and fortune are often accompanied by great pressure and challenges.

Baby's encounter is just the tip of the iceberg, it allows us to see the hardships and difficulties behind the glamour.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak

And Simba's indifferent response also makes us reflect on whether true respect and friendship still exist in this circle.

Even in such a competitive environment, there are still people who stick to their original intentions and strive to pursue their dreams.

They are not afraid of difficulties, do not compromise with reality, and have won the love and respect of the audience with their talents and efforts.

These people are the real stars in the entertainment industry, and they use their light to illuminate the way forward.

For Baby, although the current situation is a bit bleak, she has not given up.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak

She still sticks to her dreams and pursuits, and strives to find new opportunities and challenges.

We believe that in the near future, she will be able to regain her own light and stage.

And for us viewers, we should also learn to look at everything in the entertainment industry rationally.

Instead of blindly pursuing and worshipping idols, we should focus on their works and qualities.

We should also respect everyone's choices and efforts, and refrain from judging and attacking others lightly.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak

Only in this way can we create a healthy and positive entertainment environment together.

Let's look forward to those truly talented, high-quality, and pursuing stars who can shine in this circle and bring us more excellent works and wonderful performances.

It also allows us to learn to cherish and be grateful to those around us who have always been with us and supported us.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak

Because in this world full of uncertainties and challenges, they are our most solid backing and source of strength.

Angelababy was scolded by the Internet celebrity Simba for "getting out"! She lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to her eyes, and the status of the phoenix that landed was bleak