
Latest! The attitude of the Philippines has changed dramatically, Marcos Jr. is in danger, and China has run out of patience

author:New wealth fandom

Filipinos are crying in Beijing!

A few days ago, Lambino, chairman of the Philippine Association for Chinese Understanding, said at the third forum "From the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence to Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind: Building a Prosperous World with Chinese-style Modernization" that the Marcos administration has made the current China-Philippines relations very bad, in which the United States has played an important role.

Latest! The attitude of the Philippines has changed dramatically, Marcos Jr. is in danger, and China has run out of patience

"In the 90s of the last century, we drove out the Americans and dismantled their naval and air bases in the Philippines," Lambino mentioned at the forum. At the beginning of the 21st century, they began to build new military bases in the Philippines under the so-called U.S.-Philippines Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement, and now the number of U.S. military bases in the Philippines has increased to nine. This is a big problem for the Philippines. ”

Lambino referred to a quote from former Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, "Are you serious? Do you really want the Philippines to become a battlefield? As a Filipino, as an Asian, I don't want my country to be a battlefield. Bino choked up directly at the scene, and cried on the spot after speaking.

Latest! The attitude of the Philippines has changed dramatically, Marcos Jr. is in danger, and China has run out of patience

From Lambino's words, you can feel his love for China, and you can also feel how disappointed he is in the current Philippines and how disappointed he is in the Marcos Jr. government.

The Philippines is a proper white-eyed wolf

As mentioned above, Lanobi mentioned that the Philippines had US troops stationed for a long time, and it was not until the 90s of the last century that the US troops were driven out and the US military bases were dismantled. At the beginning of the 21st century, the United States and the Philippines strengthened defense cooperation agreements, which means that the U.S. troops who were driven away have returned, and the number of dismantled U.S. military bases has increased.

Latest! The attitude of the Philippines has changed dramatically, Marcos Jr. is in danger, and China has run out of patience

Not only that, at the beginning of last year, the Philippines became the first country to be invited to visit China, and China signed 14 cooperation agreements with the Philippines in one go, including the "Belt and Road", communication technology, agriculture and fishery, e-commerce, agricultural technology, bridges, tourism, fresh transportation, preferential loans, etc., with a total investment agreement of more than 26 billion yuan.

However, the Philippines has done another unbelievable thing, starting in August last year, turning its face and denying people, in the delusional hope of cooperating with China and dismantling China's Taiwan at the same time.

Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte apologized to China for Marcos Jr.'s words and deeds, and also warned Marcos Jr. not to make mistakes again and again, not to make enemies with China, and not to ask for trouble.

Latest! The attitude of the Philippines has changed dramatically, Marcos Jr. is in danger, and China has run out of patience

But it is clear that Marcos Jr. ignored the former president's warnings and went on his course.

At present, there are more and more influential people in the Philippines who oppose Marcos Jr.'s political stance and diplomatic methods, and compared with the United States, which occupies Philippine territory and collects protection money in the name of protection, it is obvious that friendship with China is the best choice for the Philippines.

China can do without the Philippines as a friend, but the Philippines must not lose China, as evidenced by the recent export of tropical fruits, and the cooperation between China and the Philippines does not stop there, the Philippines should think about it.

Especially Marcos Jr., it's obviously the rhythm of the position!

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