
After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother

author:A bookmaker in the sea


"I can confess, but I want to see my brother before that."

These are the words of Xiao Minghua, a female underground party, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her in 1950.

The enemy was overjoyed and immediately took her brother to the interrogation room.

However, as everyone knows, it is this practice that makes the enemy fall into extreme remorse......

After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother

Arrested mystery

On February 6, 1950, a group of uninvited guests suddenly broke into the Taiwan Normal College.

They broke into the female staff dormitory and took a female teacher named Xiao Minghua away.

Because they received a report that Xiao Minghua was an underground party member planted in Taiwan by our party.

And Xiao Minghua seemed calm after learning of their intentions, and just said lightly: When I collect some clothes, I will go with you.

After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother

Immediately, she put away the cheongsam hanging from the window.

It turned out that this move, Xiao Minghua's contact information with other comrades-in-arms, once the cheongsam was taken away, proved that he was in danger.

However, these enemies did not know, so they did not stop Xiao Minghua.

After Xiao Minghua cleaned up, they took Xiao Minghua away.

On the way to the prison, Xiao Minghua also had a doubt in his heart, why did the enemy find out his identity?

Xiao Minghua was puzzled by this question, but when she arrived at the interrogation room, the truth was revealed.

After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother

At the beginning of the period, in the face of the enemy's questioning, Xiao Minghua flatly denied that he was an underground party, and always insisted that he was an ordinary teacher.

Seeing Xiao Minghua's hard mouth, the enemy left the interrogation room.

Soon after, they brought another man in.

Xiao Minghua fixed his eyes and saw that this person was one of her comrades-in-arms, and from that person's demeanor, it could be seen that he had compromised with the enemy.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Minghua no longer defended himself, and he had already foreseen his end.

After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother

Seeing that Xiao Minghua admitted that he was an underground party, the enemy coerced and lured Xiao Minghua to obtain more information about our party's lurking.

However, Xiao Minghua did not give in to the enemy's interrogation, and in the end, the enemy became angry and directly used torture.

Even so, Xiao Minghua has always been tight-lipped and has never revealed any information no matter how the enemy hurts.

Later, even the enemy's interrogators couldn't stand it, so they persuaded Xiao Minghua and said: You are still young, why do you need to do this?

After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother

However, Xiao Minghua was unwavering in the face of the enemy's hypocrisy.

And this also angered the enemy, so Xiao Minghua ushered in a harsh interrogation that lasted for half a year.

So much so that later the enemy did not want to interrogate her anymore.

Xiao Minghua also got a rare respite, but this does not mean that Xiao Minghua's hard days are over.

And Xiao Minghua also realized that the enemy's abnormal behavior may be a precursor to his sacrifice for the country.

Facing the impending fate, Xiao Minghua was not afraid at all, but she thought about it, she couldn't sacrifice like this.

After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother

Change your mind

And the reason why Xiao Minghua changed the idea of dying generously was because she thought of why she left her hometown and came to Taiwan.

In 1947, Xiao Minghua, who had just graduated from Peking Normal University, joined the Communist Party of China under the guidance of his mentor Zhu Fangchun.

At the beginning of the period, the party organization arranged Xiao Minghua to do intelligence gathering work in the Ministry of Enemy Works.

With the repeated defeats of the Kuomintang in the War of Liberation, the end of defeat has been revealed.

As a result, more and more Kuomintang officials chose to flee to Taiwan, and the central government also made an important decision in order to liberate Taiwan in the future.

After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother

The underground party was sent to Taiwan to collect intelligence and provide as much information as possible to our party.

However, the local situation in Taiwan is complicated, and the question of who to send there has become the most important issue for the central authorities to consider.

In the end, after the study and decision of the party organization, in order not to attract the attention and suspicion of the Kuomintang, some staff members who had graduated from normal schools were sent to schools in Taiwan.

Xiao Minghua, who graduated from Peking Normal University and has more than a year of work experience, became the best choice.

After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother

So under the orders of their superiors, Xiao Minghua and Zhu Fangchun rushed to Taiwan as brothers and sisters.

After several turnovers, the two successfully lurked at Taiwan Normal College.

It is precisely because of these thoughts that Xiao Minghua understands that the purpose of his coming to Taiwan is to collect intelligence.

And now, Xiao Minghua still has a lot of valuable information that has not been transmitted.

This also means that our party could not get this information, and in Xiao Minghua's view, the sacrifice at that time was irresponsible for the work.

So she wondered how she could get that information out there.

After a few days of consideration, Xiao Minghua finally thought of a way to do both.

After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother

Come up with a countermeasure

Sure enough, as Xiao Minghua expected, just a few days after the enemy stopped, he sent someone to send Xiao Minghua a pen and paper and asked her to write a suicide note.

At the beginning of the period, the enemy thought that Xiao Minghua would rather die than give in as before, and wrote generous words such as sacrificing his life for the country without regrets on the suicide note.

However, what the enemy didn't expect was that Xiao Minghua was unusual, and after learning that he was going to be executed, he actually panicked and said: I can't die, I'm still young, I confess!

Seeing that Xiao Minghua was going to confess, the enemy was overjoyed, but Xiao Minghua then said: But before that, I have one more request, which is to see my brother.

After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother

The enemy at that time understood that as long as Xiao Minghua confessed, it would be a great achievement, so he happily agreed to Xiao Minghua's request.

Soon Zhu Chunfang, disguised as Xiao Minghua's brother, was taken to the interrogation room.

After the two met, they hugged each other and cried bitterly, and the enemy may have been awakened by this scene of life and death, so he took the initiative to stay away from the two and let them talk to each other.

As everyone knows, this is exactly the method that Xiao Minghua came up with.

And Xiao Minghua also took this opportunity to inform Zhu Chunfang of all the information he had.

But all this, the enemy knows nothing.

After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother

After a while, Zhu Chunfang was taken away on the pretext that the time for the visit had arrived, and the enemy was happily preparing to record Xiao Minghua's confession.

However, to the surprise of the enemy, after confirming that Zhu Chunfang had left, Xiao Minghua suddenly smiled and said: Let me confess, you are simply dreaming!

Looking at Xiao Minghua, whose attitude had changed greatly, the enemy was also confused.

But soon they understood that Zhu Chunfang, who had just left, was Xiao Minghua's brother at all, but Xiao Minghua's comrade-in-arms.

So the enemy immediately sent people to chase Zhu Chunfang, but it was already too late.

After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother

After learning of this, the enemy's superiors were also extremely angry.

In a fit of rage, he ordered Xiao Minghua to be executed.

One day in November 1950, Xiao Minghua left forever, and Zhu Chunfang was trying everything to rescue Xiao Minghua at that time.

However, after learning of Xiao Minghua's sacrifice, Zhu Chunfang was also in pain.

After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother

In 1982, cross-strait relations eased somewhat, so under the consultation between the two sides, our party welcomed Xiao Minghua's ashes back to China.

And posthumously recognized Xiao Minghua as a martyr and buried him in the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in Beijing.

This soldier, who gave his life for the cause of the liberation of the mainland, finally returned to his hometown after a long absence.

However, what is strange is that there should be heroic life deeds on the tombstones of martyrs, but Xiao Minghua's tombstone only has the words "return", what is the deep meaning of these three words?

After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother

It turned out that after Xiao Minghua's identity was learned by the Kuomintang, Lao Jiang was frightened.

In order to maintain his rule in Taiwan, Lao Chiang ordered a strict investigation of our party's underground functionaries.

Therefore, during that period, the situation of our party personnel in Taiwan was very difficult.

So after careful consideration, the party organization decided to recall the sleepers in Taiwan.

And Zhu Chunfang also returned to the mainland according to the order, but Zhu Chunfang always had a regret at that time, he couldn't bring back Xiao Minghua's ashes.

After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother

So in 1982, after Xiao Minghua's ashes were taken back and buried in Babaoshan Cemetery, Zhu Chunfang came here in person and wrote the three big characters "Return" on Xiao Minghua's tombstone.

These three words convey Zhu Chunfang's indefinite expectations for Xiao Minghua's return, and they are enough to prove that Xiao Minghua has made outstanding contributions to the cause of our party.

After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother


When Xiao Minghua was in his twenties, he went to Taiwan and sacrificed his life for the great cause of the reunification of the motherland, which deserves the respect of all of us.

It is precisely because there are countless Chinese hot-blooded sons and daughters like Xiao Minghua, who are not afraid of sacrifice and heroic sacrifice for the rise of the motherland, that we have created our powerful country today, and I salute them.


Legend: The ashes of the red female spy were sent back to the mainland from Taiwan, and the tombstone was only engraved with the word "".

After the underground party was arrested, when she learned that the enemy was going to shoot her, she suddenly said: I confess, but I want to see my brother