
The current situation of Li Jianli, who smashed his head with a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million after ten years of recovery

author:Laughing oranges
The current situation of Li Jianli, who smashed his head with a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million after ten years of recovery


A U-shaped lock completely changed the trajectory of Li Jianli's life. From successful businessman to severely disabled, from happy to debt-ridden, how does this family find hope in the midst of desperation? A heartbreaking story is about to unfold!


01. Li Jianli's life of struggle

Li Jianli's life is like an inspirational movie, full of ups and downs and an indomitable fighting spirit. This Xi'an young man started from an ordinary starting point and climbed the peak of life step by step with his own efforts.

When he was young, Li Jianli worked as a salesman in Xi'an Xinxing Electric Factory. He was born with a talent for business and quickly made his mark in sales positions. With his eloquence and keen business sense, Li Jianli has negotiated one big order after another for the company. His proudest achievement is that he signed a contract worth hundreds of thousands of electrical cabinets in Zhongguancun. This amazing performance made Li Jianli soar to the sky, and he was promoted from an ordinary salesman to the top of the sales department. In order to reward him, the company also specially applied for the first private truck driver's license in the factory. Li Jianli's career is booming, and love is also coming at this time. He met his other half, Wang Juling, and the two soon formed a happy little family.

The current situation of Li Jianli, who smashed his head with a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million after ten years of recovery

But the good times did not last long, in 2002, Xinxing Electric Factory carried out shareholding reform, Li Jianli and his wife were both laid off. In the face of the sudden blow, the couple was not knocked out. They took out their savings for many years and partnered to drive a taxi. Li Jianli is in charge of the night shift, and Wang Juling is working the day shift, although it is hard, but the income is steadily increasing. This arduous but hopeful day has become Wang Juling's most unforgettable memory. She said that although it was bitter at that time, it was more sweet, because life had a rush and hope.

With the improvement of the economic situation, Li Jianli has set his sights on the burgeoning second-hand car market. With his honest and trustworthy business philosophy and rich network resources, Li Jianli's second-hand car business soon flourished. At their peak, they hired four or five employees, and as soon as they got to work every day, the phone was flooded. Some people want to ask Li Jianli to help find cost-effective second-hand cars, while others want to sell cars through Li Jianli, an honest and reliable intermediary.

The business is getting bigger and bigger, and the quality of life of Li Jianli and his wife is also improving. Not only did they get a fitness card of tens of thousands of yuan at a gym near their home, but Li Jianli often took his wife to travel around the country. The life of this couple can be said to be delicious and enviable.

Who would have thought that just when Li Jianli's life was reaching its peak, fate played a big joke on him? The sudden U-shaped lock not only smashed through his skull, but also smashed the hard-won happiness of the family. In the face of such a blow, how should Li Jianli's family respond? What will their future hold? Let's move on to witness how this family rebuilt hope in the face of adversity.

The current situation of Li Jianli, who smashed his head with a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million after ten years of recovery

02. Sudden disaster

On September 15, 2012, a heart-wrenching tragedy unfolded on the streets of Xi'an. Li Jianli drove his beloved white Toyota, but he didn't know that fate was waiting for him around the corner. A young migrant worker named Cai Yang, holding a U-shaped steel lock, changed the trajectory of Li Jianli's life forever.

The sun that day should have been warm, but it relentlessly shone on the top of Li Jianli's blood-soaked head. The impact of the U-shaped lock was so great that it directly caused Li Jianli's serious open head fracture. In an instant, this once shrewd and capable second-hand car dealer became a dying patient.

Cai Yang fled, but the legal net was restored, and he was negligent but not leaked. More than half a month later, he was arrested in his hometown in Nanyang. In the end, the court sentenced him to 10 years in prison. However, can this verdict really make up for everything Li Jianli has lost? Can 10 years in prison be exchanged for Li Jianli's healthy body and a good life?

Li Jianli, who woke up from the hospital, found that his world was turned upside down. The right side of the body has lost almost all function, and the right hand is placed in the aligner for two hours every day to prevent muscle atrophy. Speaking has also become a challenge, and I can only barely get out of short sentences. If you are in a little hurry, you will be incoherent. Walking was even more difficult, and hemiplegia on the right side of his body made it difficult for him to walk every step.

What's even more terrifying is that the doctor's prediction came true step by step. Convulsions, seizures followed, and it was even difficult to control urine and bowel movements. Li Jianli used to be a car lover, but now he can't even control his body. Such a blow can be devastating for anyone.

And this disaster not only destroyed Li Jianli's health, but also completely broke the family's economic pillar. The once thriving second-hand car business was forced to close because Li Jianli couldn't take care of it. The son tried to take over, but the customers trusted the experienced Li Jianli more, and the business soon turned off. Household income plummeted, leaving only a monthly pension of more than 2,000 to survive.

From a successful businessman to a patient who now lives on a meager pension, what ups and downs has Li Jianli's life experienced? In the face of such a huge change, how did he and his family survive? The impact of this tragedy goes far beyond that, and more challenges await this suffering family. How will Li Jianli's family find hope in this seemingly never-ending nightmare?

The current situation of Li Jianli, who smashed his head with a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million after ten years of recovery

03. The struggle on the long road to recovery

Li Jianli's road to recovery is like a marathon with no end in sight. Every day, he struggles with his body to regain his former health. Unfortunately, fate always seems to play cruel jokes on him.

At first, Li Jianli was only unable to move and needed help to barely move. But as time went on, his physical condition deteriorated. The most heartbreaking thing was that he began to experience incontinence. Imagine how big a blow is to a once high-spirited and successful businessman who is now unable to control even the most basic physiological needs?

The current situation of Li Jianli, who smashed his head with a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million after ten years of recovery

Every time Li Jianli's wife, Wang Juling, takes him out, she has to prepare toilet paper and plastic bags, for fear that her husband will make a fool of himself outside. What was once a happy trip turned into a frightening torment, and the couple's quality of life can be imagined.

What's even more worrying is that the high medical costs are like a mountain, overwhelming the family. In 9 years, Li Jianli owed the hospital an astronomical amount of 1.58 million yuan. This amount of money is simply impossible for a family living on a pension of more than 2,000 per month.

The court sentenced the perpetrator Cai Yang to pay 520,000 yuan in compensation, which should have been good news. But the reality is that Cai Yang's family can't come up with this money, which means that they haven't paid a penny. This verdict is like a piece of waste paper, which cannot help Li Jianli solve practical difficulties at all.

Fortunately, society has not forgotten this unfortunate family. The relevant authorities in Xi'an paid 520,000 yuan in relief funds, providing a ray of life for Li Jianli's family. However, this amount of money is a drop in the bucket for medical bills that can easily run into millions.

Faced with the high cost of care, Wang Juling's heart was full of fear. Her biggest concern is that as she gets older, she may not have enough energy to take care of her husband. The escort fee of 150 yuan per day may become the last straw that crushes this family in the future!

The current situation of Li Jianli, who smashed his head with a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million after ten years of recovery


Did Li Jianli's story touch you? If you were him, how would you face such a blow? How do you think society can help victims like Li Jianli? Come and share your thoughts in the comments section!

The current situation of Li Jianli, who smashed his head with a U-shaped lock: Cai Yang did not lose a penny, and he owed the hospital 1.58 million after ten years of recovery