
Smell the fragrance and know Hengzhou, taste tea and read history

author:Guizi agricultural brand

Hengzhou enjoys the reputation of "the hometown of Chinese jasmine" and "the jasmine capital of the world", and is a demonstration county of China's tea industry, one of the top ten counties in the development of the national tea industry during the 13th Five-Year Plan, a national key flower culture base, and a world jasmine and jasmine tea production center.

The production of jasmine in Hengzhou accounts for 80% of the country and 60% of the world. 6 out of every 10 jasmine flowers in the world come from Hengzhou, Guangxi.

Smell the fragrance and know Hengzhou, taste tea and read history

Hengzhou has a long history of planting jasmine, which is said to have a history of six or seven hundred years. Wang Ji, a playwright and judge of Hengzhou in the Ming Dynasty, wrote in "Junzitang Daily Inquiry Hand Mirror": Hengzhou "Jasmine is very wide, and there are people who use it to weave hedges, and they often bloom at four times." ”

Since the 60s of the 20th century, tea factories in Hengzhou City began to use jasmine to make tea.

At the end of the 70s, Hengzhou Tea Factory began to introduce double-petal jasmine planting, and used it to make jasmine tea successfully, since then, opened the prelude to the artificial scale cultivation and flower tea processing of jasmine in Hengzhou City.

In 1983, Hengzhou Tea Factory participated in the Guangxi Jasmine Tea Competition for the first time, and its jasmine tea won the championship in one fell swoop because of its rich aroma and delicious taste, and since then it has become famous and quickly popular throughout the country.

Smell the fragrance and know Hengzhou, taste tea and read history

Hengzhou jasmine tea has been one of the important diplomatic ceremonial teas on the mainland since the end of the Qing Dynasty. Jasmine tea is made by mixing tea leaves with fresh jasmine flowers to make the tea absorb the floral aroma.

Hengzhou jasmine tea strips are tight and fine, even, the leaves are tender and even, the floral fragrance is rich, and it is resistant to brewing. After brewing, Hengzhou jasmine tea is emerald green, fresh and mellow, slightly astringent, and sweet. It has a unique effect of "removing cold evil, assisting depression, strengthening the spleen and regulating qi", can beautify the skin, enhance immunity, and is particularly suitable for drinking in spring and summer.

Smell the fragrance and know Hengzhou, taste tea and read history

Image source: Network comprehensive collation

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