
"Little hidden in the wild", "life can't take care of yourself" is a rare flower once in a lifetime!

author:The sky is high and the earth is wide, and I want to see it

Look at the picture! Can just looking at the picture confirm whether it's a plant or an animal or something else?

"Little hidden in the wild", "life can't take care of yourself" is a rare flower once in a lifetime!

It is not a fungus that grows on rotten wood like mushrooms and fungus, but it is a "higher plant" that is serious. However, it is born with a lack of basic skills for higher plants, and it does not "fill its stomach" through photosynthesis, but can only rely on "eating" dead branches and leaves to survive. This is an outlier in the plant family, which lives a unique life in dark and damp corners.

It is the "three-silk water jade cup", which only shows the ground when it blooms and bears fruit, and the translucent plant is so small that it is easy to ignore it if you don't pay attention. It is a completely mycorrhizal heterotrophic plant that connects with the roots of other plants through the hyphae of symbiotic fungi and feeds on nutrients.

"Little hidden in the wild", "life can't take care of yourself" is a rare flower once in a lifetime!

The flowering period is only about a week. It was first discovered in Vietnam in 2007 and in Hong Kong in 2008, with a total of no more than 50 plants.

Three-silk water jade cup (Thismia tentaculata), water jade cup genus of the water hosta family. The reason why it is called the name of "three-silk water jade cup" is mainly because "three-silk" is that it has three wires from thick to thin on its head, "water" because there are small dewdrops on its stem, "jade" is because it has something like a nut on its head, and the color of the nut is very similar to jade yellow, and "cup" is because its head is like a small cup, as if it is filled with water, so this is the origin of the name of the legendary "three-wire water jade cup".

"Little hidden in the wild", "life can't take care of yourself" is a rare flower once in a lifetime!

Saprophytes and parasitism are two different ways of biological nutrition, and they are both ways in which heterotrophic organisms obtain nutrients. Saprophytic. Saprophytic refers to the way in which an organism obtains nutrients from dead animal and plant cells to sustain itself. Parasitism refers to an interspecific relationship in which an organism lives in the body or body surface of another organism for a long time or temporarily, and absorbs nutrients from the latter to maintain its life.

"Little hidden in the wild", "life can't take care of yourself" is a rare flower once in a lifetime!

There are about 40 species of plants in the world, mainly distributed in the pantropics. So far, there are 6 species known to be distributed in China: Taiwan Water Jade Cup, Sansi Water Jade Cup, Gongshan Water Jade Cup, Hong Kong Water Jade Cup, Golden Water Jade Cup, and Jianfeng Water Jade Cup.

Mycorrhizal heterotrophic refers to a symbiotic phenomenon in which some plants obtain carbon sources and other nutrients by forming mycorrhizal associations with specific fungi. In this relationship, plants donate carbohydrates to the fungus, which in turn helps the plant absorb minerals and other nutrients from the soil. This mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship is essential for the growth and health of plants.

"Little hidden in the wild", "life can't take care of yourself" is a rare flower once in a lifetime!

The typical plant of mycorrhizal heterotrophic is saprophytic orchid, especially the Peking beakless orchid, which belongs to mycorrhizal parasitic orchids, also known as saprophytic orchids. This type of plant deceives the fungus in a strange way, making the fungus mistakenly believe that it will benefit from giving it nutrients, when in fact the fungus may not get anything in return, so this lifestyle is now more accurately called "mycorrhizal parasitism" or "mycorrhizal heterotrophic".

"Little hidden in the wild", "life can't take care of yourself" is a rare flower once in a lifetime!

It is reported that the beakless orchid is the only orchid in mainland China that takes Beijing as the model specimen origin and is named after Beijing. At the same time, it is also the third species of the genus Orchid in China, and there are only 7 species in the world.

Orchidaceae is the second largest family of angiosperms after Asteraceae, with nearly 27,000 species, and is expected to surpass Asteraceae in the future. According to the state of life, orchids can be divided into several categories: ground orchids, saprophytic orchids, epiphytic orchids, and vines.


"Little hidden in the wild", "life can't take care of yourself" is a rare flower once in a lifetime!

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