
Chapter 52: The Truth

author:Han Xi

There was silence, except for the swishing of kerosene lamps, as if there was not enough oxygen here, and one could suffocate at any moment.

Su Qiong also felt extremely depressed in her chest, all the things she believed in were shattered in Lin Chuan's words, but the problem was that many doubts had not been effectively explained, looking at the depressed person in front of her, she didn't know where to start.

After a moment of silence, Lin Chuan opened his mouth first: "Take me to surrender, I will surrender." ”

Su Qiong shook her head: "It's not the time yet, those hypnotic words can't be counted, I want to listen to your explanation now, of course, if you deny all this now, I can't help it, this tape is not evidence at all, but I will definitely not let you go, I must understand the truth." ”

"Do you really want to understand, here?"

Su Qiong nodded: "Yes, I can only make a correct judgment if I understand the truth, my grandfather said before waking you up, maybe you are really innocent, because from your words, he feels that you may be in a state of split personality." ”

"But I still killed someone, didn't I?"

Su Qiong was silent.

Lin Chuan shook his head, he seemed to be beginning to be convinced that he was a murderer, although he couldn't fully remember the process of committing the murder, he still thought that it was just a true reflection of his alter self.

"That was four years ago, Wu Xiaotian and I are friends, although he is a few years older than me, but we have a common ideal, that is, to be able to make films, to make good films" Lin Chuan began to dig out those past events from the depths of memory that he did not want to be remembered, "We all lived in the slums at the beginning, and during that time, Wu Xiaotian met some friends in the slums, including Tong Tong, when I was drinking with Tong Tong, I met Xiao Xue, and came together with her, and moved to the basement in the city, Those days were good, and I also wrote the script of "Drama Dream". ”

Su Qiong could see the sweetness of Lin Chuan's memory, and Lin Chuan continued: "Wu Xiaotian also read the script of "Opera Dream", and he was excited, so he looked for investment everywhere and threatened that he must become the director of this film. Once, Wu Xiaotian found Zhu Tong, we had dinner together, and Xiao Xue was also taken by me, and I think my nightmare began at that time. After that day, there was no news from Zhu Tong's side, I thought it was over, and Wu Xiaotian finished speaking, but I didn't notice his hesitation. Then suddenly one day, Wu Xiaotian said that Zhu Tong wanted to invite us to dinner again, and that time, I was drunk. ”

Lin Chuan paused, and there seemed to be fire in his eyes: "When I woke up, Wu Xiaotian knelt in front of me and said that Xiao Xue was raped by Zhu Tong, and Xiao Xue left by herself after finding out, I didn't care about Wu Xiaotian, and ran into the night to look for Xiao Xue, but Wu Xiaotian also followed." Lin Chuan felt a breath of breath in his chest suffocating there, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Su Qiong handed over a water cup, it seemed to be rusty, Lin Chuan couldn't care about it, took a sip, and then continued: "The place where we ate was in the Twin Towers, on the five-story overpass, I found Xiao Xue, I shouldn't forget the scene at that time, she looked at me with resentment, I sighed in my heart, she must have thought that I arranged all this, but I didn't have time to explain, she jumped off the overpass." The white clothes were stained red with blood, and the pair of red high heels on her feet, which she loved and which I bought for him, were thrown to the side of her body, and I ......" Lin Chuan hesitated, he didn't know what to say.

Su Qiong thought that Lin Chuan was a little sad when he recalled the past, so he said for him: "Then you also jumped down." ”

Lin Chuan shook his head solemnly: "No, no, I was pushed down." ”

Su Qiong looked at Lin Chuan suspiciously.

Lin Chuan raised his head and said affirmatively, "That's right, Wu Xiaotian pushed me down from behind. ”

Su Qiong looked at him suspiciously, and the muscles on Lin Chuan's face trembled a few times and said, "I didn't want to shirk responsibility, I was indeed pushed down by Wu Xiaotian, I remembered, so I have a fear of heights." ”

"But you're not dead." Su Qiong decided not to dwell on this detail, because Wu Xiaotian was already dead, "It's just amnesia, this painful past has been deeply pressed in the depths of your memory, isn't it?" ”

Lin Chuan nodded and said, "Maybe that's the case, I can only remember Xiao Xue in my dreams, and I know that the red coat is actually her blood-soaked clothes, a bloody coat." ”

Su Qiong sighed: "But according to my grandfather, this memory that you forced to suppress actually awakened another you, and you want to take revenge on Zhu Tong and Wu Xiaotian, isn't it?" ”

Lin Chuan didn't speak, indicating that he acquiesced.

Su Qiong asked, "Then how did you take revenge?" How did Zhu Tong die, and what about Wu Xiaotian and Tong Tong? ”

Lin Chuan said slowly: "I didn't expect that the story I wrote "Opera Dream" was originally to expose the inside story of the film and television industry, and it would be fulfilled to me, so I simply committed the murder according to what was written in this script, Zhu Tong's lust made Xiao Xue die, so let the scene become evidence of his lust, everyone who has seen the scene thinks that the murderer is a woman, but in fact, I did it, giving people a false impression." ”

Su Qiong shook his head: "But you didn't have the time to commit the murder, we asked your landlord." What's more, it was a woman's voice that called the police. ”

"The landlord didn't see me go out, he didn't see me go in, but he didn't go to my room either, did he? As for the woman's voice, I couldn't hear it in such a short period of time. Lin Chuan said.

Su Qiong frowned: "Okay, how did you say you killed Wu Xiaotian?" ”

Lin Chuan thought for a while and said: "Wu Xiaotian committed suicide, I forced him, he knew that even if he survived, he would be ruined, not to mention that he was ashamed of me and Xiao Xue, so he committed suicide." Then I stabbed him in the heart with a pre-prepared ice edge, and put the third part of the script in a USB stick to freeze inside his body, and then turned on the air conditioner, but unfortunately I inadvertently left my fingerprints on the remote control."

Su Qiong nodded and said: "Lin Chuan, I know that you are the author of that script, although the script we have seen is not complete, but in the whole book, Wu Xiaotian's death will definitely be written clearly, but do you know that at night, a woman in red sent a fax to the newspaper, don't say that it was also you pretending." Su Qiong paused and said slowly, "Although I don't know how to say it, in fact, you are trying to make yourself a murderer now, but the real murderer is not you, you are atoning for your sins, not pleading guilty." ”

Lin Chuan's face was a little pale, and he didn't know what to say.

Su Qiong took out a piece of paper from her pocket and held it up in front of Lin Chuan: "Do you know her?" ”

Lin Chuan's sweat suddenly flowed, the corners of his mouth trembled, and it took a long time before he shook his head seriously: "I don't know." ”

Su Qiong stared at Lin Chuan: "You're protecting her, aren't you?" And she is the real murderer, Xiao Xue. ”

The corners of Lin Chuan's mouth twitched, and he finally lowered his head.