
It's a big deal! When the coach wanted to enter the field to observe Zhang Zhijie, he was stopped by the referee, and the expert spoke

author:Entertainment No. 8 Weekly Notes
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Editor丨Entertainment No. 8 Weekly Diary

Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old Chinese badminton player, suddenly fainted while competing at the Asian Youth Championships in Indonesia.

Although he was rushed to the hospital and tried his best to rescue him, he still passed away at 11:20 p.m. that night.

The medical staff of the emergency department and the person in charge of the emergency department of Chongqing tertiary hospital all thought that the on-site rescue response was slow and unprofessional.

It's a big deal! When the coach wanted to enter the field to observe Zhang Zhijie, he was stopped by the referee, and the expert spoke

The Indonesian Badminton Association said that the Chinese coach wanted to enter the court to save people, but was blocked by the referee and missed the best opportunity.

Zhang Zhijie's sister angrily questioned the lack of timely rescue.

Netizens also spoke out, accusing the first aid mistakes at the event site and demanding accountability, which was even more angry compared to the rescue of Eriksen in the European Cup.

As the starting gun sounded, runners poured out of the starting line, including young students, middle-aged office workers, and gray-haired old men.

It's a big deal! When the coach wanted to enter the field to observe Zhang Zhijie, he was stopped by the referee, and the expert spoke

They may be trying to challenge themselves, or they may be fulfilling a wish, but for whatever reason, they are moving towards the finish line with determined steps.

The race was in full swing, but just then, a half-marathon runner suddenly collapsed after crossing the finish line.

His face was pale, his breathing was weak, and it was clear that he had a serious physical problem.

Volunteers and medical staff rushed forward to perform CPR and defibrillation with an AED shock.

It's a big deal! When the coach wanted to enter the field to observe Zhang Zhijie, he was stopped by the referee, and the expert spoke

Thanks to their efforts, the runner's vital signs gradually stabilized and he was promptly taken to the hospital for further treatment.

Such first-aid incidents are not unique.

In another corner of the race, a male runner in his 30s suffered a sudden cardiac arrest 50 meters after the finish line.

The surrounding volunteers and medical personnel quickly launched a rescue, and it took only 3 minutes to complete the first aid measures and hand him over to 120 emergency personnel to be taken to the hospital.

Such an efficient rescue makes people sigh, and also shows us the warmth and strength in the marathon.

It's a big deal! When the coach wanted to enter the field to observe Zhang Zhijie, he was stopped by the referee, and the expert spoke

It was in this game that some harrowing events also took place.

A male player in his 40s suddenly fell into an acute cerebral ischemic coma during the competition, and woke up after emergency rescue, but was eventually transferred to a designated hospital for treatment.

Such a tragedy is regrettable, but it also makes us aware of the risks and challenges of marathons.

Another tragedy was also played out at the Asian Youth Championships in Indonesia.

It's a big deal! When the coach wanted to enter the field to observe Zhang Zhijie, he was stopped by the referee, and the expert spoke

China's Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted during the match, and although he was rushed to the hospital for rescue, he unfortunately passed away in the end.

This news shocked the entire sports world and also triggered people's attention and discussion about the safety of marathon events.

It is understood that after Zhang Zhijie fainted, the Chinese coach tried to enter the field to save people, but was stopped by the referee.

It's a big deal! When the coach wanted to enter the field to observe Zhang Zhijie, he was stopped by the referee, and the expert spoke

This situation is heart-wrenching and makes us question the rescue system of the event.

If the rescue had been carried out in time, it might have been possible to save a young life.

For such a tragedy, professionals also expressed their opinion.

Medical staff in the emergency department believe that the slow response to rescue is one of the important reasons for the tragedy.

They stressed that in the marathon, the first rescue is crucial.

It's a big deal! When the coach wanted to enter the field to observe Zhang Zhijie, he was stopped by the referee, and the expert spoke

They also pointed out that the event site should be equipped with sufficient AED equipment so that it can be used in a timely manner in case of emergency.

The person in charge of the emergency department of a tertiary hospital in Chongqing also expressed a similar view.

He believes that on-site first aid requires professionalism and decisiveness, and rescue must be carried out according to the process.

He also called on the organizing committee to strengthen the investment and management of the medical rescue system to ensure the safety of every participant.

Against this backdrop, some people have questioned the safety of marathons.

They believe that in the past year, the security of marathon events in China has been uneven, and there are many problems.

For example, supply problems, medical security problems, and so on.

These issues not only affected the experience and safety of the participants, but also tarnished the image of the entire marathon.

In this race, we saw a different picture.

It's a big deal! When the coach wanted to enter the field to observe Zhang Zhijie, he was stopped by the referee, and the expert spoke

The organizing committee has made great efforts in safety and security, and has established an event safety service system close to the international level.

More than 8,000 volunteers and staff put up safety nets to ensure that every participant was able to complete the race safely and smoothly.

Such a move is reassuring, and it also allows us to see the progress and efforts of China's marathon in terms of safety and security.

Even with such safeguards, there are still some people who question the first aid measures for the event.

It's a big deal! When the coach wanted to enter the field to observe Zhang Zhijie, he was stopped by the referee, and the expert spoke

They believe that more professional medical teams and first-aid equipment should be equipped at the competition site to ensure timely and effective rescue in case of emergency.

Such a view has also sparked extensive discussion and reflection.

In this discussion about the safety of the marathon, we also saw the different attitudes of netizens.

Some people blame the organizing committee for choosing to carry away the injured instead of rescuing them on the spot, believing that this is a major mistake.

It's a big deal! When the coach wanted to enter the field to observe Zhang Zhijie, he was stopped by the referee, and the expert spoke

Others questioned the lack of a professional medical team at the event site and the lack of first aid measures.

Others believe that domestic competitions will not be handled so sloppily, appreciating and envy the professional rescue process in events such as the European Cup.

This kind of discussion allows us to see everyone's concern and concern for the safety of the marathon.

It also makes us realize that in the pursuit of speed and performance, we cannot ignore the life safety and health of the participants.

It's a big deal! When the coach wanted to enter the field to observe Zhang Zhijie, he was stopped by the referee, and the expert spoke

In the process of reviewing these events and discussions, we can't help but think about a question: how to better protect the life safety and health of the participants to ensure the excitement and excitement of the event? This is a question worthy of our deep thought, and it also requires our joint efforts to explore and solve it.

The organizing committee of the event should strengthen the investment and management of the medical rescue system.

They should be equipped with adequate AED equipment and a professional medical team to ensure timely and effective rescue in the event of an emergency.

It's a big deal! When the coach wanted to enter the field to observe Zhang Zhijie, he was stopped by the referee, and the expert spoke

They should also strengthen training and education for volunteers and staff to improve their first aid capabilities and safety awareness.

Participants should also strengthen their scientific training and safety awareness.

They should develop a suitable competition plan according to their physical condition and ability level, and follow scientific training methods and principles.

During the competition, they should also pay attention to their physical condition and signal changes, and take timely measures to adjust and rest.

We also need to pay attention to the overall perception of marathons in society.

It's a big deal! When the coach wanted to enter the field to observe Zhang Zhijie, he was stopped by the referee, and the expert spoke

Marathons are not just a competitive sport, they are a healthy, active lifestyle.

In promoting marathons, we also need to popularize relevant health knowledge and safety knowledge, so that more people can understand how to participate in this sport scientifically and avoid unnecessary risks.

Media and social platforms play an important role in this process.

They should assume the responsibility of disseminating positive information and guiding public opinion, so as to create a good public opinion environment for the safety and healthy development of the marathon.

The media should also report and comment on the problems and deficiencies in the event in a timely and objective manner to promote the solution and improvement of the problems.

It's a big deal! When the coach wanted to enter the field to observe Zhang Zhijie, he was stopped by the referee, and the expert spoke

We need to realize that the safety and security of the marathon is a systematic project, which requires the joint efforts and cooperation of all parties.

Only when each of us can pay attention to this issue and actively participate in it can we truly promote the safe, healthy and sustainable development of the marathon.

Let's work together to contribute to a better future for the marathon.

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