
Within 48 hours, the United States made three moves in a row against China, and at the critical moment, China's countermeasures directly hit the United States in the sore spot

author:Biquan News Station

In the global competition for resources, rare earth elements have become a new strategic highland. Recently, the introduction of a major policy in China has made this silent contest even more intense.

At a time when the United States has been making successive moves against China, China's countermeasures have suddenly arrived, directly touching the soft underbelly of the United States. What kind of game is this? And how did China pass a policy that made the United States feel the pain of the skin?

Within 48 hours, the United States made three moves in a row against China, and at the critical moment, China's countermeasures directly hit the United States in the sore spot

As we all know, rare earth elements play a pivotal role in high-tech fields, especially in military science. They are core materials for the manufacture of key technologies such as advanced weapons systems, electric vehicles, wind turbines, and more.

The United States has been an important importer of rare earths to China for many years and has a high dependence on these valuable resources.

However, just recently, China announced a new policy, the Rare Earth Management Regulations, which will come into effect on October 1 this year.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused an international uproar. What exactly does this policy mean? Why is the United States so nervous?

To answer this question, we have to return to a series of recent actions by the United States against China. According to a number of media reports, in just 48 hours, the United States has made three consecutive moves against China, each of which is extremely targeted.

First, the US House of Representatives passed a bill that plans to provide at least $500 million in military aid to the Taiwan region, openly challenging the one-China principle.

Subsequently, the United States and 28 countries held large-scale military exercises with great momentum in order to demonstrate the strength of its military alliance.

Finally, senior U.S. cybersecurity officials have also publicly accused China of cyber attacks on its defense industrial base in an attempt to tarnish China's image internationally.

In the face of successive provocations by the United States, China did not choose to respond directly to military or political confrontation, but skillfully used economic means to counteract.

Within 48 hours, the United States made three moves in a row against China, and at the critical moment, China's countermeasures directly hit the United States in the sore spot

This is the introduction of the "Rare Earth Management Regulations". The regulations have made stricter regulations and restrictions on the management of rare earth resources from the legal level, and many of the provisions involve the export of rare earth resources.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the United States, which is highly dependent on Chinese rare earths.

High-tech industries in the United States, especially in the field of military science, have a huge demand for rare earth elements. China, the world's largest producer of rare earths, controls the supply of this critical resource.

Through the implementation of the Rare Earth Management Regulations, China will not only be able to better protect and manage its own rare earth resources, but will also be able to have a substantial economic impact on countries that rely on Chinese rare earths, such as the United States.

The cleverness of this countermeasure lies in the fact that it does not directly respond to military or political provocations by the United States, but rather makes the United States feel pain through economic means. This also reflects China's wisdom and strategy in international affairs.

Of course, there is a deeper contest hidden behind this rare earth battle. With the rapid development of global science and technology, the importance of rare earth elements has become increasingly prominent.

Within 48 hours, the United States made three moves in a row against China, and at the critical moment, China's countermeasures directly hit the United States in the sore spot

Whoever masters these key resources will be able to take the lead in the future technological competition. Therefore, the game between China and the United States in the field of rare earths is not only an economic war, but also a contest for future scientific and technological leadership.

Going back to the original question, what does the introduction of the "Rare Earth Management Regulations" really mean? It means that China's position in the global rare earth market will be more solid, and it also means that countries that rely on Chinese rare earths such as the United States will face greater economic pressure.

The final outcome of this rare earth war will profoundly affect the future direction of the global technology landscape.

Today, the game between China and the United States in the field of rare earths continues. What does the future hold? We'll see. But one thing is for sure, regardless of the outcome, this contest will have far-reaching implications for the global tech industry.

And China's clever use of economic means to counteract undoubtedly occupies an advantageous position in this game. This also shows us China's wisdom and strength in international affairs, as well as its deep understanding and control of key resources.