
Ambassador Lu Shaye's words made many people break their defenses, and Cai Zhengyuan's performance was particularly surprising

author:Biquan News Station

Recently, a storm triggered by the remarks of Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye has set off quite a stir in cross-strait relations.

What kind of direction does Ambassador Lu's outspokenness on the French diplomatic occasion indicate the direction of cross-strait relations? Is it the calm before the storm, or is the dawn of peaceful reunification emerging?

Ambassador Lu Shaye's words made many people break their defenses, and Cai Zhengyuan's performance was particularly surprising

It all started with the seminar on June 26. At the event of the French Association for Foreign Affairs and the United Nations, Ambassador Lu Shaye's speech was like a bombshell, shocking every audience present.

He clearly pointed out that Taiwan has never been a country, and "Taiwan independence" is an illegal separation of national sovereignty.

More strikingly, he argues that China's civil war has not yet ended, implying that the Taiwan authorities are in fact a rebel regime. These remarks undoubtedly dropped a depth charge on cross-strait relations.

Ambassador Lu's remarks have aroused enthusiastic responses in our public opinion arena, with applause and controversy coexisting. Some people praised his straightforwardness and courage, believing that this was a clear statement of the mainland's policy toward Taiwan.

Some people are also worried that such remarks will intensify cross-strait contradictions and be detrimental to the process of peaceful reunification. At the same time, the separatists on the island and the US and Western media expressed strong dissatisfaction and criticism of Ambassador Lu's remarks.

In this turmoil, a surprising voice came from the Kuomintang boss Cai Zhengyuan. As a representative of the reunification faction on the island, he even criticized Lu Shaye's remarks.

Cai Zhengyuan believes that intimidating remarks will not help bring cross-strait relations closer, and this makes people wonder: Where is the road to reconciliation of cross-strait relations?

Ambassador Lu Shaye's words made many people break their defenses, and Cai Zhengyuan's performance was particularly surprising

In order to better understand this turmoil, we might as well review Ambassador Lu's past remarks.

He has repeatedly shocked the West with his "wolf warrior remarks", such as proposing to re-educate Taiwanese after reunification, as well as his views on the issue of the ownership of Crimea.

These remarks undoubtedly reflect Ambassador Lu's profound thinking and firm stand on cross-strait relations. However, will such outspokenness really help promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations?

In fact, Ambassador Lu's remarks are not an isolated incident. It reflects a change in the mainland's policy toward Taiwan: it has gradually shifted from coaxing and persuasion in the past to expressing a clear and firm stance.

This change is not only based on an accurate judgment of the current situation in cross-strait relations, but also a reflection on the long-term efforts for peaceful reunification. We can no longer blindly accommodate Taiwan, but should adopt a more active and proactive strategy to promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.

Cai Zhengyuan's criticism of Ambassador Lu has, to a certain extent, revealed the complex mentality of the traditional Kuomintang members toward cross-strait relations. They hope to maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, but it is also difficult for them to accept a clear change in the mainland's policy toward Taiwan.

Ambassador Lu Shaye's words made many people break their defenses, and Cai Zhengyuan's performance was particularly surprising

This ambivalence reflects the complexity and sensitivity of current cross-strait relations. However, we must not give up the pursuit of the peaceful development of cross-strait relations because of the discomfort of a few individuals.

On the contrary, we should express our position and demands more firmly and push cross-strait relations toward a brighter future.

In this turmoil, we have also seen the important role of the media. The attention and reports of Ambassador Lu by Deutsche Welle and other media have undoubtedly exacerbated the influence of this turmoil.

However, the media should also shoulder more social responsibilities, objectively and impartially report the true situation of cross-strait relations, and play a positive role in promoting the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.

Finally, we must realize that the peaceful development of cross-strait relations cannot be achieved overnight. It requires perseverance and wisdom in our approach.

Although Ambassador Lu Shaye's remarks have caused a storm, they have also provided us with an opportunity to reflect on and re-examine cross-strait relations.

We should take this as an opportunity to strengthen cross-strait exchanges and communication, enhance mutual understanding and trust, and jointly push cross-strait relations toward a better future.

Ambassador Lu Shaye's words made many people break their defenses, and Cai Zhengyuan's performance was particularly surprising

In the turmoil triggered by Ambassador Lu Shaye's remarks, we have seen the complexity and sensitivity of cross-strait relations. However, it is precisely this complexity and sensitivity that prompts us to pay more attention to the development trend of cross-strait relations.

We must not give up our pursuit of the peaceful development of cross-strait relations because of a turmoil.

On the contrary, we should draw lessons from this experience and promote the sustained improvement and development of cross-strait relations with a firmer stance and a more intelligent way. Only in this way can we collectively create a future of prosperity, stability and peaceful coexistence.

At the same time, this turmoil has also reminded us that we need to be more cautious and rational in handling cross-strait relations.

We should not be swayed by emotions, but should adhere to the principles of peace, stability and development, and resolve differences and problems through dialogue and consultation.

Only in this way can we truly achieve peace and stability in cross-strait relations and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.