
Civil servants have high pensions and shout that they pay more and get more, but they don't pay them at all

author:Thousands of mountains are volumes, and mountains and rivers answer

Pay more and get more to achieve fair and just old-age security

With the increasing prominence of the pension problem, people's attention to social pension security is gradually increasing. However, recently, the remarks about "civil servants holding high pensions and shouting that they pay more and get more" have flooded the Internet and media, causing widespread controversy. On this issue, we should not simply generalize, but should clarify the meaning behind overpayment and overpayment through in-depth discussion.

Civil servants have high pensions and shout that they pay more and get more, but they don't pay them at all

First of all, it should be made clear that the pension treatment of civil servants is not all subsidized by the state and units. On the contrary, they often also need to pay a part of their own pension insurance contributions. Therefore, it is not entirely accurate to portray only civil servants as a privileged class with high pensions. More importantly, this misconception ignores the differences in the responsibilities and working conditions of civil servants.

Civil servants have high pensions and shout that they pay more and get more, but they don't pay them at all

However, flexible workers do not enjoy the same pension benefits. Not only do they need to pay 100% of their own burden, but they also lack subsidies from the government and units. If everyone can pay their own pension insurance like flexible workers, then it is indeed possible to achieve more in the true sense of the word. However, this requires greater financial pressure and does not solve the problem of old-age security.

Civil servants have high pensions and shout that they pay more and get more, but they don't pay them at all

Old-age security should be a social responsibility, and should not only rely on the voluntary or self-payment of individuals. The establishment of the social old-age security system aims to ensure the basic living needs of all people, achieve social fairness and justice, reduce the economic burden of individuals and families, and improve the living standards of the people.

Civil servants have high pensions and shout that they pay more and get more, but they don't pay them at all

Although civil servants are paid more generously, the pensions they enjoy are not cost-free. They have been engaged in public utilities for a long time, and their work is responsible and the workload is correspondingly larger, which is the basis for the rationality of their higher pensions. In addition, the amount of the pension of civil servants is determined through relevant procedures and regulations, with the aim of reflecting the principle of fairness and justice as much as possible.

Civil servants have high pensions and shout that they pay more and get more, but they don't pay them at all

At the same time, we cannot ignore the plight of flexible workers in terms of old-age security. They often face greater financial pressure, and at the same time face risks and uncertainties while paying for their own pensions, and are unable to enjoy the benefits that match their work commitments. Therefore, we should strengthen the protection of flexible employment personnel, establish and improve institutional arrangements that can meet their pension needs, so as to jointly promote fairness and justice in the field of pension security.

Civil servants have high pensions and shout that they pay more and get more, but they don't pay them at all

To sum up, overpayment not only refers to individual overpayment, but more importantly, through the joint efforts of the society to achieve fairness and justice of old-age security. The treatment of pension should be determined comprehensively according to different working environments, responsibilities and contributions, so as to ensure that the interests of individuals and society are consistent. Only through the establishment of a more perfect social pension security system can we achieve a real sense of overpayment and overpayment, so that every worker can fairly share the benefits brought by the old-age security.