
Comparing the lives of Wang Ruoxi and Xiaofeng, why is one generous and comfortable, and the other delicate but tiring

author:A little little flower

Recently, I really like to watch videos of nannies, and the top is Xiaofeng's exquisite life and Wang Ruoxi's life.

I saw Auntie's first interview and Sister Hong's first interview.

When the aunt came, there were already several nannies before, but they didn't do it for a long time, because Xiaofeng's hygiene requirements for the family were very detailed, and she had to pay attention to the details and cook a large family's meal.

When Auntie first came, Xiaofeng also told the truth that she was a very meticulous person, and I don't know if Auntie can adapt?

I didn't expect my aunt to do it for so long, although she always ignored Xiaofeng's requirements at the beginning, but she improved a lot later and became more and more kind.

Not to mention Sister Hong, when she first came, she was very humble, polite and serious, making people look comfortable and highly praised.

But it is also like a roller coaster, plummeting, and almost no longer appears.

The main reason for Sister Hong's personal reasons, love to take advantage of others, care about others, procrastinate in doing things, and there is no big change after spending 8,000 years learning to cook.

Xiaofeng didn't explain to everyone that Sister Hong's aunt left her job or what happened? Anyway, he barely appeared on camera.

The two aunts are at home, but everyone finds that Xiaofeng is busy every day and does housework together, and the children have to take care of themselves Occasionally go shopping and come back without food.

It seems that the exquisite life is very tiring, and it is different from the state of the 100,000 living expenses per month that everyone imagined.

It's also very casual to dress up, and it's not even as good as a nanny.

Comparing the lives of Wang Ruoxi and Xiaofeng, why is one generous and comfortable, and the other delicate but tiring

Recently, Xiaofeng suddenly paid attention to her appearance, and bought several sets of brand clothes, but the effect was average, and even Brother Jin complained that it was not good-looking, and it didn't look good if she didn't dress up.

Many people don't understand why they are so rich and don't dress up at all because they don't have their own style at all, their hair is always messy, and they have a weird aesthetic.

Comparing the lives of Wang Ruoxi and Xiaofeng, why is one generous and comfortable, and the other delicate but tiring

And Wang Ruoxi's life also has two nannies, but it gives people a completely different feeling.

Her life looks extravagant, with a luxury car and a mansion, but it is very comfortable, and she gets along harmoniously with her nanny, and she is both measured and respectful, and she can go out and play together occasionally.

Although Sister Xi is Mrs. Kuo, she is approachable to people, and she is also very sensible about children's education.

The two nannies in the house are also delightful.

Lele is a preservation girl, and she looks ordinary, but she makes a good meal, comparable to a Michelin chef.

Ayin has been doing it for 8 years, and she is the same as her family, taking care of her children is meticulous and principled, like the head of the family, and her personality is not impatient.

Once I went shopping with the heroine, and just downstairs, Sister Xi said that it would be too cold to go to the mall for a while, so why don't you go up and get a dress

Lele said that A-Ying had prepared her clothes in advance and was in her backpack

went to the mall to buy things to be used abroad, and A-Ying also carefully made a dense list.

It is always caring, meticulous and thoughtful, and takes good care of it inside and out.

The latest video Watching the whole family go abroad to play together, Ayin said goodbye to the children, and told Wei Wei the precautions he needed to watch it and eat in time, and couldn't help but cry. I really gave all my love to the children.

Comparing the lives of Wang Ruoxi and Xiaofeng, why is one generous and comfortable, and the other delicate but tiring
Comparing the lives of Wang Ruoxi and Xiaofeng, why is one generous and comfortable, and the other delicate but tiring

Why is there such a big gap between the lives of the same two nannies and even the heroine?

Sister Xi can always be comfortable busy with her career, live a comfortable and comfortable life, should not be burdened by the family at all, and can enjoy it with friends.

But Xiaofeng always has to arrange big and small things at home, and she doesn't even feel at ease when she goes out.

In fact, it is mainly the heroine's original family, Sister Xi sees that the family is either rich or expensive, and she is also very good and will enjoy life.

And Xiaofeng's original family is very ordinary, and her living conditions have greatly improved when she marries Brother Jin, so she is not very good at enjoying life and is not like Mrs. Kuo, who can dress up for fitness and beauty to invest in herself, her mind is at home, even if she has a nanny, she is not at ease. There is also a nanny who is too weak to help with the children.

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