
Xiang Yi collapsed and talked about her mother: Her love is conditional, and the pain of the original family has always followed me very tired

author:A little little flower

Xiangyi has recently encountered hardships in teaching, and once again she can't stand crying on the Internet again and again The live broadcast room is also disobedient and crying, and it seems that everyone is refusing to let her down.

Why do you want to give back but can't find a place or direction?

She was full of hope and brought a bunch of certificates, doctoral degree certificates, teacher qualification certificates, Mandarin level 1, etc., these conditions were enough for her to teach, whether it was elementary school, junior high school, high school, etc.

Before leaving, I went to see my friend who was a teacher, learned from her, and hoped to get some encouragement. Friends told her: you are very good, you just need to make yourself happy and open the knot

Xiang Yi collapsed and talked about her mother: Her love is conditional, and the pain of the original family has always followed me very tired

Xiangyi herself said that many people advised her not to stop, take advantage of the traffic to rush forward, and make more money, but she lacked the strength in her heart and couldn't stop moving, so she wanted to go to school to contact some children and pass on her knowledge.

Mom's attitude is not supportive, and it only matters if she wants to stop and find a partner at this age.

Many people ask why they choose to volunteer?

One is that maybe there is a hurdle in my heart, no, I was a university teacher who was forced to leave because of my Internet identity, so there has always been a plot that I want to stand on the podium again, but because of my love Being a teacher has always been a wish since I was a child. The third is to accumulate good popularity for yourself.

But this time the teaching did not go well, and I drove seven or eight hours to Gansu, but the school was afraid of the identity of the Internet celebrity, so it refused.

It also reminded her of the school where she was studying for her Ph.D., and the university where she was teaching was afraid of the Internet.

Xiang Yi collapsed and talked about her mother: Her love is conditional, and the pain of the original family has always followed me very tired

This incident hit her very hard, and she couldn't help crying in the live broadcast room many times. said that because there is no team, I wear many hats, and only my mother follows the shooting, who can I rely on, too tired?

In the words is a complaint about the family, talking about my mother: my mother loves me very much, but her love is conditional, from childhood to adulthood, all the efforts done for the family must be known to others, when I was a child, I cut my fingers and bled all over the ground, but I had to show it to my family for people to see.

My mother follows me now, but the deepest part of this character is also influenced by my mother.

When I fell into a low point in my life, it was my family who picked me up, but the pain in my heart was not healed in a few days or even a year and a half.

Xiang Yi collapsed and talked about her mother: Her love is conditional, and the pain of the original family has always followed me very tired

She has talked about her original family many times, which has given her a lot of pain, and has always been with her.

Xiangyi said to her parents that the house took a lot of effort, it can be said that it took half a life to get it, she got into her studies, marriage, etc., when she said these words, did you think about how her parents felt, how much pressure they had to bear.

I wonder how sad my parents are to hear it? Maybe they have a lot of shortcomings, they also have flaws in their personalities, and they will also be patriarchal, but now it's not bad to see their mothers, and they run around with their daughters, and their brothers also care about their sisters, and they know that it's not easy for their sisters.

So no matter what it used to be, at least now the family gives warmth, and there is also a college and a Ph.D.

Xiang Yi collapsed and talked about her mother: Her love is conditional, and the pain of the original family has always followed me very tired

Everybody isn't perfect, and neither are parents, and you can't expect a rural woman to do everything perfectly, or to be as tall as you are. So give up complaining, enjoy and embrace the love of your family now, be filial and don't put too much pressure on yourself.

A person who complains all the time is difficult to be happy and happy himself, and his family will also be very screwed.

The family of origin can't change, so they learn to accept.

If the Internet is also causing a lot of stress, it is easy to give up and find a normal job.

The reason why I cry at every turn now is that I still feel that others owe me.

Xiang Yi collapsed and talked about her mother: Her love is conditional, and the pain of the original family has always followed me very tired

Some people say that he has too many thoughts, and he happens to read a lot of books and wants a lot of things, so he is very tired of living.

I don't know what her future path will be? But whatever you do, you have to recognize yourself and take it easy, and don't carry too many things.

Xiang Yi collapsed and talked about her mother: Her love is conditional, and the pain of the original family has always followed me very tired

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