
Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

author:Golden Bean (Receiving Apprentices)


Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

Text: Sunny day

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What is the most attractive thing in the entertainment industry?

Of course, it has to be the handsome man and beautiful woman who are the most eye-catching

As the saying goes, "Forty flowers for men, forty tofu scum for women"

Today, let's take a look at the "one flower" under the "pig killing knife of time".

"Comedian" Shen Teng

The first to bear the brunt is our military art school Uncle Shen Teng.

When he was young, Brother Teng can be said to be so handsome that he is fascinated,

And today's Brother Teng can only be said to be laughing to death.

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

Don't look at the current Shen Teng's various funny and famous scenes in variety shows,

It doesn't seem to be with a handsome guy,

It's unbelievable that when he was young, his appearance was the existence of crushing a lot of small fresh meat,

In the picture, he is holding a coin,

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

His eyes subtly looked at the woman on the stage, full of bohemian and uninhibited rich boys,

It turned out that when he was young, he took the ascetic route,

I have to say that Brother Teng's transformation span is quite large, I don't know if my friends see him now,

Is it "funny" or "handsome" that comes to mind?

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

The façade of Tongfu Inn is in charge of Sha Yi

and Brother Teng's fellow brother, Sha Yi.

Speaking of which, the "Jade-faced Xiaosheng Bai Zhantang" at that time was a male god-level existence.

There is also this stalk of "Sunflower Point Acupuncture" in the play,

So far, it has been the object of imitation of the little brother.。

This drama is still the next dinner drama for many netizens.

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

And now, once again, Sha Yi is mentioned,

I can't help but think of the sentence "Yingzi, open the door, daddy"

This is quite a big change

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

Why did the male god of the year start to take the route of "funny man".

Maybe it's like what he said on the show,

Back then, people preferred Chen Daoming's "tough guy" style

With the change of the times, people have fallen in love with the "little fresh meat" style that is completely different from before.

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

This made him, who was originally immature, "abandoned" by everyone just after the "vicissitudes" began

And now Sha Yi frequently appears in variety shows, contributing to many famous scenes.

Literary scholar Pan Yueming

"Xu Xian" Pan Yueming was also a well-known existence at that time,

With the gentle and slightly cute role of "Xu Xian" in the play "The Legend of the White Snake", he instantly gained countless fans

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

It's a pity that after the blow of a failed marriage, his career also declined.

When he reappeared in the public eye, it was in "Detective Chinatown".

At this time, he has completed the transformation from the "cream student" to the "vicissitudes of life".

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

Later, he relied on the role of "Guan Hongyu".

amazed a group of fans with superb acting skills,

What's even more surprising is that he is also going farther and farther on the road to middle-aged fortune.

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

There are also netizens who commented in the stills of "Xu Xian": "Is he out of the circle?"

It makes people laugh and cry.

is like two people with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes in the past, which makes fans and friends call it a pity.

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

Dillon of the "Hong Kong Tigers".

Dillon is an existence that has been enthusiastically sought after by fans since his debut,

As one of the four tigers in Hong Kong, Dillon,

Who hasn't been hit by his beauty?

Plus he also used to study Wing Chun,

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

The combination of strength and beauty was the guarantee of the ratings of TV dramas at that time.

As long as there is Dillon's participation, there will be a large number of fans who will flock to watch it.

The fight scenes in film and television works are pleasing to the eye.

The acting in "Chu Liuxiang" and "The Moon Knife at the End of the World" is even more popular among men, women and children.

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

It's just that Dillon's flowering period is too short, and he after forty is even more different from when he was young.

There are even rumors that he was fired by Shaw Brothers because of his reduced appearance.

If it is said that "men have forty-one flowers", then he is the "tofu dregs" in flowers

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

"Asia's No. 1 beautiful man" Zunlong

When it comes to Zunlong, the most familiar character is Pu Yi in "The Last Emperor".

He was nominated for the "Golden Globe Award" twice for the role of "Pu Yi".

became the first person of Chinese descent to reach the Oscar podium.

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

The young dragon is graceful and extraordinary, and at a glance, it makes people feel that his family background is extraordinary.

In fact, Zunlong is an orphan, and his growth history is even more distressing.

As a young child, he was abandoned at birth, and then adopted by his adoptive mother in order to receive orphan allowances.

Such a childhood is destined to go through all kinds of heartaches.

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

Later, after being adopted by an American couple, he was also successfully admitted to the American Drama Academy.

His experience since he was a child has made him experience the various states of life, and he has also cultivated a calm character.

became famous in the later "The Last Emperor" with the role of "Pu Yi",

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

It's a pity that he has not escaped the ravages of time,

Zunlong, who is over 40 years old, has also begun to gain figure.

It seems that fortune is a curse that all middle-aged men can't avoid

However, Zunlong did not have "appearance anxiety", and he didn't pay attention to his appearance.

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

Shandong beautiful man Jiao Enjun

There should be no one who doesn't know Jiao Enjun's "Erlang God".

In "Baolian Lantern", "Erlang God" amazed everyone as soon as he appeared,

Beat the male protagonist Cao Jun,

is worthy of Jiao Enjun, who is the head of "South Jiao and North Gu, the Four Beauties of the World",

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

However, Jiao Enjun, who was handsome and handsome when he was young,

With the passage of time, he gradually became a "bad old man"

Many netizens can't help but compare the young yes and the current him,

They all sighed that the pig-killing knife of the years did not let go of the beautiful men in ancient costumes.

The puffy face made netizens say whether plastic surgery failed.

Actually, he didn't have plastic surgery.

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

It's just that the face was hit hard in another car accident.

caused local swelling and deformation of his face,

It's a pity that it is difficult to return to peak state after actively cooperating with treatment and repair.

But although the appearance is not as good as before,

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

But he didn't give up his career as an actor either,

In addition to adjusting the mentality,

It is also actively participating in public welfare undertakings to help those who need help more.

And Jiao Enjun's positive side still attracts the likes of many friends.

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

Handsome adjective Wu Yanzu

Once upon a time, Wu Yanzu did not only refer to Wu Yanzu,

It is an adjective for many handsome guys, but now the stalk is still there, and people are "declining" first.

At that time, with his outstanding appearance,

made many seniors and juniors want to cooperate with him.

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

However, he was not limited by his appearance, but began to hone his acting skills.

In the end, it lived up to expectations,

With his outstanding acting in "New Police Story", he won the Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor.

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".

It's a pity that he didn't escape the curse of forty years old,

Just over 40 years old, he began to bow down,

There are more netizens commenting that the more you look at it, the more it looks like Su Daqiang.

Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".


Of course, there are many artists who are experiencing such changes,

It can be seen that no matter what kind of appearance it is, it will return to the ordinary after the baptism of the years.

I also hope that they can live the life they like after returning to the ordinary

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Those male stars whose looks collapsed: how charming they used to be, how disappointed you will be "now".
[Disclaimer] The time, process, and pictures of the article are all from the Internet, and the article aims to spread positive energy, and there is no vulgar and other bad guidance. The audience should look at this incident rationally, and do not leave malicious comments with subjective assumptions, the Internet is not a place outside the law. If there is a dispute about the authenticity of this article, copyright or image infringement, please contact the author in time, and we will delete it

Information sources: When I was young, I was a handsome guy, and when I got old, my appearance collapsed! These 6 male stars seem to have changed as a person Time is a pig-killing knife, the appearance of these male stars when they are young, you will never think of it! Male stars with a large age gap are in the same frame, and their real appearance is clear at a glance!