
One person ruins a drama! The heroine is like a in "Executive Judge", and her pretense is disgusting

author:Fei Ge said entertainment

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On the hit screen of CCTV 8, the drama "Executive Judge" has set off a lot of waves, and the image of the heroine has become the focus of heated discussions among the audience.

One person ruins a drama! The heroine is like a in "Executive Judge", and her pretense is disgusting

As soon as the heroine appeared on the stage, she shocked the audience's attention with a unique image. Her face was twisted, her mouth was twisted, and her eyes were fierce, as if she had an oppressive aura all around her. Although she adheres to the principle of impartial law enforcement in the play, this image creation makes the audience feel a little difficult to accept.

One person ruins a drama! The heroine is like a in "Executive Judge", and her pretense is disgusting

In the progress of the plot, when colleague Qi Lin asked to see his aunt, the heroine's domineering attitude and merciless refusal aroused strong doubts from the audience. In the eyes of the audience, such a posture may still work when fooling the people, but in the face of their colleagues, it is really incomprehensible to be so impersonal. This treatment not only seems stiff, but even gives people a false feeling, as if it is just a plot that is forcibly set to highlight the toughness of the characters.

One person ruins a drama! The heroine is like a in "Executive Judge", and her pretense is disgusting

Not all of the performances in this drama have elicited negative reviews. Luo Jin's acting skills have been unanimously affirmed by the audience. He was able to restrain his emotions in the play and delicately show the complex struggles in the characters' hearts. When the audience watched, it seemed that they could really feel the pain and struggle in his heart through the screen, and the entanglement and helplessness were distressing.

One person ruins a drama! The heroine is like a in "Executive Judge", and her pretense is disgusting

For the image and performance of the heroine, the audience's discussion became more and more intense. Some people believe that such a role setting may be to highlight the resoluteness and decisiveness in the process of law enforcement, but it is too extreme in terms of expression, resulting in the character losing its due human temperature. And the way she treats her colleagues makes this character seem isolated and indifferent, which is far from the real workplace relationship.

One person ruins a drama! The heroine is like a in "Executive Judge", and her pretense is disgusting

It has also been suggested that when interpreting this role, the actor may pay too much attention to the external performance, and ignore the inner level and emotional excavation of the character. makes this character a symbolic existence in the eyes of the audience, lacking enough convincing and appealing.

One person ruins a drama! The heroine is like a in "Executive Judge", and her pretense is disgusting

In contrast, Luo Jin's outstanding performance added a lot of highlights to the whole drama. Through his superb acting skills, he has successfully created a flesh-and-blood character image full of emotional layers. Let the audience pay attention to the plot at the same time, but also impressed by his performance.

One person ruins a drama! The heroine is like a in "Executive Judge", and her pretense is disgusting

The discussion sparked by "The Executive Judge" is an opportunity for us to think more deeply about the nature and future direction of film and television creation. In future works, creators will first need to understand and construct the characters in an all-round way. A successful role should not be just a presentation of a single personality, but a fusion of multiple facets and complexities. Just like real-life characters, there are strengths and weaknesses, moments of determination and moments of hesitation. Such a character can make the audience resonate and feel the real charm of humanity.

One person ruins a drama! The heroine is like a in "Executive Judge", and her pretense is disgusting

Balancing a character's personality traits with human care is crucial. The emotional needs of the character as a human being should not be neglected in order to highlight the professional characteristics of the character, nor should the character lose his basic empathy in order to create dramatic conflict. For example, in law enforcement themes, while adhering to the bottom line of the law, law enforcers should also have a perception of the warmth and coldness of human feelings, showing a combination of rigidity and softness.

One person ruins a drama! The heroine is like a in "Executive Judge", and her pretense is disgusting

The selection and guidance of actors is also a key link. Creators should be good at discovering the potential of actors and selecting the most suitable actors according to the characteristics of the role. And during the filming process, the actors are given enough space and guidance so that they can deeply understand the role and integrate their performance with the role. The polishing of the script is also indispensable. A well-reasoned script provides a solid foundation for both the characters and the actors. Creators need to carefully design the plot so that the characters grow and change naturally, rather than rigidly changing the character's personality in order to advance the story.

One person ruins a drama! The heroine is like a in "Executive Judge", and her pretense is disgusting

Today, with the continuous development of technology, film and television creation is also facing more challenges and opportunities. External factors such as special effects and picture quality are important, but they cannot always replace the core charm brought by the characters and actors. Only when creators really put their minds into character creation and actor guidance can they create excellent works that can stand the test of time.

One person ruins a drama! The heroine is like a in "Executive Judge", and her pretense is disgusting

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