
Is it really meaningless for China to develop its own chips? Expert opinions spark controversy


In today's science and technology, chips are known as precious gems, and their strategic position in science and technology and national security is self-evident. In recent years, with the intensification of competition between China and the United States in this industry, this key area has gradually become the focus of the technology game between the two countries. However, there are still people who question the practical significance of self-developed chips, which leads us to think further: Is it true that domestic biochips have no use value at all?

Before analyzing this topic, it is necessary to review the evolution of chip technology in mainland China. In fact, since the early 90s of the last century, the mainland has made remarkable achievements on the road of scientific and technological innovation, although there is still a gap compared with the advanced countries of the West, however, since the middle of the 20th century, especially in the field of semiconductor industry, the mainland has begun to actively explore and further promote its own development. Before the 80s, the gap faced by the mainland in this industry was not as huge as imagined.

The misunderstanding of "it is better to buy than to build".

Since the beginning of the reform and opening up, with the influx of Western goods, many manufacturers have chosen to import products while ignoring local R&D investment, coupled with the shrinking research budget of the electronics industry, since 1985, the mainland electronics industry has gradually entered a trough. The reason for this is mainly due to the lack of technology accumulation and long-term development strategy, which has led to the loss of China's advantages in the semiconductor industry.

Is it really meaningless for China to develop its own chips? Expert opinions spark controversy

The conceptual shift triggered by the development of science and technology, as well as the deep-seated causes that lead to this phenomenon, have had a profound impact on the phenomenon of backwardness. Due to its failure to fully understand the essence of scientific and technological progress and the huge resources required for long-term investment and accumulation of resources to promote it, the mainland's ability to innovate independently has weakened, it is difficult to obtain core technologies, and its competitiveness in the international market has been reduced. In the case of the semiconductor industry, for example, the reality that "import is better than production" is a clear proof of this.

The awakening of "it is better to buy than to build".

The mainland's demand for independent innovation has become increasingly clear, especially after the US chip ban, and the concept of "buying is better than manufacturing" has become more popular. This view is not only limited to the level of science and technology, but also closely related to the national strategic layout.

Is it really meaningless for China to develop its own chips? Expert opinions spark controversy

Driven by this idea, we continue to increase the total investment in chip technology research and development and manufacturing, including the central and local governments, and enterprises to jointly promote the growth and development of the semiconductor industry in the mainland. This kind of comprehensive investment is not only an extension of economic interests, but also goes deep into the talent of science and technology think tanks and key areas closely related to the development of the country.

The rise of domestic chips

The mainland chip industry continues to improve, and has made important breakthroughs in local chip research and development, successfully surpassing overseas products. According to relevant statistics, in the first five months of 2022 alone, the use of chips in mainland China will be as high as 370 million, fully demonstrating the vigorous vitality of the domestic chip market.

Is it really meaningless for China to develop its own chips? Expert opinions spark controversy

In recent years, with the rapid progress of domestic chip technology, the overall quantity and quality have achieved double-digit growth, and the scale has been sufficient, enough to meet the demand of up to 90% of the domestic market. This not only greatly promotes the development of the domestic market, but also has a significant impact on the existing global industrial pattern. Recently, Europe and the United States, which were once cautious about mainland chip exports, are facing the dilemma of losing China's market share.

The truth about the challenge of de-globalization

Concerns about the rise of China's semiconductor industry have led to speculation that the mainland may fall into the risk of "anti-globalization" and international isolation. However, these views fail to fully recognize a key problem: if the mainland's high-end technology field is slow, it will inevitably lead to becoming a global weaker player and falling into the dilemma of self-protection.

Is it really meaningless for China to develop its own chips? Expert opinions spark controversy

Globalization is not a simple one-way trend. The mainland's progress is not only aimed at achieving its own prosperity, but also committed to creating a blueprint for a win-win world. Looking at the present, the vigorous development (of the mainland) is not a manifestation of anti-globalization, but a cornerstone of this towards a higher level of development goals.

The future of chips in China

With an excellent development foundation, China's chip industry has shown strong potential for future development. Massive government investment, relentless innovation by enterprises, and continuous infusion of talent will all strongly promote the long-term progress of science and technology, as well as its country and the nation as a whole.

It is expected that in the next few years, China is expected to achieve a comprehensive breakthrough in this field, leading the global chip manufacturing and technological innovation and industrial development.

Is it really meaningless for China to develop its own chips? Expert opinions spark controversy
Conclusion: Is it really meaningless for Chinese chips?

For the major proposition of what is the importance of the mainland's self-developed chips, we need to first return to the core topic for in-depth discussion. The self-developed chip not only promotes the sustainable development of science and technology, but also carries multiple tasks such as national security and leading the future direction of the nation. Although the mainland chip industry is facing many challenges, its potential value and opportunities cannot be ignored. Let us work together to meet the dawn of the glorious future of the mainland chip industry.

The purpose of this article is to provide an in-depth analysis of the continued prosperity of China's chip technology and its far-reaching impact on global peace and stability. Warmly invite readers to participate in the discussion and participate in the grand event; I also hope that readers can like or forward it after reading, so as to increase the public's attention to the significant progress of the mainland chip industry.

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