
The special episode of Cangyuan Diagram was exposed, You Shenwei took over Dongning Mansion, and the new beauty Zhihua appeared, which is expected to be a big hit

author:Shen Boi

Many Chinese comic fans should have seen the anime Cangyuantu, after all, this anime is really hot, and it can really be said to be the face of a cool Guoman area. Since the end of the first season, many people have been urging the second season, and they all want to know when the second season will be finalized. It's just that urging and urging and doing and doing is not urging Cangyuan Tu to meet everyone so quickly in the second season.

The special episode of Cangyuan Diagram was exposed, You Shenwei took over Dongning Mansion, and the new beauty Zhihua appeared, which is expected to be a big hit

Just when I thought I would have to wait a while to see the second season of Cangyuantu, suddenly there was news about this anime. At first, I thought it was the second season of Cangyuantu that was finalized, but after watching it, I realized that it was not the second season of Cangyuantu that was finalized, but the so-called Cangyuantu special. Now the second season of Cangyuantu is scheduled to start in July, but there is no specific date yet, but it is good to be able to tell the audience that the special episode of Cangyuantu will be released in July. And with the finalization, the trailer has also come out. Not to mention so much, let's take a look.

The special episode of Cangyuan Diagram was exposed, You Shenwei took over Dongning Mansion, and the new beauty Zhihua appeared, which is expected to be a big hit

First, the special article of Cangyuan Diagram was exposed, and You Shenwei took over Dongning Mansion

Now that the Cangyuan Diagram special has been exposed, judging from the trailer, the director released a blockbuster message at the beginning. This blockbuster information is that a new organization has appeared, You Shenwei, and as soon as this organization appears, it will take over Dongning Mansion domineeringly, which is where the male protagonist Meng Chuan is located.

The special episode of Cangyuan Diagram was exposed, You Shenwei took over Dongning Mansion, and the new beauty Zhihua appeared, which is expected to be a big hit

It is reported that the organization of Youshenwei belongs to Yuan Chu City and is the top guard force of Yuan Chu City. As for why You Shenwei came to Dongning Mansion and took over Dongning Mansion, the main reason is that the demon clan invaded Dongning Mansion on a large scale before, and many masters of Dongning Mansion can be said to be dead, even the lord of Dongning Mansion is dead. The aunt and grandmother of the male protagonist Meng Chuan also died, dying in this battle.

The special episode of Cangyuan Diagram was exposed, You Shenwei took over Dongning Mansion, and the new beauty Zhihua appeared, which is expected to be a big hit

Dongning Mansion can be said to be a high-end force has been lost, and the dragons are leaderless, if the demon clan attacks again, I am afraid that a round of attacks will destroy Dongning Mansion. Therefore, the city lord of the early Yuan Dynasty couldn't stand it, so he sent You Shenwei to take over Dongning Mansion.

The special episode of Cangyuan Diagram was exposed, You Shenwei took over Dongning Mansion, and the new beauty Zhihua appeared, which is expected to be a big hit

Second, the new beauty Zhihua debuted, which is expected to be a big hit

And then there's the new beauty Zhihua. Judging from the trailer, there is another new beauty on the scene. Who is this beauty? It is the painting of the commander of the forbidden army of the wandering gods. This beauty is dressed in red, very gorgeous, and is also good at using knives, which can be said to be a typical royal sister-type beauty. It seems that she has reached the realm of gods, stronger than the male protagonist Meng Chuan, and she still wants the male protagonist to listen to her. even revealed a leak in the door of the male protagonist Meng Chuan, and it was obvious that she had also reached the realm of the Divine Venerable.

The special episode of Cangyuan Diagram was exposed, You Shenwei took over Dongning Mansion, and the new beauty Zhihua appeared, which is expected to be a big hit

She will fight with the male protagonist Meng Chuan to defend Dongning Mansion together. This special chapter should be mainly about the story of guarding Dongning Mansion.,With the ability of the producer.,Coupled with the success of the first season.,This one is likely to be a big hit.,Become another hit in the national comic industry.

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