
Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

author:Jiang said bluntly
Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

With the end of the college entrance examination, many students have flocked to major universities, and colleges and universities around the country are naturally busy because they have to compete for excellent students everywhere.

At this time, a university called Fuyao University of Science and Technology has also attracted people's attention, and many people have wanted to enter this university for a long time.

It's just that to everyone's surprise, Fuyao University of Science and Technology will not be able to enroll students normally in 2024 because it has not obtained the enrollment qualification and has not passed the review.

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

As soon as this news came out, the news on the Internet fryed.

To the surprise of Cao Dewang, the founder of Fuyao University, his admissions approval was not approved, and ordinary people were even more anxious than him.

So, why is Fuyao University of Science and Technology attracting so much attention?

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

1. Why hasn't Fuyao University been approved?

In 2023, Cao Dewang publicly stated on the show that Fuyao University of Science and Technology will enroll students in 2024.

The main reason why Fuyao University of Science and Technology is so popular is because its founder is Cao Dewang, a real private entrepreneur.

This year, with the rise in popularity of the college entrance examination, everyone naturally has high expectations for Fuyao University of Science and Technology.

It plans to recruit students this year, which will naturally attract a lot of attention and usher in a large number of students.

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

Some media reporters tried to contact Fuyao University of Science and Technology several times, but they were unable to do so.

It wasn't until some time ago that the relevant departments gave definite news, that is, the enrollment of Fuyao University of Science and Technology was not approved.

In other words, Fuyao University of Science and Technology's enrollment may not be able to take place until next year.

As we all know, as the founder of Fuyao University of Science and Technology, Cao Dewang is the chairman of the board of directors of Fuyao Group, and he invested 10 billion yuan to establish the university at that time. The university was established towards an international level.

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

Many people are very concerned about this university and want to know its development progress.

After all, many people recognize his online evaluation, especially when he took the initiative to spend 10 billion yuan to build a domestic university, which has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life.

The establishment of this university is undoubtedly a great joy for the entire educational community, and it is also said that the establishment of this university is also to better serve the industrial economy.

If you can enter Fuyao University of Science and Technology, then for many students, they may also have a better way out in terms of employment, and they will pay more attention to its enrollment problems.

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

It's just that everyone is very disappointed that there was already news that they could get enrollment in 2024, but they did not get the enrollment qualifications, which inevitably made many people feel very regretful, and they were concerned about when the approval could be passed, indicating that their children wanted to go. Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him.

This also makes some people suspicious, the original enrollment has been broken, is there any ulterior secret?

Or what are the unexpected problems? Some are also beginning to worry about the university's future.

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

Second, entrepreneurs run universities to attract attention

The reason why Fuyao University of Science and Technology has attracted widespread attention is not only because its founder is Cao Dewang, the chairman of Fuyao Group, but also because there is another important factor, that is, the person who serves as the president of this university is Wang Shuguo.

Speaking of Wang Shuguo, he is an "Internet celebrity principal" who has attracted more attention on the whole network, and he is also a big man who is very respected in colleges and universities everywhere.

In 2022, he was still the president of Xi'an Jiaotong University, and he recognized Cao Dewang's move to establish the school and spoke highly of it.

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

In his view, the establishment of Fuyao University of Science and Technology is undoubtedly through the cooperation between the campus and enterprises, which can promote a better integration between industry and education, which is the best embodiment of strong cooperation.

Therefore, Wang Shuguo also gave high praise and support to Cao Dewang's Fuyao University of Science and Technology, which also laid a certain foundation for him to work at the university.

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

Look at Cao Dewang and Wang Shuguo, both of them are also highly respected figures in their respective fields, and they both have very high popularity. The fact that two people can work together is undoubtedly more attractive to people.

Of course, the reason why the two are blended and combined is actually because they have a lot in common.

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

Whether it is Wang Shuguo or Cao Dewang, they all have a very high degree of patriotism. In terms of character, the two of them are also very worthy of recognition, and they are also highly praised by the majority of netizens.

Especially Cao Dewang, he has always had the lofty idea of "reaching the world and helping the world", and he is also a famous philanthropist, and he has also made great achievements in public welfare and charity.

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

Of course, Wang Shuguo's character is worthy of recognition, he is very humble, very supportive of the development of educational talents, and he has always adhered to the field of education, is an educator who is recognized by students and respected by his peers.

The success of the two to start a school together undoubtedly brings more expectations to the outside world, and it can be said that this is the perfect combination of 10 billion funds and top principals.

One is a very famous principal, and the other is a well-known glass king, and the two will work together to create a better future for education.

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

In fact, there are also many entrepreneurs who have begun to devote themselves to establishing high-level universities, such as Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, Westlake University and Shantou University, etc., which also have first-class entrepreneurs joining them, which has also attracted more attention in recent years.

In fact, these entrepreneurs run schools because they have lofty ideals, that is, to cultivate high-end talents for the country and society, and to cultivate scientific and technical talents that the society really needs.

Of course, there is support for it, and there will be a certain amount of criticism.

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

3. Mixed reviews

Unlike ordinary universities, the founders of Fuyao University of Science and Technology are well-known private entrepreneurs in mainland China, and such figures often attract a certain amount of criticism.

There are many people who think that Cao Dewang is not a person who specializes in the field of education, and it is definitely unprofessional for such a person to establish a university.

Whether it is in terms of teaching quality or school conditions, it is not easy to meet the standards.

In addition, Fuyao University of Science and Technology, which was originally scheduled to enroll students in 2024, failed to obtain certain qualifications, which made many netizens feel that something was strange.

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

Everyone feels that Cao Dewang's school-running philosophy is completely different from that of many domestic colleges and universities, which makes more people start to follow suit, and even think that he does not have the conditions to start a school.

Of course, this is just the prejudice of some netizens.

In fact, whether it is the praise of Cao Dewang or the accusation against him, it needs to be considered from all aspects.

We should not make conclusions based on just one side of the story, we should treat the matter of Cao Dewang's establishment of colleges and universities rationally, and we cannot generalize.

The establishment of a university and its real use and enrollment of students all require a long process, and it also needs to undergo all-round supervision and assessment, and it is not something that can be done at will by just one person.

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

If Fuyao University of Science and Technology can successfully recruit students and put it into use, then it also means that the university must have sufficient qualifications, and it can also contribute to the development of education and stimulate more vitality, which is beyond doubt.

For Cao Dewang's establishment of colleges and universities, many people have put forward some new views, that is, what impact will entrepreneurs have on the future development of colleges and universities when they join the field of running schools?

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

As Cao Dewang said, he wants to establish a famous Chinese school and sprint to the world.

He hopes to open up a path for more people through his own exploration and reform.

This is undoubtedly a positive change, and it can also allow entrepreneurs to play a more important role in establishing more distinctive private universities, which can move towards high-level graduate and research universities.

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him

However, the whole process must be very complex and long, after all, the establishment and investment of colleges and universities require challenges from all sides, not only funds, but also management, talents, etc., which need to be comprehensively considered.

The growth of an excellent high-level university is bound to be very difficult and faces various challenges, which are also borne by entrepreneurs.

As for whether Fuyao University of Science and Technology can rise rapidly and become a well-known university in China, there is a lot of effort behind it, which is unimaginable to ordinary people. For its future, everyone should also give more confidence and blessings.

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him


Cao Dewang was able to take the initiative to establish Fuyao University of Science and Technology, and made all the preparations and was about to enter the enrollment process, which shows that he has also made various efforts behind the scenes, and he is also constantly turning around for this purpose.

His philosophy of running a school also coincides with the development of modern society, that is, more attention is paid to the combination of education and industrial economy, and it can also promote the better transformation of scientific research results, which will undoubtedly bring some vitality to the development of the field of education.

Of course, for private entrepreneurs to set up colleges and universities is also a kind of exploration and innovation, as long as the quality of teaching can be guaranteed, then such behavior is undoubtedly worthy of support.

Has Fuyao University passed the review? Cao Dewang never expected that the people who were in a hurry for admissions approval were more anxious than him


2024-03-26 Source: Anhui Times Review WeChat account Cao Dewang + Wang Shuguo: Why is this "hand-in-hand" highly anticipated? 》

2024-03-30 Source: Shangguan News "Behind the 10 Billion Establishment of Fuyao University of Science and Technology: What is the Significance of Entrepreneurs "Entering" to Run Schools"

Jimu News 2024-05-28 "Fujian Provincial Department of Education Confirms Fuyao University of Science and Technology Not Recruiting Students This Year, School: Wang Shuguo is Still the President"

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