
More and more people in the workplace are secretly studying for a master's degree with the same academic ability....

author:Easy to learn education

I've seen too many people who have died down at the age of 30 and lived with peace of mind. At the end of the year, I can't read a few books, and I never participate in the training of the unit, let alone invest in learning for myself, and numbly walk through the two points and one line.

Compared with this group of people, there are always people who love to toss and never use qualifications as an excuse. Douban group#People who fall in love with exams#,Yes

More and more people in the workplace are secretly studying for a master's degree with the same academic ability....

This group of alternative scholars who "live endlessly, toss endlessly" has a slogan: high-end players in life are all custom configurations.

As an adult, you always have two choices in the face of the great changes of the times: lie in your comfort zone and live your life, or continue to invest in your studies.

After Dong Yuhui became popular, many people praised him for being smart, but he said: Being smart is not innate wisdom, but a mentality of continuous learning.

In 2022, the number of people who study for a master's degree with the same academic ability will exceed 300,000 for the first time, and by 2023, the number will reach 362,000.

More and more people in the workplace are secretly studying for a master's degree with the same academic ability....

The equivalent academic ability is a kind of on-the-job graduate student, also known as the May equivalent academic ability master's degree, which is the so-called "first admission, then examination". Students attend classes first to complete the credits.

Admission is simpler

There is a limit to the number of full-time graduate students admitted, and the examination is more difficult. The quota limit for applying for a master's degree with the same academic ability is more relaxed, and you can enter the school if you meet the conditions.

Take credits at home

Applicants with the same academic ability can choose to take classes at home, which has a higher degree of freedom in time and space. As a result, in their spare time, there are many adults who secretly study graduate courses at home in front of their computers or tablets, but everything pays off the moment they get their master's degree certificate!

More and more people in the workplace are secretly studying for a master's degree with the same academic ability....

The difficulty of the exam is low

There are many subjects to be tested for full-time graduate students, including foreign languages, mathematics, politics, subject comprehensive, etc., and the difficulty of postgraduate English is greater than that of level 4 or 6. The same academic ability only takes 1-2 subjects, and the difficulty of English is much easier than that of Level 4, as long as you pass 60 points, in addition, the probability of getting a certificate has risen a lot!

Simply go to a prestigious school

If you want to go to a prestigious school through the postgraduate entrance examination, the score must be more than 300 points, the competition for popular majors in famous schools is more intense, and some people still do not go to school after taking the 400 points.

In addition, the graduate students with the same academic ability and the double certificate of the December unified examination share a set of teachers, and their resources are also shared (such as teachers, alumni contacts, etc.). For people who want to go to a prestigious school but don't have time to take the graduate school entrance examination and the results of the graduate school entrance examination are not satisfactory, it is

More and more people in the workplace are secretly studying for a master's degree with the same academic ability....

Those who love to learn and are willing to make progress will not have a bad life! The same academic ability is in the process of registration,

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