
29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

author:Foreign French

01, a strange-looking Labrador Retriever and a doll based on it, can you see that the dog's skull has collapsed?

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

02, the bird that has been waiting for something

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

03, the big otter has no natural enemies, it is still a social animal, and the crocodile does not dare to provoke it at all!

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

04. After being infected with Rhistocystis vulgaris, the bullfrog's eyes grow into its mouth, which is a terrible mutation.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

05, blood-red eyes are also very mad.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

06. Frogs and snake drivers

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

07. A snowy owl looks like it's laughing with someone, is it cute?

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

08, there is no doubt that among all the animal kingdom killers, the spoonbill is the most bizarre one. The crazy hairstyle + big flat beak make it the most beautiful baby in the bird section of the zoo.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

09, poor manatee, do you see the scars on its body? It was a masterpiece of the ship's propeller, and there were so many animals that were injured by the propeller!

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

10. The giraffe's neck was "broken" because of a fight with other male giraffes

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

11. Tsubaki elephant lays eggs into a hexagonal shape, arranged neatly, and even OCD patients sigh to themselves.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

12. In the rainforest of Borneo, a huge bright red leech is devouring a giant earthworm.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

13. So, a strange thing happened, the fox and the hare were taken to the sky by the bald eagle......

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

14. The most complicated color may be this kind of bird, the crown hummingbird.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

15. This mode of exchanging "pay" for "return" is better than "dove occupying magpie's nest".

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

16. A spawning snake was suddenly attacked by a centipede, and when its defense ability was at its weakest, it became the prey of the centipede.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

17. It looks creepy, and it feels like a crack has opened in the skull.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

18. Birds of prey gouge out the eyes of fish

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

19. The American ferret looks very attractive, and the marmot is also honest and cute

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

20. Have you ever seen a photo of a monkey like this? It looks very good, such a scene is very rare, you look at so many monkeys, I can't count how many, you see, how many are there? Can you count them?

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

21. Guinea pigs who like to play chess

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

22. The top is first out, can the bottom win? ?!! (2)

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

23. Some even provide air-conditioned rooms for bulls and regularly receive ancient Ayurvedic treatments and special diets.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

24. A large fluffy Eurasian eagle owl, Ladakh, India.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

25. This guy always jumps on the counter, so we put a fake box to lure him, but I didn't expect it to be really successful!

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

26. The swamps of Cyprus are full of such giant water bugs, which can bite people's toes.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

27. Look at the picture and guess the idiom, how many can you guess??????????????

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

28. This mother bird actually built a nest on the traffic light

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

29. This is a terrible frog called the Road-Building Stacked Back Frog. The pimple on its back is actually its egg.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

30. Florida in the United States is full of dangerous wild animals. In the photo below, a giant alligator swaggers past people's eyes.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

31. If you use a washing machine to clean rubber gloves, don't be frightened after opening them, and don't think that you have accidentally opened the gates of hell.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

32. The killer whale mother took the baby killer whale and swam under the "escort" of the big family, and the picture was very warm

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

33. Buy mineral water for cats? It was finally confirmed that the cat was liquid.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

34, red panda. herbivore

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

35. If you want to say that the ugliest fish grows, the astrological fish must have a place, its nose is like a fire burning a ball of whiskers, this is its fishing tool, other small fish will be attracted to come, it immediately swallows the prey with a big mouth, usually it hides under the sand.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

36. A flower dog that stands taller than a human.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

37. It's so disgusting, a tick that sucks up blood, I really want to step on it with one kick.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

38. The larvae of sea anemones are a bit like extraterrestrial life.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

39. In Tanzania's game reserve, vultures and fishing eagles fought in order to snatch a fish, and the scene was extremely intense. After dozens of rounds of battle, the Vulture Stork, which was significantly larger, finally emerged victorious.

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

40. Good fellow, this sheep's ears are longer than rabbit ears...... Have you ever seen such a sheep?

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

41. Red-bellied macaw

29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

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29 poignant animal photos: Labrador skull collapsed, reindeer falling off cliff

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