
On July 6th, the plum blossoms, "I am afraid of the thunder and rain", why are you afraid of thunderstorms on this day? What does the agricultural proverb say?

author:The food of the living home
On July 6th, the plum blossoms, "I am afraid of the thunder and rain", why are you afraid of thunderstorms on this day? What does the agricultural proverb say?

The rainy season is a well-known meteorological phenomenon, but people in different regions understand it very differently. Northerners often think that the rainy season is just a drizzle that does not last long and does not rain much, but in fact, the rainy season in the Jiangnan area is often accompanied by heavy rain and torrential rain, which brings a lot of inconvenience to people's lives.

Residents of the northern region may rarely have the opportunity to experience the rainy season firsthand, and most of their impressions of the rainy season come from literary works or descriptions by others. In their imagination, the rainy season is gentle, a touch of poetry in the water town of the south of the Yangtze River. This impression is far from the actual situation of the rainy season in the Gangnam area.

On July 6th, the plum blossoms, "I am afraid of the thunder and rain", why are you afraid of thunderstorms on this day? What does the agricultural proverb say?

The rainy season in Jiangnan is usually from June to July every year, and the rainfall at this time is often very abundant, and sometimes it can bring continuous heavy rain and torrential rain. This kind of weather not only brings inconvenience to people's travel, but can also lead to disasters such as urban waterlogging and flooding of farmland.

It's July 1st now, and July 6th is the time of the plum season. As the rainy season comes to an end, people are paying attention to the weather and hoping for sunny weather as soon as possible. The forecast of the meteorological department shows that there will still be continuous rain in the Jiangnan area in the next few days, which will undoubtedly have a great impact on people's daily life.

Whether the rainy season will continue until July 6 is not a simple observation, but a combination of meteorological data and historical experience. In ancient times, people judged the beginning and end of rainy seasons based on natural phenomena and life experiences, while in modern times, meteorologists use more scientific methods to predict and analyze.

On July 6th, the plum blossoms, "I am afraid of the thunder and rain", why are you afraid of thunderstorms on this day? What does the agricultural proverb say?

The judgment of the rainy season in ancient times mainly relied on natural phenomena and agricultural activities. For example, when the plums are ripe, it is believed that the rainy season is approaching, and it is called "Irime Plum". When the rainy season ends and the weather clears, it is called "Izume". Although this method of judging is simple, it reflects the natural law of rainy season to a certain extent.

Modern meteorology is more accurate and scientific in judging the rainy season. Meteorologists predict the beginning and end of the rainy season based on changes in various meteorological factors such as temperature, humidity, and air pressure, combined with historical meteorological data. In addition, modern meteorological satellites and radars and other technical means also provide important support for the monitoring and early warning of the rainy season.

On July 6th, the plum blossoms, "I am afraid of the thunder and rain", why are you afraid of thunderstorms on this day? What does the agricultural proverb say?

Although the judgment methods of the ancients have certain reference value in some aspects, they obviously have certain limitations compared with the methods of modern meteorology. Modern methods can more accurately predict the time and intensity of the rainy season, and provide more scientific guidance for people's production and life.

For this year's rainy season, there is a general concern about when it will end. According to the methods of the ancients and the predictions of modern meteorology, we can make a certain prediction of the time of the beginning of the plum season this year. The ancients usually judged the time of plum according to the solar terms and agricultural activities of the lunar calendar. For example, if the rainy season lasts after the "Koshiki" solar term of the lunar calendar, then one might predict that the time of the plum season will be around the time of the "Daikai" solar term.

On July 6th, the plum blossoms, "I am afraid of the thunder and rain", why are you afraid of thunderstorms on this day? What does the agricultural proverb say?

For example, the short and profound poem "It rains in every house during the yellow plum season, and the grass pond is full of frogs", which not only outlines the unique natural landscape of the rainy season, but also reflects people's general experience of this season. Huangmei season, as the name suggests, refers to the period when Huangmei ripens at the beginning of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, which is in early summer, and many places across the country, especially in the south of the Yangtze River, will enter a continuous rainy season.

Household rain describes the frequency of rain, and almost every household can hear the sound of rain, which not only means the abundance of rain, but also indicates the widespread impact of the rainy season. The grass pond is full of frogs, and it vividly depicts the sight of lush grass and frogs on the pond after rain, and the croaking of frogs is often associated with the humid climate, further emphasizing the characteristics of the wet and heavy rainy season.

On July 6th, the plum blossoms, "I am afraid of the thunder and rain", why are you afraid of thunderstorms on this day? What does the agricultural proverb say?

"Three sunny days after the plum blossoms, the grain is full", this proverb expresses the joy of the end of the rainy season and the expectation of a good harvest in the future. Deumai refers to the end of the rainy season and the weather becomes clearer. In traditional agricultural societies, rainy season has an important impact on agricultural production, and excessive rainfall may lead to stunted crop growth and even disease.

When the rainy season ends as scheduled and the weather continues to shine, it is undoubtedly good news for farmers. The three sunny days not only heralded the easing of the drought, but also meant that the crops could complete the growth and ripening process smoothly, which is essential to ensure a good harvest of cereals. The full harvest of grain is the longing for the future harvest and the satisfaction of reality, which shows the gratitude of farmers to nature and the cherishing of the fruits of labor.

On July 6th, the plum blossoms, "I am afraid of the thunder and rain", why are you afraid of thunderstorms on this day? What does the agricultural proverb say?

There are also many descriptions of the effects of the rainy season on the growth of crops. For example, the agricultural proverb "After the rainy season, the rice grows", which expresses the vigorous growth of rice and other crops after the rainy season.

Farmers have mixed feelings about the rainy season. On the one hand, they expect the rainy season to bring enough rain to ensure the growth of crops. On the other hand, they are also concerned about the continuous rainfall and high humidity brought by the rainy season, which may cause damage to crops.

On July 6th, the plum blossoms, "I am afraid of the thunder and rain", why are you afraid of thunderstorms on this day? What does the agricultural proverb say?

This year's rainy season was influenced by a combination of the southwest monsoon and the subtropical high. This meteorological condition led to the strengthening of the Meiyu belt and continuous rainfall. This year's rainy season saw some anomalies in the strength and direction of the southwest monsoon, which may be one of the reasons for the longer duration of the rainy season.

According to the above understanding, you should be able to roughly understand that in fact, the weather on the day of the plum can be used as a prediction, that is to say, the day of the plum, that is, the day of July 6th, if the weather is not ideal, it means that the next undesirable weather will continue for a period of time.

On July 6th, the plum blossoms, "I am afraid of the thunder and rain", why are you afraid of thunderstorms on this day? What does the agricultural proverb say?

As mentioned above, "I am afraid of thunder and rain", if there is a thunderstorm on the day of the plum season, the rainy season will continue to continue, and it may be until mid-July or August, which is very unfavorable for agricultural production. It can also have a serious impact on our lives, such as flooding or landslides.

According to the agricultural proverb, everyone expects the weather to be sunny on July 6th, so the rainy season is completely over, so you don't have to worry about the rain and can enjoy the summer. For agricultural production, the next step can be carried out to ensure the smooth progress of agricultural production.

At the end of the article, I wonder if you agree with this statement? Do you think this year's rainy season will continue? What's the weather like in your area? Feel free to leave a message and let us know what you think!


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