
Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2

author:Shantai Liquefy

The district urban management bureau held a training on improving the ability of urban gas safety inspection

Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2
Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2

On June 27, the special class for the special rectification of urban gas safety was divided into two batches to organize the gas management staff and business backbones of each town and street to conduct business ability improvement training. The meeting organized and studied the important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on production safety and the spirit of important instructions and instructions on urban gas safety, and asked everyone to always tighten the string of safety, pay close attention to the implementation of work, and effectively transform the sense of responsibility of "always rest assured" into the action force of "everything has the bottom in mind", and pay close attention to the implementation of work. The organization watched the "Urban Gas Safety Warning Education Film", and the three business backbones combined with the actual work and used the method of "theoretical explanation + case analysis" to explain the safety inspection of natural gas, liquefied gas, fire protection and other aspects, so that the participants could further understand and master the professional skills of inspection points, methods and precautions. (Correspondent Cao Zhigang)

The District Water Conservancy Bureau actively plans project reserves

Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2
Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2

Recently, the District Water Conservancy Bureau combined with the requirements of water protection governance in the new era and the actual economic development of our district, in-depth research in various towns, fully listened to the opinions of the masses, and on the basis of summarizing the experience of comprehensive treatment of small watersheds as a unit, absorbed the results of the treated small watersheds, and completed the preparation of the "Work Plan for the Construction of Ecologically Clean Watersheds in Hantai District", and compiled and planned 12 ecologically clean watersheds with high quality, so as to build a solid ecological security barrier for the construction of ecological cities in our district. (Correspondent Zhong Ying)

The District Veterans Affairs Bureau went to Hangang Prison to carry out warning education activities

Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2
Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2

On June 25, the Party Group of the District Veterans Affairs Bureau organized all party members, cadres and workers to carry out warning education activities in Hanjiang Prison, the city's warning education base. Through the on-site "zero distance" to see and listen, let everyone deeply understand the serious consequences of violations of law and discipline, further strengthen the awareness of discipline and rules, know and respect, guard against fear, know the law and discipline, abide by the bottom line, enhance political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption, consciously be loyal, clean and responsible party members and cadres, and demonstrate new responsibilities and new achievements in creating a clean political ecology and a good environment for entrepreneurship. (Correspondent Yang Lei)

The Hantai Branch of Natural Resources launched the "6.25" National Land Day publicity activity

Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2

June 25 this year is the 34th National Land Day, and the Hantai Branch of Natural Resources closely organized the "6.25" National Land Day publicity activities in Dahan Jinxiu City Square around the theme of "Saving Intensive Land Use and Strictly Observing the Red Line of Cultivated Land". At the event site, more than 600 copies of publicity materials and more than 100 folding fans were distributed to the masses, and by answering the difficult questions raised by the masses about land, the masses were further guided to establish the awareness of saving and intensive land use and using land in accordance with laws and regulations, and to create a good atmosphere for everyone to protect and cherish cultivated land. (Correspondent Yue Zhi)

The region's key work scheduling meeting for air pollution control in the second quarter was held

Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2

In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the relevant meetings of the province, city and district, concentrate on the joint fight against air pollution, and make every effort to make preparations for the provincial environmental protection inspectors before they are stationed, our district organized the main responsible comrades of various towns and streets and relevant departments and units to hold a key work scheduling meeting for air pollution control in the second quarter of the district. The meeting emphasized that all departments and towns and streets should earnestly shoulder their responsibilities, reorganize and fill in the ecological and environmental protection tasks they undertake, and then make up for the omissions, so as to ensure that the battle of air pollution prevention and control is fought. It is necessary to establish an effect-oriented, pay close attention to key tasks such as dust remediation, enterprise emission reduction, vehicle control, and straw burning ban to ensure that air quality is significantly improved. (Correspondent Jin Yumeng)

The district urban housing center carries out supervision and inspection of urban housing protection work

Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2
Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2

Recently, the district urban residence center has gone deep into 15 towns (streets) in the district to carry out supervision and inspection of the centralized rectification of unhealthy trends and corruption around the people, and required all relevant departments to prevent and resolve the operational risks of high-risk business handling of urban and rural residents' pension insurance in a timely manner; Actively promote the pilot work of collective economic subsidies for urban housing security, enrich financing channels, and increase account accumulation; Strengthen policy publicity, and continuously improve the policy awareness of the masses and the service level of handling personnel. (Correspondent Zhang Fan)

The District Vegetable and Fruit Center has taken three measures to do a good job in the prevention and control of citrus fruit flies

Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2
Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2

In order to ensure the healthy development of the citrus industry and the income of the majority of farmers, the district vegetable and fruit center planned early and started to do a good job in prevention and control, so as to comprehensively improve the prevention and control level of citrus fruit fly. In March, one monitoring point was set up in Wangzhuang Village, Wuxiang Town, and Huaguo Village, Hedongdian, and the technical personnel of the fruit station went to the point every week to do a good job of monitoring, issued forecasts and early warnings in a timely manner, and urged and guided the majority of farmers to raise their awareness and do a good job in unified prevention and control. At the same time, a batch of biological control agents and green prevention and control facilities were purchased in a timely manner and distributed to citrus production cooperatives and large citrus growers, and technical training was strengthened to achieve precise prevention and control, as of the end of May, a total of more than 5,000 attractant balls, more than 200 sets of traps, and more than 6,000 bags of sexual traps were distributed; A total of 6 training courses have been held, and more than 720 people have been trained. (Correspondent Zou Wenliang)

The District Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Center carried out the "Summer Training" activity

Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2
Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2

Recently, the District Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Center carried out the official veterinary animal quarantine skills "summer training" activity to further improve the performance of duties and "refinement and traces" management level of resident animal quarantine personnel in accordance with the law. The backbone of the business explained in detail the key points and judgment methods of pig slaughtering head and hooves, internal organs, carcass, and various parts of the pig slaughter through PPT courseware, and organized the trainees to conduct a closed-book examination of animal quarantine business knowledge. In the next step, the District Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Center will carry out offline quarantine practical exercises and competitions in combination with the quarantine theory assessment, and enhance risk awareness, build a solid bottom-line thinking, and ensure the quality and safety of animal products to ensure the safety of the people's "tongue". (Correspondents: Wang Dongwu, Niu Zhiqiao)

The District Federation of Trade Unions carried out activities to care for elderly model workers (craftsmen).

Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2
Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2

On June 28, the District Federation of Trade Unions held a ceremony to issue the love service card for elderly model workers (craftsmen). This activity is mainly for 50 elderly model workers (craftsmen) who have reached the age of 70 in the jurisdiction of Hantai, purchase housekeeping service cards worth 600 yuan per person to carry out entrusted care services such as cleaning and cleaning, life care, and sick care, and customize the model worker love through train (medical consultation card) according to the personal needs of model workers (craftsmen), and the staff volunteer service team of the Municipal People's Hospital and Brain Safety Rehabilitation Hospital will carry out disease diagnosis and treatment, medical care, rehabilitation nursing, standardized medication and other precision services for the elderly model workers (craftsmen) group. Earnestly achieve love cohesion, warmth, elderly model workers (craftsmen). (Correspondent Yang Yong)

The Youth League and District Committee jointly held the 2024 "Red Scarf Loves the Motherland" explanation skills display activity

Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2
Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2

On June 27, the Hantai District Committee of the Communist Youth League, the District Youth Work Committee, the District Education and Sports Bureau, the District Customs Working Committee and other departments jointly carried out the "Red Scarf Loves the Motherland" explanation skills display activity. The activities include party history knowledge test, on-site practice explanation activities, judges' comments and other links, in the activity, the red scarf explainers randomly selected the topics, the basic elements contained in the on-site explanation point, the background story and the educational significance of the propaganda to preach, 36 young pioneers from all schools in the district participated in the activity. (Correspondent Yang Fan)

The District Women's Federation held a symposium on investment promotion and exchange

Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2
Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2

On June 25, the District Women's Federation held an exchange and discussion with the District Women's Enterprise Association around the "Three Years of Improving Breakthroughs and Helping Development, Women Gathering Wisdom" to further build consensus, improve quality and efficiency, and seek common development. The meeting conveyed and learned General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the development of new quality productivity and the promotion of high-quality development and the spirit of the conference on the promotion of investment promotion in the region; The association team was trained on the standards, conditions and related requirements of the region's investment promotion policy and the cultivation and warehousing of "five enterprises"; Exchanges were conducted on the development status of the association's member enterprises, employment situation, difficulties in the development of enterprises and plans for the next step. (Correspondent Wang Xuebin)

The District Association for Science and Technology has made concerted efforts to promote investment promotion and achieve practical results

Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2
Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2

Recently, the District Association for Science and Technology has conscientiously implemented the "Implementation Plan of the Investment Promotion Work System in Hantai District", strengthened the organization and leadership of investment promotion, refined and decomposed the assessment index tasks, and formed a working mechanism for investment promotion for all employees with the participation of all cadres. Within one month in June, the District Association for Science and Technology excavated and reported 5 clues for investment promotion, and successfully completed the monthly work task.

The two museums of Wentu in Hantai District carried out campus cultural activities with the theme of "Scholarly Campus and Wonderful Pen Nourishing Children's Heart".

Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2
Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2
Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2

On June 28th, the campus cultural activity with the theme of "Scholarly Campus and Wonderful Writing Nourishes Children's Heart" was held in the East Campus of Dongta Primary School in Hantai District, with more than 300 teachers and students participating in this activity. During the event, calligraphy works, copybooks, children's books, etc. were donated to Dongta Primary School in Hantai District. Zhang Yuanzhi, chairman of the Hanzhong Young Calligraphers Association, gave a special calligraphy lecture on Shimen Thirteen Products for teachers and students. At the same time, the calligraphers also personally instructed the students to practice calligraphy, so that they could feel the breadth and profundity of calligraphy in practice. This close contact made the students have a strong interest in calligraphy, and they all expressed their efforts to learn calligraphy knowledge and inherit and promote the culture of Chinese characters.

In 2024, the Orff Music Public Welfare Teacher Seminar will be opened

Hantai District Department Unit Weekly Highlight Work Exhibition | No. 61, No. 2

On June 27, sponsored by the Shaanxi Provincial Music and Literature Society and the District Bureau of Culture and Tourism, and undertaken by the District Cultural Center and the Orff Professional Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial Musicians Association, the "Orff Music Public Welfare Teachers Seminar" was officially opened in the District Cultural Center. The seminar invited Zhang Beite, executive director of the Orff Professional Committee of the Chinese Musicians Association and executive vice president of the Orff Professional Committee of the Shaanxi Musicians Association, as the keynote speaker, aiming to promote the innovation and practice of music education through professional training, and provide a communication platform integrating international vision and local practice for music teachers in education and training institutions, music teachers in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, as well as teachers, students and professional actors engaged in related professional research in colleges and universities. (Correspondent: Zhang Chao, Wu Qi)


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