
How outrageous can it be to find a job at home? Netizen: Earn back the referral fee in 3 months

author:Clever Kite Ion
How outrageous can it be to find a job at home? Netizen: Earn back the referral fee in 3 months

In daily life, when doing something, people must think that there is something that has something to do and can help

It is not uncommon to find a job through relationships, but some netizens are really looking for relationships


I didn't expect the experience of netizens to explode like this

The treatment of famous cigarettes and wineries is good, and many people can't get in, which is the same as our Fu * Wang Tobacco Factory looking for money [covering face]

How outrageous can it be to find a job at home? Netizen: Earn back the referral fee in 3 months

Well, it's better to find out for yourself and shop around

How outrageous can it be to find a job at home? Netizen: Earn back the referral fee in 3 months

Open the bus, the line is very flowery, the good to open is cool to the sky, and the bad ones are looking for the back road [cover face]

How outrageous can it be to find a job at home? Netizen: Earn back the referral fee in 3 months

You don't have to be a civil servant, but you can be a clerk. After a long time, it may be compiled, and he introduces you as if he went to a restaurant to eat or a pharmacy to buy medicine, heard that they lacked an employee, and then casually asked for you, just enough to prevaricate you

How outrageous can it be to find a job at home? Netizen: Earn back the referral fee in 3 months

People don't want to help, so this matter is probably just left to the boss I know to solve.

How outrageous can it be to find a job at home? Netizen: Earn back the referral fee in 3 months

The legal person of this kind of company is the one who bears the blame, but fortunately you are wise.

How outrageous can it be to find a job at home? Netizen: Earn back the referral fee in 3 months

Spent so much money to get a career editor, it's really awesome [Like]

How outrageous can it be to find a job at home? Netizen: Earn back the referral fee in 3 months

This unit must be very good, otherwise it wouldn't have cost money to get my sister in [sneer]

How outrageous can it be to find a job at home? Netizen: Earn back the referral fee in 3 months

It has to be your cousin, and if someone else wants to kill him, he'll do it himself

How outrageous can it be to find a job at home? Netizen: Earn back the referral fee in 3 months

Will it be related to the scalpers who are looking for [sneer]

How outrageous can it be to find a job at home? Netizen: Earn back the referral fee in 3 months

The main one is not to lose money

How outrageous can it be to find a job at home? Netizen: Earn back the referral fee in 3 months

Do you still need to find a relationship for this job?

How outrageous can it be to find a job at home? Netizen: Earn back the referral fee in 3 months

What do you think about this, welcome to leave a message in the discussion forum

(The source of the material is from the Internet, invaded and deleted)


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