
Parents have no bottom line, and children will be infinitely tempted

author:Blind date emotional story collection
Parents have no bottom line, and children will be infinitely tempted
Parents have no bottom line, and children will be infinitely tempted
Parents have no bottom line, and children will be infinitely tempted
Parents have no bottom line, and children will be infinitely tempted
Parents have no bottom line, and children will be infinitely tempted

To be honest, as a teacher, what I hope is not that parents rush into the school to beat their children, but that when the teacher reflects these situations, they can "clean up" the children at home, so that the children have a sense of awe of the teacher's feedback, and the next time this situation occurs, the teacher can use "I will contact your parents if you do this again" as a constraint, this is the real cooperation and supervision, the teacher is chatting at school, and parents can't just chat at home. I also believe that with this kind of cooperation, the teacher's feedback will be less and less, and when the teacher's discipline is effective, the child's mistakes will be reduced.

This baby skipped class in the first grade, and every time she told her parents, the parents went back to ask, and asked the baby to make up a reason, and she believed it every time. I believe in the child, doubt the teacher, the child will be deceived by a small lie, and the teacher will not take it seriously at all, and I can't give any advice to such parents.

I feel that in fact, children's problems depend on the attitude of parents, parents in the child has some such as hyperactivity or deliberately disruptive can adhere to their own principles and a tough attitude, timely stop these problems in fact, the child will slowly get better, just a matter of time, if the family education is not done well, it is useless to rely on the teacher to educate, a class is less than twenty or thirty children, a class is divided into each person for two minutes.

The child's inch is the result of his mother's step by step retreat, and when he is terminally ill, he asks me for a good solution, I am really sorry, I don't. Can I have more influence than my parents? No, you can't. Parents and children are connected by blood, and they are the first teachers of children, laying a good foundation for children's lives.

Parents have no bottom line, and children will be infinitely tempted