
Chen Xingjia, the party secretary of China's most bullish county, was maliciously retaliated against after sending 87 officials to prison

author:Lady Luck is round

On the land of China, there was once a county party secretary named Chen Xingjia, who was known for his honesty and uprightness, and was affectionately called "the best county party secretary in China" by the people. However, this iron-clad official, who sent 87 officials and wealthy businessmen to prison in an anti-corruption storm in 2015, also encountered unprecedented malicious retaliation for this.

It was a war without gunpowder, and Chen Xingjia stood on the cusp. He is well aware that the power in his hands is given by the people and used for the well-being of the people, not for personal gain. Therefore, he stood true to his faith and was not afraid to expose the greedy officials and wealthy businessmen.

Chen Xingjia, the party secretary of China's most bullish county, was maliciously retaliated against after sending 87 officials to prison

However, his righteous actions attracted endless malice. The officials and wealthy businessmen who were exposed did whatever it took to get revenge on him. They sent thugs and carried out a brutal attack on Chen Xingjia. In this attack, Chen Xingjia broke 2 ribs and 4 fingers, and the physical trauma left him in pain.

The physical pain is bearable, but the psychological wounds are difficult to heal. Chen Xingjia began to reflect on what he had done, and he asked himself, "Is it necessary to pay such a heavy price for upholding justice?" He felt lost and helpless, and even began to wonder if he had made the right choice.

However, every time he saw the people who had been rescued because of him, those grateful eyes and smiling faces, he regained the courage to persevere. He understands that he can't give up just because of a blow, and he has to work for the well-being of more people.

However, the cruelty of reality forced him to make a difficult decision. Under the pain of his body and the torment of his soul, he chose to give up his bright future in a hurry. Before he left his post, he left such a paragraph: "Because I don't collect money, I have offended too many people, I am a good official if I don't collect money, and if you refuse to accept money from others, you will appear to be honest and ......" This passage is full of helplessness and sorrow, but it also reflects his firm belief and courage.

Chen Xingjia, the party secretary of China's most bullish county, was maliciously retaliated against after sending 87 officials to prison

Eight real-life advice and solutions

Hold fast to your beliefs: No matter how great the difficulties and challenges may be, stick to your beliefs and principles. Only in this way can we maintain a clear head and a firm stance in a complex social environment.

Have the courage to take responsibility: As a public official, you must have the courage to assume your responsibilities and obligations. In the face of difficulties and challenges, we must dare to rise to the occasion and work hard for the interests of the people.

Strengthen self-protection: In the process of exposing corruption and evil forces, it is necessary to strengthen the awareness of self-protection. Take the necessary measures to protect your personal safety and property safety.

Maintain integrity: We must always maintain the quality of integrity and self-discipline. Not tempted by money and material things, adhere to principles and bottom lines, and be fair, selfless, and honest.

Strengthen study: We must constantly learn new knowledge and skills, and improve our overall quality and ability level. In this way, we can better adapt to the development and changes of society and make greater contributions to the interests of the people.

Strengthen communication: It is necessary to strengthen communication and contact with the people. Understand their needs and demands, actively solve problems for them, and enhance the people's trust and support for the government.

Strengthen supervision: It is necessary to strengthen the supervision and management of public officials. Establish a sound supervisory mechanism, seriously investigate and punish violations of law and discipline, and maintain social fairness, justice, and good order.

Encourage reporting: Encourage the public to actively report corruption and illegal acts. Whistleblowers are protected and supported so that corruption and illegal behavior have no place to hide.

Chen Xingjia, the party secretary of China's most bullish county, was maliciously retaliated against after sending 87 officials to prison

Summarize the experience

Chen Xingjia's story deeply shocked and admired us. He used his practical actions to explain what is true honesty and justice. However, what happened to him also makes us deeply sad and regretful. In this complex and ever-changing society, we need more good officials like Chen Xingjia to maintain social fairness, justice and good order. At the same time, we also need to strengthen our self-cultivation and quality, and improve our ability to discern and protect ourselves. Only in this way can we maintain a clear head and a firm position in a complex social environment, and work hard for the interests of the people!

We can't help but ask: How many good officials like Chen Xingjia are silently contributing in today's society? What can we do for them to support them and encourage them to keep going? Let's think and act together!

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