
Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

author:Yamashiro Former Guest
The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the references and source screenshots have been placed at the end of the article
Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

I don't know if you still remember that a few years ago, with the rise of a wave of memory killing, the price of old objects has risen a lot.

But in the past few years, I think that the old objects that are valuable, but no one wants them, whether it is the past 2 jiao banknotes, or food stamps, the collection is getting less and less.

What are the old objects that are "cheap"? Are they worthless now?

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

Old furniture

In the past few years, it was particularly popular to recall things from the seventies and eighties, whether it was snacks or clothes, and they began to take the retro route.

There are even some restaurants that are directly renovated to look like old factories, which are full of old objects from the seventies and eighties, commonly known as theme restaurants.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

It attracted a lot of people to check in, and with it, the price of old items increased.

At that time, many people wondered where these old things in restaurants came from, and later sellers selling old things began to appear on the Internet and roadsides.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

Originally, I thought it was fun, so I came forward to ask with the mentality of wanting to buy, but the price was directly dissuaded, and the things of that era have directly doubled now.

But as the heat passed, these old objects began to become worthless again.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

The first thing is the old furniture, when the furniture was purchased in the seventies and eighties, the price was not cheap, but before this wave of heat, these old furniture were directly pulled to the waste collection for disposal.

At that time, these old furniture were particularly popular, one is a memory kill, and the other is that the things of the past era are indeed good things, and they are not bad for a long time.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

But the price dissuaded many people, and now the heat is gone, and these old furniture are not worth much, and even some of them are given for nothing.

In addition, there are also those old furniture that has been handed down from ancestors or the older generation, which is said to be very collectible, and a chair can be sold for a million.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

For this reason, many people began to search for any historical furniture in their homes, or began to buy a large number of old furniture that may be valuable.

But have you ever thought that the premise of the value of these old furniture is that it is collectible, it is either expensive wood, or rare, or it is made by a famous sculptor or maker.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

Or the old furniture has a cross-era and witnessed a special historical experience, so that the old objects have a collection value, so that they can be sold at a good price.

But there can't be so many such old objects, rare things are expensive, when a thing becomes more, its value becomes different from before.

Therefore, old furniture is no longer valuable, and if it is collectible, it is another matter.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant


In addition to old furniture, there are also old gramophones, and for a while, with the rise of film and television dramas in the Republic of China, the product of gramophone began to be noticed by everyone.

I feel that it has style and good looks, and when it is not in use, when a decoration is there, it is also very good-looking.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

Therefore, it became popular to collect gramophones, but this kind of thing was not produced many at that time, and it was impossible for ordinary people to use it.

Scarcity is expensive, so there was a craze for collecting gramophones, and the price of old-fashioned gramophones rose and rose, once to the point of jaw-dropping.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

Even many products have been made in the style of gramophones, in order to rub off on a wave of craze and attract everyone to buy.

But I don't know when it began, the "shouting" of collecting gramophones became smaller and smaller, and many black-hearted merchants who resold gramophones had no choice but to sell them at a low price.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

Because with the boom of everyone's purchase, the gramophone has gradually increased, and the scarcity is expensive, and there is naturally no competition for more things.

In addition, everyone has found some drawbacks, if you want to use the gramophone, you have to have that kind of old-fashioned record, this is a set, but the price of these records is very "beautiful", so many people buy the gramophone and then really put it as a decoration.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

Vintage phonographs have a special meaning for collectors who love these and like to collect, so the price is invariably a little more expensive.

But for those who follow the trend, after this period you can change things to like, and naturally you won't really collect these things.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

The value of an old object lies in its own right, and the same is true for gramophones, not all of which are collectible.

With fewer and fewer collectors and a lack of records, the market for vintage phonographs became worse and worse, and naturally began to become worthless.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

Vintage stamps and food stamps

Philately has always been a very hot thing, and everyone has almost different types of philately, but the value of philately is the same.

Today I want to talk about those old-fashioned stamps, that is, recalling the wave of time in the seventies and eighties, collecting old-fashioned stamps has also become a thing that people are keen on.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

At this time, who dares to say that there is a set of old-fashioned stamps at home, it is really an exaggeration to start bidding, because it is really a memory of an era.

The stamps of that period are really rare in modern and contemporary times, they are beautiful and have cross-era significance, and the collection value is very significant.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

However, for such a rapidly developing society in modern and contemporary times, what kind of stamps cannot be collected, what cannot be seen on the Internet, and what you want to see can be searched.

So some people think it's okay to look at it, and it feels very troublesome to collect it, especially if you have to worry about keeping it, otherwise you won't know where to put it when you move, or clean up a house or something.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

There are also food stamps, which are the same as postage stamps, and for the post-90s and post-00s, things that have not been seen feel very rare.

But as soon as the novelty wears off, the popularity will be gone, and the number of philatelic and food stamps will become less, and they will return to the collectible value column.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

But this collectible value is only for those who appreciate them, think they are collectible, for ordinary people, and just for those who are curious, they are just a product of the times.

The pace of the times is constantly advancing, and this is something that no one can stop, and it cannot be stopped, so we can only remember the past.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant


These old objects are not only the products of the times, but also the things that carry the memories of our times, and when we see them, our memories involuntarily begin to come to mind.

Although they are slowly fading out of our sight, we cannot deny their value, although they are not worth much now, but they are the most valuable in the memory of this value.

Don't be fooled! These 3 old objects are worthless now, and the last one is poignant

Information sources:

1. The original article was published on January 6, 2022 by Tianyan News on the report on ""Streamer Passing Shadow" Old Things Collection: Old Objects "Tell the Story of Time";

2. The original article was published on August 19, 2021 on the Beijing Daily client on "There is a Furniture Museum in the North Third Ring Road, These Old Objects Awaken the Memory of the Times";

3. The original article was published on June 20, 2023 on the mobile phone Guangming Network on the report on "1.5 yuan a food stamp was estimated to be 30,000 yuan, and nearly 400 elderly people were defrauded of more than 1,400 yuan under the temptation of high-priced auctions......";