
【Creative accumulation】Four ancient poems

author:Hachiko angle
【Creative accumulation】Four ancient poems

[Artist's work]

1. "Watching the Sea" is selected from "Cao Cao's Collection". Cao Cao (155-220), known as Mengde, was a native of Peiguo County (now Bozhou, Anhui), a politician, military strategist, and poet in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

2. "Wen Wang Changling Left Move Long Biao Yao Has This Mail" is selected from "Li Baiji's Proofreading". Li Bai (701-762), known as Taibai, known as Qinglian Jushi, known as "Qi Xianren", a poet of the Tang Dynasty, was praised as "Poetry Immortal" by later generations, and was called "Li Du" together with Du Fu. Li Bai's poems often use imagination, exaggeration, metaphor and other techniques to create a magical and magnificent artistic conception, and his poems have had a profound impact on future generations.

3. "Under the Solid Mountain in the Second Bei" is selected from "All Tang Poems". The author, Wang Wan, born and died in an unknown year, was a native of Luoyang (now Henan) and a poet of the Tang Dynasty.

4. "Tianjingsha • Autumn Thoughts" is selected from "Quanyuan Sanqu". Ma Zhiyuan (about 1251-1321 later), known as Dongli, a thousand miles of words, was an opera writer and essayist in the Yuan Dynasty, and was known as the "Four Masters of Yuan Qu" together with Guan Hanqing, Bai Pu and Zheng Guangzu.

【Creative accumulation】Four ancient poems

[Dictation of famous sentences]

1. The sentence in "Watching the Sea" that always writes about the sea, mountains and islands is: the water is surging, and the mountains and islands are sturging. The close-up of the scenery of the mountain island, highlighting the thriving scene of the sentence is: the trees are thick, and the grass is abundant. The sentence that highlights the sea swallowing the sun and the moon and encompassing thousands of scenes is: The journey of the sun and the moon is like a trip out of it; The stars are splendid, if out of it.

2. "Wen Wang Changling's Left Migration Dragon Biao Yao Has This Message" uses the scenery to lyrical, expressing the feeling of drifting, the hatred of parting, and the distance of the move is: Yang Hua fell to the end of the rules, and heard that the dragon mark crossed the five streams. Through rich imagination, the sentence that uses anthropomorphism to express the poet's deep concern for his friends is: I send my sorrow and the bright moon, and follow you until the night is long.

3. The sentence in "Under the Solid Mountain in the Second Bei" that depicts the wide water surface and the sailboat sailing with the wind at high tide is: the tide is flat and the banks are wide, and the wind is hanging. The poet's sentence to express his homesickness through the wild geese returning from the north is: Where can I get the hometown book? Return to the edge of Yanluoyang. The lyrical and natural sentence in the poem is: The sea is born in the night, and the river spring is in the old year.

4. The sentence that points out the main theme in "Tianjingsha • Autumn Thoughts" is: The sun sets, and the heartbroken person is at the end of the world.

[Word knowledge] is shown in the figure below

【Creative accumulation】Four ancient poems

See the picture below

【Creative accumulation】Four ancient poems

Notes: (1) Jieshi: the name of the mountain, in the northwest of present-day Changli, Hebei. In the autumn of the twelfth year of Jian'an in the Eastern Han Dynasty (207), Cao Cao passed through here when he conquered Wuhuan. (2) To view the sea: to, come. Canghai, that is, the sea, here refers to the Bohai Sea. (3) Water He 澹澹: 何, plays an emphatic role, can be translated as "how". The appearance of rippling water. (4) Tempering: Towering. Zhu and Zhi both mean to stand up. (5) Clustered and abundant: all refer to the vigorous growth of plants and trees. (6) Xiao Se: Describe the sound of the wind blowing trees. (7) Flood waves: huge waves. (8) If: Like. (9) its; Pronouns, on behalf of the sea. (1) Xinghan: Milky Way. (1) Luck: lucky, very lucky, lucky. to, to the extreme.

【Creative accumulation】Four ancient poems

Notes: (1) Wang Changling: A poet of the Tang Dynasty, he was demoted to the Dragon Label Kitchen during the Tianbao period. (2) Left move: demotion. (3) Dragon Mark: The name of the county in the Tang Dynasty, in the west of Hongjiang, Hunan. (1) Poplar: catkins. (5) Sub-regulation: that is, the cuckoo, also known as the "cuckoo". (6) Smell: Heard. (7) Five streams: the collective name of the five streams in the western part of present-day Hunan and the eastern part of Guizhou. (8) Yelang: There are three Yelang in the Tang Dynasty, two in Tongzi, Guizhou, and the poem says "Yelang is in Huaihua, Hunan."

【Creative accumulation】Four ancient poems

Notes: (1) Klook: The way travelers travel. (2) Qingshan: refers to the Beigu Mountain in the title. (3) Fengzheng: that is, the wind blows along the river. (4) Hanging: high hanging. (5) Residual night: refers to the time when the night is about to end. (6) Jiang spring into the old year: Jiang Shang spring is early, the old year has not passed and the new year has come. (7) Township letters: family letters.

【Creative accumulation】Four ancient poems

Notes: (1) Withered vines: Dry vines. (2) Crow: A crow that will return to its nest at dusk. (3) Ancient road: an ancient post road that has been abandoned and can no longer be used. (4) West wind: autumn wind. (5) Broken intestines: Describe the extreme injury. (6) Tianya: Tianbian. Refers to a place far from home.

【Taste the classics】The bird stays in the tree by the pool, and the monk knocks on the door under the moon

One day, Jia Dao rode a donkey on the official road of the capital, and chanted the poem "Title Li Ning's Secluded Residence", two of which were: "The bird stays in the tree by the pool, and the monk knocks on the door under the moon." ”

Jia Dao wanted to replace the word "knock" with the word "push", but after thinking about it repeatedly and not decided, he chanted repeatedly on the back of the donkey, and stretched out his hand to do the action of pushing and knocking. Pedestrians were surprised to see Jia Island like this. At that time, Han Yu was the governor of the capital, and he was leading the carriage and horse out on patrol, and Jia Dao unknowingly walked to the third quarter of Han Yu's honor guard, and he was still pushing and knocking. Jia Dao was pushed in front of Han Yu by Han Yu's attendants. Han Yu asked Jia Dao for the reason, and Jia Dao answered in detail the poem he was brewing, because it was not determined whether to use the word "push" or the word "knock", his mind left the thing in front of him, so he forgot to avoid it. Han Yu paused and thought for a while, and said to Jia Dao: "It's good to use the word 'knock'." So the two went on to discuss the method of composing poetry together, and they were reluctant to part with each other. Jia Island also formed a deep friendship with Han Yu because of this.

This story celebrates Jia Dao's spirit of excellence in word choice and sentence formation when writing articles. Jia Island is a well-known bard poet. What is a minstrand? It is for a poem or a word in a poem, and it does not hesitate to spend effort and effort. Jia Island once spent a few years composing a poem. After the poem was written, he burst into tears, not only happy, but also distressed himself. Of course, he didn't have to work so every poem, and if he did, he wouldn't be a poet.

Since then, "scrutiny" has become a popular common word, used as a metaphor for pondering and considering repeatedly when writing articles or doing things.

【Creative accumulation】Four ancient poems

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