
Hump Central Health Center of Donghai County: Learn the party constitution to strengthen the party spirit and be a pioneer in implementation

author:Jianghai Kagin

Lianyungang highlights

A hundred years of struggle, set sail for a new journey. In order to celebrate the birthday of the party, solidly promote the study and education of party discipline, further stimulate the sense of mission and responsibility of party members, vigorously create a strong atmosphere of loving the party, believing in the party and following the party, highlighting the party's strong cohesion and appeal, and encouraging the majority of party members to work hard and move forward bravely, on the afternoon of July 1, the Hump Central Health Center of Donghai County carried out the theme party day activity of "learning the party constitution, strict party discipline, strengthening party spirit, and being a qualified party member who is loyal, clean and responsible".

Tan Hengyuan, president of the hospital and secretary of the party branch, focused on the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, strictly enforced party discipline and strengthened party spirit, and gave everyone a theme party class with rich connotations, inspiring people to forge ahead, and entering the brain and heart. Encourage the party members and cadres of the hospital to emancipate their minds, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, move forward bravely, and effectively transform the implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into a strong driving force to promote the high-quality development of the hospital, improve professional quality, enhance patients' medical experience, and be honest doctors.

The participants actively spoke and communicated, reviewed the journey of the party, talked about their understanding of the party, and how to strengthen their learning and do their own work in the future, transmit positive energy, and make more contributions to the high-quality development of the hospital. (Sun Hong)

Hump Central Health Center of Donghai County: Learn the party constitution to strengthen the party spirit and be a pioneer in implementation
Hump Central Health Center of Donghai County: Learn the party constitution to strengthen the party spirit and be a pioneer in implementation
Hump Central Health Center of Donghai County: Learn the party constitution to strengthen the party spirit and be a pioneer in implementation
Hump Central Health Center of Donghai County: Learn the party constitution to strengthen the party spirit and be a pioneer in implementation