
There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the French plan to go to the Seine to defecate, netizens: I feel sorry for the athletes

author:Mo Shangshi was speechless
There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the French plan to go to the Seine to defecate, netizens: I feel sorry for the athletes

With the Olympics just around the corner, the French are planning a mass trip to the Seine to drain, and due to poor cleanup, global athletes may have to compete in the "dung river" in Paris.

Obviously, the Olympic Games are approaching, and the swimming competition is difficult to carry out now, the Seine River is too dirty, and the number of bacteria is seriously exceeded, why is it so difficult to control the Seine?

How serious is the pollution problem of the Seine now? What's going on with the French planning a group defecation?

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the French plan to go to the Seine to defecate, netizens: I feel sorry for the athletes
All statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are reproduced in the article

"Coffee on the banks of the Seine, on the shores of the lake"

I believe that many people's impression of the Seine River in Paris came from Dong Chou's "Confession Balloon", and the Seine River described in the lyrics is full of a desirable beauty.

But in fact, far from it, let's just say that now, the pollution problem of the Seine River has become so serious that it threatens the Olympic Games, and the fungus in the river water is seriously exceeded, and there are all kinds of pollution.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the French plan to go to the Seine to defecate, netizens: I feel sorry for the athletes

In 2024, Paris will host the Olympics again for the first time in a century, and this time, it plans to leave a romantic mark on France in the history of the Olympic Games by not only hosting the opening ceremony, but also planning to lift the century-long ban on swimming in the Seine.

In 1900, when Paris hosted the first Olympic Games, seven swimming competitions were held on the Seine, and more than a century later, these events would traditionally return to the Seine as open water and triathlon swimming venues.

As the opening day of the Paris Olympics approached, French officials reported that the water quality of parts of the Seine did not meet the standards of the International Swimming Federation (IWF) open water events.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the French plan to go to the Seine to defecate, netizens: I feel sorry for the athletes

On June 23, the E. coli content in the Paris section of the Seine exceeded 5,000 colony-forming units per 100 milliliters and more than 1,000 enterococci in the Paris section of the Seine, according to test reports released by the Île-de-France region and the City of Paris.

The EU standard stipulates that the safe upper limit for open water E. coli and enterococci suitable for competition is 900 and 330 per 100 millilitres of water, respectively.

The Seine's flora levels far exceed these limits, and high levels of E. coli and enterococci can lead to the risk of conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis and staphylococcal infections.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the French plan to go to the Seine to defecate, netizens: I feel sorry for the athletes

The French plan is that if the water quality of the Seine is still not up to standard by the time of the race, an alternative option may be adopted, and the open water race will be postponed, but the location will not be changed.

To be honest, this kind of backup is the same as not being prepared, how easy is it for the Seine to restore its water quality in just one month, after so long of treatment? What's more, the people are also a hurdle that is difficult to overcome.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the French plan to go to the Seine to defecate, netizens: I feel sorry for the athletes

Threatens to excrete en masse

The Seine has not survived during this time, first with serious bacterial levels in parts of the Seine, and then the media revealing that 50,000 tons of untreated sewage from the Yvelines department in the Paris region were discharged directly into the Seine.

Even though the Seine has been pushed to the forefront, the mayor of Paris has chosen one of the most commented plays: diving to the bottom of the Seine, and on May 23, the mayor of Paris publicly announced that he would swim in the Seine on June 23, proving that Paris can host the Olympic Games.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the French plan to go to the Seine to defecate, netizens: I feel sorry for the athletes

Perhaps to encourage himself, the mayor of Paris also invited the mayor of Ile-de-France to participate in the "historic swim", and French President Emmanuel Macron may also be a special guest at the event.

With so many public figures involved, I want to know that this is a show, and there are public officials in the public to put on a show, and the people in private are not idle, and they are doing a big job: "Feces, as a revolutionary weapon, is about to return to Paris!" ”

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the French plan to go to the Seine to defecate, netizens: I feel sorry for the athletes

The French suddenly spread the news calling for unity and defecation in the Seine, and the activists on the Internet seized the opportunity to discuss it vigorously and attract a large number of supporters, and as events unfolded, this abstract and bizarre plot seemed to be spiraling out of control.

A different kind of revenge

This thing sounds quite strange, out of curiosity, to understand the situation, now a brief report to you, in recent years, the French Seine River is not well governed, garbage and feces often appear on the river surface, there are bed bugs and rats around, the water quality can be imagined.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the French plan to go to the Seine to defecate, netizens: I feel sorry for the athletes

However, the Seine was chosen as the swimming venue for the future Olympic Games in France, and France could not allow athletes to compete in places with serious water quality violations, so the government invested more than a billion euros to clean up the Seine.

The French people are dissatisfied with this, because the Olympic Games have already been spent on a huge amount of money, and now they have to spend another billion yuan to clean up the Seine, and there are constant objections.

Macron did not budge, and in order to show his determination to control the Seine, he announced that he would be the first to swim in the Seine on June 23 with the mayor of Paris, which is what was mentioned above.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the French plan to go to the Seine to defecate, netizens: I feel sorry for the athletes

The news made the French people even more angry, so someone proposed to go to the Seine to defecate before Macron swam in the Seine, and the French even created a website called "Meet on the Seine on June 23 to".

When residents living near the Seine log on to the site and share their location, the site calculates how long it will take for feces from their current location to drift to the area where Macron is swimming, thus predicting the best time for residents to defecate.

At the same time, AI creators on the Internet have also produced and shared a large number of images depicting the scene of Macron covered in feces in the Seine.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the French plan to go to the Seine to defecate, netizens: I feel sorry for the athletes

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Seine, are you still saved?

Documents from the Paris mayor's office point to the continued deterioration of the Seine's water quality due to increased rainfall, reduced sunshine and lower-than-normal temperatures, and that heavy rains will wash more pollutants into the river, AFP reported.

Changes in the flow and level of the Seine could affect the upcoming opening ceremony on the river, and the IOC has responded to water quality concerns by removing the triathlon from the triathlon if the problem cannot be resolved.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the French plan to go to the Seine to defecate, netizens: I feel sorry for the athletes

Since 1923, the city government of Paris has banned citizens from swimming in the Seine due to the poor water quality of the Seine, which is known as the "mother river" of Paris, and its water quality has been problematic for more than 100 years.

The industrial wastewater brought about by the Industrial Revolution led to a long-term deterioration of the water quality of the Seine, and from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, the Paris government began to solve the problem of pollution of the Seine.

For example, before the 1900 Paris Olympics, the government carried out several rounds of river clean-up work, however, more than a century later, the French approach to the Seine does not seem to have improved much.

There is only one month left in the Paris Olympics, but the French plan to go to the Seine to defecate, netizens: I feel sorry for the athletes

Generated by AI by netizens

When the rain in Paris washes away the gold juice left in the streets, I dare not imagine and don't know what it is under my feet, whether it is rain or what, and when the fermentation is over, the streets of Paris are full of the four seasons and the smell of Provençal fields......

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