
Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

author:Mo Shangshi was speechless
Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

Japan really hit the southern wall and did not look back, and its head was broken and blood flowed all the way forward, and Japan really took great pains to ensure that the United States could win this financial war.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

The yen exchange rate has fallen below 160, but there is still no idea of saving it, so that the collapse is so that the United States can harvest more economy, and the next time we face the United States, we will be the next time.

Why is Japan so desperate? How should we deal with the enemy?

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began
All statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are reproduced in the article

There are external enemies outside, and there are internal ghosts

Today's international situation is really not optimistic, the United States' control of the world has become more and more crazy, and the mainland, as the biggest opponent of the United States, has a very dangerous position, from economic and trade confrontation to the suppression of cutting-edge technology, the United States has really come up with various strategies to deal with us.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

In the face of China, which has not been able to attack for a long time, the United States has to speed up the pace of its attack, and Japan, as a chess game played by the United States, has shown an incomparably powerful role at this time, but as an ally of the United States, Japan has also paid a considerable price.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

No matter how the United States uses and persecutes, Japan has always been the one who loyally wags its tail and nods, which is why the United States dares to use Japan again and again.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

As an ally of the United States, when the United States occupies a favorable position, Japan has indeed been greatly improved, but when the United States is weakening, Japan has a lot to pay, but Japan should not care about these, after all, Japan is a number one gambler, and even its own country's national fortunes can be gambled.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

In the past, Japan chose the United States without hesitation in the confrontation between China and the United States, and of course they also tasted the sweetness, but none of the Asian countries except Japan were spared, and now the United States has once again raised its sickle and is ready to harvest the Asian economy, and Japan has once again taken the initiative to raise its head and stretch out its neck.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

Japan has once again become the first victim of the US scheme, let's take a look at the exchange rate of the yen against the dollar, according to relevant reports, the Japanese exchange rate has fallen below the 160 mark, in this exchange rate war, Japan has lost completely, and now even can't think of a way to save it, Japan is defeated.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

But does Japan care about these wins and losses? They didn't care, because Japan knew that as long as he helped the United States succeed in this war, the United States would definitely return it to him doubly, of course, not from the pockets of the United States, but from other Asian countries.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

Japan and South Korea have always been interested in Europe and the United States, but they have always understood a truth, and they have always ignored this truth, that is, no matter what they do, yellow-skinned people will not be able to integrate into the circle of Europe and the United States after all, and foreigners will always be foreigners, otherwise why would the United States always advocate "racial equality and freedom".

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

Only if they lack this thing will they put forward such a slogan, European and American countries have never been truly equal, white supremacy did not exist in the early years, and Japan can have such a high status there because the United States needs an agent in Asia, and loyal Japan is the best choice.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

This kind of thing can even be understood by ordinary people like me, how can the official people not see it, so are we really not using any measures at all?

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

We have no choice in the face of Japan

In fact, Japan's behavior is completely destroying the economy of the whole of Asia, and Japan itself will not be better, and we have warned Japan and South Korea many times openly and covertly, but it has no effect at all, Japan is such a selfish country, it would rather drag all Asian countries into the water than cooperate with us to jointly confront the United States.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

In fact, as early as 1997, during the Asian economic crisis, Japan had already clearly stated its position, and at that time Japan dared to invest even if it had money, and Thailand, Malaysia, and other countries also experienced a great economic development.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

The United States directly began to launch a financial offensive against Asian countries, and Japan occupied the second position in the world's economy at that time, and as long as Japan wanted to, he was fully capable of saving Asian countries, but the Japanese chose to turn a deaf ear.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

In today's situation, as long as Japan resists or does nothing, the situation is not so bad, but Japan has gone the other way, even if the yen has fallen below 160, Japan has just shouted two empty words, and it is also trying to raise interest rates to accelerate economic contraction.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

In this case, if Japan raises interest rates, it will add fuel to the fire for the entire Asian country, because many Asian countries have invested in Japan before, and if Japan really starts to raise interest rates, that part of the investment will definitely be withdrawn to Japan, and the Asian economic situation will not be optimistic.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

We can't interfere with Japan's choice, because the United States has raised its sickle in its hand and is ready to harvest at any time, and the United States really feels that the victory is in hand, and its attitude is getting stronger and stronger, China's current situation is not optimistic, and Japan is now smiling and igniting the gasoline on its body, and this evil fire is about to burn all over Asia.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

We must not sit idly by

The situation is quite clear, the next thing is to think about how to deal with the enemy, Japan, as a death squad, is already frantically burning its own blood, and we must also find a way to deal with the United States, now all Asian countries are in danger, and even those who can't help can be found.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

And some countries in Europe are also taking interest rate cuts, in order to let some funds flow into the United States, so that the United States can continue to maintain financial hegemony, and put pressure on China in disguise.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

The profits of the manufacturing industry are getting lower and lower, and the United States also intends to set off inflation to make prices higher, so that the people will not be able to make a living, it can be said that the United States is really sinister, and for us must not have this situation, the United States has increased its efforts this time, if the financial turmoil really blows, it will only be worse than the one in 1997, more cruel.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

As a big country in Asia, we must be stable, and only when we are stable can other Asian countries have enough confidence, but we cannot sit idly by and wait for the United States to slash our heads, and the United States will put pressure on us, and we can also put pressure on the United States.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

After all, the current situation is not a lamb to be slaughtered, we also have our means, and the United States is still facing the election problem, the two old men must be busy, we can also find the opportunity, but we must be prepared for both, in the worst case scenario, how should we minimize the loss.

Is China in danger? Japan recognized the thief as its father, let the collapse and sacrifice for the United States, and a new harvest began

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