
Eternal Life: Jiaofu Huangquan Diagram Instrument Spirit "Yan", what is the final outcome? How Fang Han treated him

author:Anime says

In "Eternal Life", Yan, as the spirit of the superb Taoist artifact Jiaofu Huangquan Diagram, is the most rebellious magic weapon of the protagonist Fang Han. So, what is the final outcome of Yan? How did Fang Han treat Yan?

Eternal Life: Jiaofu Huangquan Diagram Instrument Spirit "Yan", what is the final outcome? How Fang Han treated him

What happened to Yan in the end?

1. Identity and role

Yan is the instrument spirit of the Jiaofu Huangquan Diagram created by the Emperor Huangquan, he incarnated into a sedan chair body, infiltrated the Taiyi Sect, and used it as Fang Han's eyeliner. However, its identity was eventually discovered.

2. Repair is lost

As his identity was revealed, Yan's cultivation was abolished. It was a major blow to him, but it was also an opportunity for him to start over.

Eternal Life: Jiaofu Huangquan Diagram Instrument Spirit "Yan", what is the final outcome? How Fang Han treated him

3. Re-exist

After the loss of cultivation, Yan returned to the Jiaofu Huangquan diagram and restarted his existence. This means that he did not disappear completely because of the loss of cultivation, but continued to exist in the world of fiction in a new way.

4. Follow-up destinations

According to some information, Yan did not directly return to the Jiaofu Huangquan Diagram after his cultivation was deposed, but went to the Eight Futu and was able to escape. This may suggest that he has other fates and story threads in the novel.

Fang Han's final attitude towards Yan and how to deal with it?

1. Relational context

Fang Han is the reincarnation of the Immortal Gate Instrument Spirit, while Yan is the reincarnation of the Huangquan Emperor. The two have a complex relationship in the novel, and Yan occupies an important place in Fang Han's upbringing, providing him with a lot of help.

2. Fang Han's attitude changed

Initially, Yan, as Fang Han's partner and assistant, played a key role in his growth and strength. But as Fang Han's strength grew and his mood changed, he began to have a different opinion of Yan.

Eternal Life: Jiaofu Huangquan Diagram Instrument Spirit "Yan", what is the final outcome? How Fang Han treated him

Fang Han gradually developed a sense of distrust of Yan, and even used Yan as a combat weapon at some times, rather than a true partner. This shift in attitude is evident in the novel, such as Fang Han's use of terms such as "nonsense" in his dialogue with Yan, suggesting that he does not see Yan as an equal or intimate being.

3. Final Treatment

For the sake of cause and effect in the world and the pursuit of eternal life, Fang Han decided to kill Yan. This decision was a necessary step for Fang Han to cultivate and immortalize for his own sake, but it also meant that he had given up his partnership with Yan and saw him as an obstacle that had to be removed.

4. Effect on Yan

Yan's ending in the novel is tragic, as he acts as Fang Han's partner and assistant, but is eventually killed by Fang Han. This ending reflects Fang Han's ruthlessness and ruthlessness in his quest for immortality and strength, and also reveals the complex and subtle relationships between the characters in the novel.

Eternal Life: Jiaofu Huangquan Diagram Instrument Spirit "Yan", what is the final outcome? How Fang Han treated him


Fang Han's final attitude towards Yan in "Eternal Life" is indifferent and resolute. He chose to kill Yan Yi but the cause and effect of the world and the pursuit of eternal life, although this way of dealing with it was in line with his personal cultivation and pursuit, but it also reflected his ruthlessness and ruthlessness.