
On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second, and the first popularity was as high as 80.45!

author:Chase the drama with great joy
On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second, and the first popularity was as high as 80.45!

Recently, several TV series have set off heated discussions on the Internet, judging from the data of the "Guduo Heat Index Ranking", these dramas have their own characteristics, but they also face challenges and doubts from viewers and critics.

"Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" has become the focus of the audience's attention because of its excellent special effects and tight plot rhythm. Wu Jinyan, Wang Xingyue and Chen Xinhai's performance in the play was highly praised, which made many netizens say that "the acting skills are online and very interesting". However, despite the tight rhythm of the first 12 episodes and the plot is very well foreshadowed, some viewers have a lot of complaints about the special effects of the piano playing scene in the play, "It feels a little weird, not natural enough, and it is a little embarrassing to watch." In addition, the excessive appearances of the male actors in the play have also caused discussions, "The male frequency praises the male actors, but the female frequency of the original heroine changes the male actors, is this the need of the plot or the market demand?" ", a netizen sighed.

On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second, and the first popularity was as high as 80.45!

While discussing the rhythm grasp, some viewers raised concerns about the plot adaptation, "Looking at it, it feels a little far from the original work, especially the changes in the character design, which makes the plot have a lot of 'episodes'." However, many viewers still think that "as a cool drama, I still feel enjoyable after watching it, and it is suitable for the current viewing needs". Regarding dubbing and post-production, some netizens commented, "Some dubbing changes, and I feel that the atmosphere of the whole show has changed, and it is not coherent enough."

In general, "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" has made a breakthrough in technology, but it still needs to be further examined and fed back by the audience in terms of plot details and character shaping. "Watching a drama depends on your mood, if you watch it as a dinner drama, it's still quite enjoyable." Some viewers commented on it, saying, "I hope the follow-up will be smoother and don't let the audience fall behind."

In the drama "Spending the Year of China", Zhao Jinmai, Zhang Linghe and Chen Heyi jointly performed a story involving the setting of dual lives. The plot setting should have brought more emotion and resonance, but after the actual broadcast, the audience expressed a lot of doubts about the smoothness of the plot connection. Some netizens said, "After watching a few episodes, I feel that the plot transition is unnatural, and the connection in some places is not smooth enough." This opinion has been widely resonated on the Internet, and many viewers have questioned the director's ability to grasp the overall rhythm, "I feel that the director doesn't know what style he wants, the plot is a hammer in the east and a mallet in the west, and the explanation in some places is not clear." ”

On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second, and the first popularity was as high as 80.45!

Zhao Jinmai is widely praised for his active participation in various public welfare activities and his actions of helping others. She not only has an outstanding performance in the entertainment industry, but also often devotes herself to public welfare, reaching out to those in need and passing on positive energy.

Netizens expressed their high appreciation for Zhao Jinmai's participation in public welfare activities. "It's really touching to see that she often participates in various charity activities." Some netizens wrote on social media, "She is not only an actress, but also a caring public welfare messenger, using her own strength to help people in need in society." ”

On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second, and the first popularity was as high as 80.45!

Zhao Jinmai's road to public welfare has not been smooth sailing, and she has also experienced many setbacks and difficulties. When she first started participating in public welfare activities, she faced problems such as not being able to reach more people and help more people, which made her feel powerless. "At first, I didn't know how to really help them, and it was a very difficult experience." Zhao Jinmai said frankly in an interview.

However, she was not discouraged by this, but strengthened her beliefs. "I think as long as you work hard, even a little bit of strength can contribute to society." Zhao Jinmai said at the scene of a public welfare event. Her persistence and hard work have been unanimously recognized by netizens. "Seeing her defy difficulties and insist on doing public welfare is really admirable." One netizen commented, "Her behavior is not only caring, but also a real action." ”

On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second, and the first popularity was as high as 80.45!

Zhao Jinmai's success not only comes from her efforts in her acting career, but also from her selfless dedication to public welfare. She uses her actions to influence more people and inspire them to actively participate in social welfare activities. "She's not just a good actress, she's a role model full of positive energy." A fan wrote on the social platform, "I hope she can continue to maintain her public welfare path and contribute more love to the society." ”

In general, Zhao Jinmai has demonstrated the sense of social responsibility and public welfare that a star should have through his own practical actions. "Not only has she created a number of beloved characters on the screen, but she has also become a real influencer in life." This is the unanimous evaluation of Zhao Jinmai by many netizens, and it is also a deep imprint she has left in the eyes of the public.

On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second, and the first popularity was as high as 80.45!

In addition to the problem of plot cohesion, the audience also criticized the actors' performances and the quality of their lines. Some viewers pointed out, "The role settings of the two male protagonists should be more mature, but they are like the first love of teenagers, and the characters feel a little separated." This kind of gap in interpretation has troubled many audiences, "When I see their opponents, sometimes I really can't hear what they are saying, and the confusion of the lines affects the overall perception." ”

During the broadcast of the series, the feedback from the audience highlighted their high expectations and strict standards for the quality of the work. "As an audience, we want to see a more coherent and in-depth plot unfolding, rather than a simple temptation and pull." Some viewers said in the discussion, "The dual life setting of this drama should be a deep exploration of emotions and psychology, but the actual effect is a little disappointing." ”

On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second, and the first popularity was as high as 80.45!

In general, "Du Hua Nian" has worked hard to express the exploration of the dual life setting, but the logic of the plot and the acting skills of the actors still need to be improved. "I hope that future dramas can show the growth and emotional changes of the characters more stably, so that the audience can be more deeply immersed in the story." This is the expectation and suggestion of many netizens for the future development of the series, and it also reflects the audience's continuous attention and feedback on the quality of the TV series.

In contrast, "Yan Xinji" has won the audience's affirmation with its original script and high-quality production texture. The wonderful performances of Luo Yunxi, Song Yi and Chen Yao, coupled with comfortable composition and transitions, make this drama series that combines light comedy tone and detective plot a beautiful landscape.

On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second, and the first popularity was as high as 80.45!

However, the performance of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" was not satisfactory. Although the leading actors Zhou Yiwei, Gao Weiguang and Chen Duling have good looks and acting skills, the plot advances too quickly, the lines do not match the spirit of the original work, and the lack of historical background explanations has aroused widespread discussion and doubts among the audience about the quality of the series.

Finally, "Haitian Eagle", with its heroic theme and the wonderful performances of Zhu Yawen, Hou Yong, and Li Youbin, although it was welcomed, it was also plagued by doubts about scientific rationality due to the too single character creation and the hard drama of part of the plot.

To sum up, these TV series have their own merits in terms of popularity and audience evaluation, but they also face different degrees of challenges and room for improvement. In the future, how to balance the rhythm and depth of the plot and accurately capture the psychological and emotional changes of the characters will be the direction that the producer needs to think deeply about and improve.

On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second, and the first popularity was as high as 80.45!

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