
Li Shimin was seriously ill, and the eldest grandson Empress carried poison with her, and later generations commented as "the queen of the ages"


Li Shimin is seriously ill, and the eldest grandson queen carries poison with her! Li Shimin was very moved when he learned about it, and since then he has favored Empress Nobunagasun even more.

The Empress of the Tang Dynasty has always been a high-risk profession, but the eldest grandson Empress was able to sit firmly in the harem, and after her death, she was also rated as the "Queen of the Ages".

What amazing things do you see she has done?


Empress Eldest Sun is a proper golden branch and jade leaf, in today's words, called "Bai Fumei"!

His father, Changsun Sheng, was the right Xiaowei general (Sanpin), an existence that terrified the Turks, nicknamed "Thunderbolt Hall"; Mother Gao is the daughter of Gao Mao, the king of Le'an in Northern Qi, and is a member of the royal family.

The elder brother Changsun Wuji and Li Shimin were childhood friends, and with this relationship, the eldest grandson queen and Li Shimin can be described as childhood sweethearts.

When Empress Changsun was 13 years old, she married 16-year-old Li Shimin, and since then she has been known and accompanied by a lifetime.

After getting married, Li Shimin's career developed by leaps and bounds.

In the fourth year of Wude, Li Shimin was awarded the title of General Tiance for his merits, and his power was above the prince. This is an unprecedented official position, and Li Shimin's prestige is close to that of the crown prince Li Jiancheng.

In order to keep the crown prince's position, the prince united with the king of Qi to use the harem concubines and concubines, and often slandered Li Shimin in front of Li Yuan.

Li Shimin has been fighting abroad all the year round and has no time to take care of it, and the eldest grandson queen not only has to be a good "virtuous helper", but also has to play the role of a "good daughter-in-law". Empress Changsun often went in and out of the palace, was filial to Li Yuan for Li Shimin, and had a good relationship with the harem concubines to make up for the gap between her husband and the emperor.

Li Yuan never had the heart to kill Li Shimin, and it had a lot to do with Empress Changsun.

Li Shimin was seriously ill, and the eldest grandson Empress carried poison with her, and later generations commented as "the queen of the ages"


In normal times, Empress Changsun is Li Shimin's virtuous helper; At the critical moment, she was also Li Shimin's chief military advisor.

She is able to give advice to Li Shimin, has superb political skills, and can inspire soldiers and help Li Shimin seek to seize the throne.

As the mother of the country, Empress Changsun often used her influence over her husband to protect the virtuous people of the court. Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling have angered Li Shimin many times, and it was the Empress of the Eldest Sun who reconciled in the middle that kept the relationship between the monarch and the minister harmonious.

Don't look at her as a weak woman, if she puts on armor, Mulan will be ashamed of herself.

On the night of the Xuanwumen Incident, Empress Changsun stood beside Li Shimin in armor and did mobilization work together. The soldiers saw that Princess Qin was so fearless in life and death, and their morale was even stronger.

His wife lives and dies with each other and never abandons him, which also makes Li Shimin very moved.

Empress Changsun is not a vase who only shouts slogans, she is also one of the "top decision-making members" of the whole incident.

There is such a sentence in "The Old Tang Book: The Biography of Fang Xuanling": "On the occasion of the ninth year, when the opportunity was imminent, he was expelled, and he was conspired to obey the clothes of a Taoist priest, and he helped Empress Wende with heart."

The gist of it is that before the change of Xuanwumen in the ninth year of Wude, Fang Xuanling secretly sneaked back to the Qin Palace, wearing a Taoist uniform, and "worked with Empress Wende to help".

"Wende" is the nickname of the eldest grandson queen after her death, this is really awesome!

Empress Changsun did participate in the decision-making of the Xuanwumen Change, and she planned it with Li Shimin's think tank, and she should have a share of the first credit for the Xuanwumen Change.

When it comes to political struggle, Wu Zetian has to call himself a junior when he sees it.


After Li Shimin became the emperor, he suffered from a serious illness after working day and night, and he did not recover for nearly a year, and Empress Changsun has been waiting by his side.

Worried that Li Shimin's condition would not improve, Empress Changsun had been hiding a bag of poison in her clothes, and once Li Shimin couldn't survive, she would leave with Li Shimin.

Fortunately, Li Shimin eventually survived; Unfortunately, Empress Changsun suffered physical damage as a result.

Empress Changsun has suffered from qi disease since she was a child, and she has been taking care of Li Shimin day and night for up to a year, making her originally weak body even more fragile.

At the beginning of the ninth year of Zhenguan (635), his mother, Mrs. Zhao Guotai, died; Not long after, the bad news came again, and the Emperor Li Yuan died.

In a year, she suffered two heavy blows at the same time, and Empress Changsun's qi disease flared up again, and she couldn't afford to get sick.

As the saying goes, adversity sees true love! At this time, it reflects Li Shimin's favor for the eldest grandson queen.

The queen was seriously ill and couldn't take any medicine, so Li Shimin wanted to give amnesty to the world and pray for her; But the queen was unwilling, and Li Shimin did not use her husband's tone or even the emperor's authority to force her.

Instead, he found a compromise method, and issued an edict to repair 392 ancient temples of famous places in the world to pray for the queen, and the famous Shanshan Temple, Xiuding Temple is among them.

It's just that God still didn't favor this "Queen of the Ages" in the end.

Li Shimin was seriously ill, and the eldest grandson Empress carried poison with her, and later generations commented as "the queen of the ages"


On June 21 of the tenth year of Zhenguan (636), Empress Changsun died in the Lizheng Palace, only 36 years old, nicknamed Empress Wende, and was buried in Zhaoling.

Before dying, she held Li Shimin's hand and said a lot of words.

Empress Changsun hoped that Li Shimin would not reuse her mother's family and not arrange them in important official positions; For her posthumous affairs, she hopes to bury herself by the mountain, and the funeral goods can be made of wooden tiles, not to build a lot of construction, work and waste money, and do not use luxury goods to accompany the funeral.

These words are all for the public and the people, and they do not seek the benefit of themselves and their families at all.

After explaining everything, Empress Changsun took out the bag of poison from her clothes and showed it to Li Shimin: "On the day Your Majesty was sick, the concubine swore to obey each other to death and not to be Queen Lu." ”

This is how a generation of virtuous queens ended their lives!

Until the last moment of her life, she still cared about her husband and hoped that he could create a prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty and benefit the common people.

Whether Li Shimin has true love for Empress Changsun or not, we can't know this; However, Li Shimin's love for the eldest grandson queen is real.

Empress Changsun has the habit of writing reading notes, she doesn't want Li Shimin to read them, so Li Shimin really doesn't read them.

It wasn't until the death of the empress that Li Shimin saw these notes for the first time. You must know that Li Shimin is the "Heavenly Khan", the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, but whenever he uses the majesty of the emperor, Empress Changsun does not dare to resist the decree, but he does not.

The two have lived for more than 20 years, and Li Shimin has not once secretly looked through it because of curiosity.

Not only that, but Empress Eldest Sun will also give Li Shimin a face, and Li Shimin has to be careful to accompany him.

Li Shimin was seriously ill, and the eldest grandson Empress carried poison with her, and later generations commented as "the queen of the ages"


Empress Changsun lived with Li Shimin for a total of 23 years, and gave birth to 3 sons and 4 daughters; After getting married at the age of 13, he first kept filial piety for three years, and then started the mode of giving birth to a baby, and the average was to give birth after giving birth to a year of rest.

When she gave birth to her youngest daughter, Princess Xincheng, her eldest son Li Chengqian's sons could already make soy sauce.

died at the age of 36, and at the age of 34, she was still pregnant and gave birth.

You must know that Li Shimin often fights outside the country when he is young, and the couple often have long-distance relationships.

After their wives give birth, many men will lose interest in their wives and sleep in separate beds at every turn.

And Li Shimin loves her when he has the opportunity, which shows how much he loves the eldest grandson.

Since the death of Empress Changsun, the 39-year-old Li Shimin seems to have changed as a person, and has never given birth to a child since. You must know that Li Yuan is in his 60s and has added several brothers to Li Shimin.

It can only be said that mourning is greater than heart death! When the heart is dead, there is no vitality for man.

Empress Changsun played a unique role in the Tang Dynasty with the unique strength of women, and she contributed to the emergence of "Zhenguan Zhizhi", and later generations evaluated her as "the first virtuous queen of the ages".

In the twenty-third year of Zhenguan (649), Li Shimin died and was buried in Zhaoling, and reunited with the eldest grandson empress who had stayed for thirteen years. He and Empress Changsun can stay together before and after their deaths, and they can be regarded as a "model couple" in the emperor and queen world.