
"You are the first light, and the future is up to me!" The First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China celebrates the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

"You are the first light, and the future is up to me!" The First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China celebrates the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Wearing VR (virtual reality) glasses, the experiencer boarded the boat from the "Chuxin Wharf", and the scene of the Bund in Shanghai in the early 20th century came to life. After many experiences and clearing the clouds, the experiencer found the site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China and witnessed the whole process of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China on July 23, 1921.

Released on July 1, "Digital One Original: The Journey of the First Heart" is the country's first immersive experience project in the form of red culture as the creative theme and integrating marching large-space multi-person VR technology. This experiential exhibition is located at Jinyanfang, No. 29 Yandang Road. With the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China as the core, it radiates a number of red scenic spots to create a red cultural tourism cluster.

After the experience of Cao Weitao, a young man born in the 00s at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, there was a scene that left a deep impression, scattered with various periodicals, such as "New Youth" and "Communist Manifesto", showing the fierce momentum of spreading new culture and Marxism at that time. "At that time, a sentence popped into my mind: a spark can start a prairie fire."

"You are the first light, and the future is up to me!" The First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China celebrates the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

"Lightweight, highly interactive, and young people will love the experience." Ruan Jun, deputy director of the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China, said that if you want to trace the history of more than 100 years ago, it is difficult to achieve it with real physical space. As a result, the team came up with a new type of experience that would allow everyone to return to Shanghai, the birthplace of the Communist Party of China, for more than 100 years.

Back to today, back to where dreams began. Less than 1 km away from Jinyanfang, hundreds of spectators spontaneously came to a large square in the rain to witness the rise of the five-star red flag and celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. "These audiences gazed at the turbulent and turbulent years, felt the struggle of the revolutionary ancestors, and absorbed the spiritual strength of forging ahead."

"You are the first light, and the future is up to me!" The First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China celebrates the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Liu Zhiyuan, a young man born in 95, is a member of the National Flag Guard, "On this special day, he came to the 'spiritual homeland' to raise the flag." For this reason, he got up before dawn today to prepare for the flag-raising. "From the site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China to a large square, it seems that the Communist Party of China has come all the way", he felt the red original heart here, and also started from here to better do his job at hand.

"You are the first light, and the future is up to me!" The First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China celebrates the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

"The establishment of the Communist Party of China has gone through many difficulties and obstacles." Ding Ruizhe, who is about to enter the sixth grade of the Middle East School of Shanghai Foreign University, has already learned this period of history from textbooks. At the suggestion of their mother, the mother and son made a strategy together. On the note, the day's itinerary was neatly written, "Arrange a bowl of 'birthday noodles' at noon". Mother Wang Bei has been a party member for 28 years, and she hopes to let her child plant the seeds of patriotism and love for the party from an early age, and let him listen to the explanation and understand it himself.

"At the scene of the flag-raising ceremony, the continuous rain cleared the clouds and saw the sun, as if the sun rising at the beginning of more than 100 years pierced the darkness." Zeng Hua, 64, is a teacher at the Zhoujiadu Street Community Party School. He and his lover wear party member badges, and they have been in the party for more than 30 years. He said that he also came here to "learn from experience" and better tell the history of the founding of the party to more people.

"You are the first light, and the future is up to me!" The First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China celebrates the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Feng Jie, the national 38 Red Flag bearer, the national women's meritorious service model, and the fourth-level senior organizer of Shanghai Customs, deliberately chose this day to volunteer to explain. Like her, there are also students, armed police soldiers, and retired teachers, who change into white volunteer uniforms with different identities and become volunteers in the "birthplace of the party". They have witnessed many interesting moments here, such as "A child once asked, in the statues of the 13 deputies, as the clerk at that time, Comrade Mao Zedong held a pen in his hand, but why there was no pen in his hand." The answer given by the designer is that Comrade Mao Zedong invisibly wrote the future of New China. An old man passing by said to the child: You should hold this pen now. ”

Xue Feng, director of the First Memorial Hall of the Communist Party of China, revealed a set of data that the cumulative number of people received by the First Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China exceeded 1.36 million in the first half of this year, with an average daily reception of nearly 8,500 people, and 93,946 message signatures were recovered. "This makes it even more necessary for us to provide better services and more diversified information supply." He has met countless people, those who bear the medal of "glory in the party" for 50 years, and new party members, who will return here on every special day. "You are the first light, and the future is up to me." Someone wrote this on the message sign.

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