
Breaking news! Sanitation workers and waste pickers fight each other on the streets! Just for a piece of paper shell

author:Mr. Guo has an idea
Breaking news! Sanitation workers and waste pickers fight each other on the streets! Just for a piece of paper shell

Sanitation workers beat waste pickers and are violently counterattacked!! Comfortable!!

In the video, a waste picker seems to be rummaging through things, and the sanitation worker on the side picks up a stick and hits the waste picker.

It looked like it hurt a bit, but the first scavengers didn't fight back.

Unexpectedly, the sanitation worker was another stick at him.

This can anger the scavengers, and a fall will put the sanitation worker to the ground.

Netizens saw the video and said: "You deserve it, why do you beat people with sticks?" ”

Another person expressed: "No matter what class you are, as long as you wear a uniform, you think you are superior." ”


Let's take a look at what netizens say about sanitation workers:

She thought that by wearing a uniform, she would have the power to enforce the law.

Don't know why? The people at the bottom oppressed and bullied the people at the bottom, and they shot even harder.

Sanitation workers are hard, but some of them are very bad, and they are very inferior.

The scavengers pick up bottles in the garbage cans, and the sanitation sometimes picks them up, probably because they feel like they have robbed her of money.

To be honest, none of the sanitation workers I have seen are good, driving on the road, they push the car and put it in the middle of the road, you tell him to move, he scolds, just doesn't move. When he saw a car coming, he deliberately put the garbage truck in the middle of the road, and the brick house was slowly cleaning next to it. Not one, it's all I've seen.

It's not that you're poor, you make sense.

It's not that you are the people at the bottom, you can run amok.

Breaking news! Sanitation workers and waste pickers fight each other on the streets! Just for a piece of paper shell

Kudos to this panicked man.

There are no big or small interests, there are interests and disputes, this is just an ordinary form of expression, no one can escape, no matter who you are and where you work, it is the same.

So don't try to challenge someone else's humanity.

The most ruthless to us is not outsiders, but our own people. Just look at history.

Breaking news! Sanitation workers and waste pickers fight each other on the streets! Just for a piece of paper shell

Humanity! No matter who you are or what class you are in, you want to bully others if you have any power!

Sanitation it thinks it is superior to others.

The hateful sanitation worker deceives people too much!

At this time, she must have thought in her heart that she wants to be a higher scavenger, and this kind of person dares to take advantage of herself.

Breaking news! Sanitation workers and waste pickers fight each other on the streets! Just for a piece of paper shell

Why did this sanitation worker beat up the people who picked up the rags?

This sanitation worker is too much, why is she beating people? You can't live if you do your own evil!

What can't be said with a scolding mouth? If you have to hit someone, if it's a young person, will you have to go in and squat for a few days?

Breaking news! Sanitation workers and waste pickers fight each other on the streets! Just for a piece of paper shell

The villain's ambition is not the person's, I have met a lot.

The sanitation worker felt that the waste from the trash can belonged to her and that others could not pick it up, so she started beating people.

Hitting someone can solve the problem, so what do we want to do with our mouths?

Breaking news! Sanitation workers and waste pickers fight each other on the streets! Just for a piece of paper shell

No matter who you are, once you put on the uniform, you feel superior.

Being poor does not mean being kind!

If this is an ordinary person, the sanitation worker will definitely not hit someone.

Breaking news! Sanitation workers and waste pickers fight each other on the streets! Just for a piece of paper shell

In everyone's eyes, what are sanitation workers like?

Do you think it's reasonable for her to hit someone?

If you have a different opinion, please leave a message in the comment area.


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