
The word "cen" in "The Battle of Cen Gang" is not pronounced "jin", so how should it be pronounced? What does that mean?

author:A guest history said

Today, what we want to discuss is the word "Cen" that made many people "fall behind" in the "Battle of Cen Gang".

This word seems simple, but the pronunciation often makes people "planted", don't believe it? Then read on!

The word "cen" in "The Battle of Cen Gang" is not pronounced "jin", so how should it be pronounced? What does that mean?

First, let's correct a common misconception. As soon as many people see the word "cen", they blurt out "jin", oops, this is a big misunderstanding! The correct pronunciation of the word "cen" is actually "cén", remember? Don't get it wrong!

So, what exactly does the word "cen" mean? In ancient Chinese, "cen" has the meaning of towering and tall. Imagine that a mountain peak reaches into the sky, and that feeling of being tall and majestic is the artistic conception that the word "Cen" wants to convey.

Speaking of the "Battle of Cen Gang", this battle can be described as famous in Chinese history.

Although the word "Cen" does not represent a specific mountain peak here, we can imagine it as a fierce battle on the high ground, with soldiers on both sides fighting bravely, and the scene is spectacular and imposing.

The word "cen" in "The Battle of Cen Gang" is not pronounced "jin", so how should it be pronounced? What does that mean?

In addition to the "Battle of Cen Gang", the ancients' use of the word "Cen " can be described as perfect.

For example, in "Mencius, Confession", there is an account of "the square inch of wood can be higher than Cen Lou".

The "Cen Tower" here refers to a towering pavilion, and the one-inch-high wood placed on the top of the tall building is used as a metaphor to vividly tell us that if we do not compare things on a unified standard, it is easy to draw wrong conclusions.

This profound philosophy is vividly displayed through the tall imagery of the word "Cen".

Another example is Pi Rixiu's "Taihu Lake Poems: Three Residences of Shenjing Palace", the sentence "the ancient view is lonely, and the secluded people are happy", and the phrase "Cen and lonely" is used to describe the ancient Taoist temple as both towering and quiet, giving people a sense of otherworldliness.

The word "cen" in "The Battle of Cen Gang" is not pronounced "jin", so how should it be pronounced? What does that mean?

The word "Cen" here not only depicts the tall image of the Taoist temple, but also reveals a quiet and lonely atmosphere.

Now, do you have a deeper understanding and feeling of the word "cen"?

So, the next time you see the word "cen" again, don't forget that its correct pronunciation is "cén", and don't forget the tall, majestic imagery it contains. Moreover, maybe the next time you visit the monuments and taste the ancient poems, the word "Cen" will bring you more associations and feelings!

Finally, let's go back to the historical scene of the "Battle of Cen Gang". On the battlefield that belongs to history and legends, the word "Cen" seems to have turned into a towering fortress, witnessing the bravery and wisdom of the soldiers.