
Female anchors with a monthly income of 50,000: Rubbing edges is manual work

author:Mrs. Ichiri
Female anchors with a monthly income of 50,000: Rubbing edges is manual work

Recently, I have swiped the career plans of several girls, and they are actually female anchors.

Some say that the live broadcast is the outlet, and the 985 graduation live broadcast earns 50,000 yuan a month;

Some say that it is not illegal to wipe the side without showing their faces, and it is not ashamed for small town girls to make money;

The female anchor, who was originally in the gray area, is now on the stage and has become the choice of unemployed women.

Can you really make money as a side-scraping anchor? Not afraid of being brushed by relatives and friends and feeling embarrassed?

We found three girls who were in the gray live broadcast and dug up something that the big brother on the list didn't know.

Female anchors with a monthly income of 50,000: Rubbing edges is manual work

I am a student majoring in folk dance, I haven't graduated yet, and I want to earn money to pay off my student loans;

I'm doing two platforms at the same time, one is a certain sound, mostly male fans, mainly dancing side dances;

Relying on wrapping clothes and sexy dancing to create an atmosphere, the dance design is reasonable movements, and it is more conservative than the real rubbing edges.

On another platform, I post short videos that record my life, and they are all female fans;

There are also people who like the daily eating and drinking, and they will have a label of small cardinal women's daily eating and drinking.

Female anchors with a monthly income of 50,000: Rubbing edges is manual work

Why do you want to dance live? I've watched a lot of head female anchors, and to be honest, they don't dance as well as me;

Seeing other people swiping gifts all over the screen, I think I can jump without sacrificing so much.

I didn't sign a contract with the company, I didn't join the union, and I didn't engage in 1v1 chats, but I would carefully prepare for each live broadcast, and after doing it for a few months, the data was just very poor, I don't know if it wasn't enough to wipe it?

There are also gifts for brushing, and the man who rewards 80 yuan can't wait to add your WeChat to see the welfare, I'm sorry, I really don't have the benefit to him.

There are those who post nude photos, those who complain, and those who ask how much money they can support, and there are so many obscene words that they can't be scolded.

Once a male fan left a message, saying that he saw me somewhere one day and at a certain time, and asked if he could say hello to me next time, and the most important thing was that the place he said was the mall I had been to that day.

Female anchors with a monthly income of 50,000: Rubbing edges is manual work

Since then, I've been a little scared when I go out, and I've moved to a neighborhood with better security;

The express box is also the address blackened and then lost, where I go out I wrap from head to toe, and often call friends who have dogs to live with me, "although I wipe the edge, but I am not easy to mess with."

I have to say, I want to do a good job of the vlog platform, the female fans are really good.

Knowing that I rubbed the side on other platforms, I also ran over to praise my wife for being beautiful, without contempt or dislike, and I am willing to share more with them;

When I do a good job of the female fan platform, I don't plan to do live broadcasts;

Without the life of the big brother on the list, he will only have the disease of being harassed constantly.

Female anchors with a monthly income of 50,000: Rubbing edges is manual work

At first, I didn't expect that I could become a side anchor, and I applied for a job to talk about the anchor with goods.

At first, I tried a nonsensical style or pure oral broadcasting, but the data was very bleak, and the company felt that my conditions were good, so I tried to accompany my eldest brother to chat.

At first, I resisted, but after the broadcast training, I was less resistant to this matter.

The company paid me to learn the basics of dance, and also sent me a packet, so I have to learn everything I do;

There are head anchor analysis, outfit suggestions, popular dance videos, live broadcast skills, and even interaction with the big brother in detail to the form of Q&A.

Female anchors with a monthly income of 50,000: Rubbing edges is manual work

Half a year after joining the company, I changed three personas before and after.

From a pure desire woman to a cold white-collar worker, to a celebrity Internet celebrity, it is all built by makeup and background boards, and the company has a whole floor for such a live broadcast room.

The style of the live broadcast is very different from myself, and every time I go to the live broadcast room, I feel like I am playing someone else, playing a sexy beauty.

Later, after almost a year of broadcasting, I made a little money, and I survived simply by relying on the frequency and duration of broadcasting.

There are more people who brush gifts, and there are more commissions, and it doesn't matter if you reward the company privately.

But if you do anything for a long time, you will be a little sick to your stomach, not to mention rubbing the edges, this money is not enough for mental loss.

Coupled with more than seven hours a day, I cut off almost all my daily routine.

Female anchors with a monthly income of 50,000: Rubbing edges is manual work

The long live broadcast gave me a sense of unreality, and the silence after turning off the live broadcast made me uncomfortable;

I won't be able to breathe well when the interaction is cut off, and I wonder if I'm doing something wrong, is it about to be blocked?

After the broadcast, the eldest brother kept sending messages, and the first brother on WeChat was still coaxing; Providing emotional value to the eldest brother at all times is the same as working overtime without overtime pay, which is pure sin.

I thought that money would become the driving force, but soon I couldn't hold on.

The night is reversed and the work and rest are irregular, coupled with the long-term live broadcast, the body is a little unbearable, and rubbing the edges is also physical work.

Occasionally, I received private messages from a girl who had just graduated, asking if she could enter the industry, and I would dissuade her.

Not to mention that you are physically and mentally exhausted, you have to be terrified, and if you are not a last resort for lack of money, you should not touch it.

Female anchors with a monthly income of 50,000: Rubbing edges is manual work

I think the definition of rubbing edges is quite broad, like I sit the whole scene, with a look and a little tone, men think that you are rubbing edges;

It's a particularly erotic rubbing, to be honest, you can't make money at all, and rich people think you're not advanced enough.

Judging from the number of fans, I am considered a central anchor, and there is a special operation to help me maintain my eldest brother;

Yes, the operation is sometimes still a man, and the reply is much more sassy than I thought;

For example, in addition to joining the group, there are also single WeChat benefits, sometimes chatting in private, the operation mobile phone is in my hand, I look at the mood and reply a few words, and the rest of the time is in the operation of the little brother.

Not only do you have to reply to the eldest brother, but you also have to take the initiative to contact, and you have to grasp the emotions from the words, and chatting is not for nothing.

Female anchors with a monthly income of 50,000: Rubbing edges is manual work

For example, some brothers said that it was too hard to do live broadcasts, so the operation helped me cry poor, "Oops, I haven't made any money from broadcasting until now; ”

Some brothers say that they have known me for so long, are they impressed? The operation replied that "I can't help it, I have to be busy with my career, thanks to my brother who often comes to see me and supports me; ”

Some people haven't been to the live broadcast room for a long time, so they want to go and see what's going on, and send him a WeChat message saying, "I saw you swiping gifts in other live broadcast rooms, am I not good enough?" ”

Like the kind of potential big brother with strength, the operation will also customize an exclusive dialogue plan through chat and observation social platforms;

The older brother uses less buzzwords, the married ones care more about his life, and the unmarried ones talk less about emotional topics with him.

Anyway, it's between brother and sister and ambiguity, pulling hard;

Coax if you can, talk about it yourself if you can, if the big brother throws it, it's too difficult to pick it up, I'll find the operator to measure it;

In the words of the operation brother himself, only men know men best.

Female anchors with a monthly income of 50,000: Rubbing edges is manual work

I have encountered the first and second bars on the list before, and the two of them swiped gifts back and forth throughout the live broadcast, and the barrage was watching the excitement;

I was in a hurry on the surface, saying that let's calm down and stop fighting, but in fact, I was happy to death in my heart.

To be honest, many people treat me as a tree hole, and those who encounter troubles also talk about it;

If I quarrel with my wife and want to divorce, I will listen to it as a storyteller and it's over.

and the jealous eldest brother, who doesn't really care about me, just has a good face;

Female anchors with a monthly income of 50,000: Rubbing edges is manual work

I know too well what is going on with them to be in the perspective of my own contention;

They're purely males fighting each other, and they have nothing to do with me, I just need to focus on customer service.

People watch live broadcasts and give gifts to emotions, I do sales and customer service, and I can't meet with any big brother 1v1, the company has supervision, and no one is responsible for anything that happens.

Do you want to make money or not? I think the crooked ones are more profitable than me.

After all, this is not a long-term career, and when I have plans to get married, I will definitely resign.

Female anchors with a monthly income of 50,000: Rubbing edges is manual work

To be honest, I was quite apprehensive about interviewing these three.

I am afraid that they are unwilling to reveal their lives, and they are also afraid that after revealing the truth, they will usher in malice and criticism.

We don't want to comment too much on what this kind of live broadcast can bring.

I just want to use their personal experience to dispel the charm of the saying of "live broadcast profiteering".

The big brother who was praised to the sky in the live broadcast room may be the person that the female anchor dislikes the most in private;

On the surface, they have all the aesthetic forms that are sexy, cute and even deformed, which may just be their means of making a living;

Whether it's a female anchor or an ordinary live broadcast room;

"Life is unbearable, who is not paddling and setting off again."