
The women's basketball celebrity was brutally attacked by the Internet, and the fans were reprimanded for delaying the cultivation of Zhang Ziyu and was slapped in the face

author:Eager to learn the spring breeze

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The women's basketball celebrity was brutally attacked by the Internet, and the fans were reprimanded for delaying the cultivation of Zhang Ziyu and was slapped in the face
The women's basketball celebrity was brutally attacked by the Internet, and the fans were reprimanded for delaying the cultivation of Zhang Ziyu and was slapped in the face
The women's basketball celebrity was brutally attacked by the Internet, and the fans were reprimanded for delaying the cultivation of Zhang Ziyu and was slapped in the face
The women's basketball celebrity was brutally attacked by the Internet, and the fans were reprimanded for delaying the cultivation of Zhang Ziyu and was slapped in the face
The women's basketball celebrity was brutally attacked by the Internet, and the fans were reprimanded for delaying the cultivation of Zhang Ziyu and was slapped in the face
The women's basketball celebrity was brutally attacked by the Internet, and the fans were reprimanded for delaying the cultivation of Zhang Ziyu and was slapped in the face

The controversy behind the brilliance of the women's basketball team: the unresolved bond between Li Xin and Zhang Ziyu

1. The shadow behind the glory: the Internet storm of the famous Li Xin

In the glorious history of the Chinese women's basketball team, Li Xin's name undoubtedly occupies a place. As a former national player, she helped the Chinese women's basketball team win the silver medal in the 1992 Olympic Games with her outstanding performance, and this honor is still remembered by countless fans. After retiring, Li Xin did not leave her beloved basketball career, and instead devoted herself to youth training, hoping to cultivate more future stars among the younger generation. However, she has recently been pushed to the forefront because of a cyberstorm storm.

The source of all this seems to be closely related to a young player named Zhang Ziyu. Zhang Ziyu, a rising star whose name resounded in the recent U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, not only won the MVP award of the tournament with an average of 35 points and 12.8 rebounds per game, but also led the Chinese women's basketball team to achieve the historical record of runner-up. However, it was the rise of this genius girl that made Li Xin the target of criticism from some fans. The reason is that as the former head coach of the national youth team, Li Xin did not include Zhang Ziyu under his command during his coaching, which caused a lot of controversy at the time, and now with Zhang Ziyu's shine, it is infinitely magnified.

2. Under the controversy: Li Xin's choice and the fans' doubts

In the face of the surging doubts, Li Xin did not choose to remain silent. She responded to the criticism from fans in an almost direct and slightly heated way. On social media, she bluntly expressed her position: "Can you turn things around on your own? Do you know basketball? Such a response undoubtedly further ignited the emotions of the fans. Some accused her of "slapping her face", believing that she missed the opportunity to develop a basketball talent; Some people also bluntly said that "you know football, but you are not worthy of being a coach", questioning Li Xin's coaching ability.

In the moment of emotion, Li Xin even did not hesitate to use vulgar language to fight back, which exacerbated the complexity of the incident to a certain extent. Her words revealed the helplessness and anger of being misunderstood: "I don't want to deal with you, you lack a nose and a face." You don't deserve to say me,. Although this expression may not be accepted by everyone, it also reflects Li Xin's true emotions in the face of great pressure.

3. Rational review: the complexity of basketball selection and the choice of coaches

However, when we step out of the emotional vortex and look at this event rationally, we will find that things are far from being as simple as they seem. Basketball selection is a complex and rigorous process, which is not only about the individual ability of the players, but also about the overall tactics of the team, the chemistry between the players, and the potential for future development. As a coach, Li Xin must have his own considerations and trade-offs when selecting players.

Perhaps, under the circumstances at that time, Li Xin thought that Zhang Ziyu was not suitable for the tactical system of the national youth team, or her addition might upset the existing balance of the team. Behind this decision, there may be countless deliberate and difficult choices. Therefore, we cannot simply attribute Zhang Ziyu's success to a coach's "insight", let alone completely deny a coach's coaching ability because of a single result.

Fourth, the future outlook: work together to create a new glory of women's basketball

No matter what the past holds, the future of the Chinese women's basketball team is still full of hope. The rise of Zhang Ziyu has undoubtedly injected new vitality and possibilities into the Chinese women's basketball team. As a famous women's basketball player, Li Xin's experience and wisdom are still valuable assets. In the face of doubts and criticisms from the outside world, she may be able to communicate more openly with fans and share her coaching philosophy and decision-making process, so as to win more understanding and support.

At the same time, we also hope that the Chinese women's basketball team can emerge more outstanding players like Zhang Ziyu to jointly promote the development of the Chinese women's basketball industry. In this process, both coaches and players need to maintain a normal heart, have the courage to face challenges and criticism, and work together to create a new glory for the Chinese women's basketball team. After all, basketball is a team sport, and it requires everyone's hard work and dedication to achieve the ultimate victory.

Controversy and Reflection from the Perspective of Fans: Li Xin, Zhang Ziyu and the Future of the Chinese Women's Basketball Team

As a fan who has been following the Chinese women's basketball team for a long time, I have always had deep emotions and expectations for this team. Whenever I see them fighting the field, my heart is filled with great pride and excitement. However, the recent series of incidents surrounding Coach Li Xin and Zhang Ziyu made me fall into deep thought.

Coach Li Xin, who coexists with glory and doubt

Li Xin, this name shines with an inextinguishable light in the history of the Chinese women's basketball team. As a former national player, she not only won numerous honors for the team, but also chose a more difficult path after retiring - coaching the academy. This dedication and love for basketball makes me full of respect for her. However, when the name Zhang Ziyu shone in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, Coach Li Xin's coaching choice caused widespread controversy.

As a fan, I understand the difficult decisions that every coach makes when it comes to selecting players. After all, basketball is a team sport, and every position, each player's selection needs to take into account the overall tactical layout and the chemistry between the players. But when I saw Zhang Ziyu showing extraordinary basketball talent and leadership on the court, I couldn't help but question Coach Li Xin's decision-making. Why did such a player with unlimited potential not receive enough attention and training when he was in the national youth team? Is there a hidden story behind this?

The rise of Zhang Ziyu: the crystallization of talent and hard work

Zhang Ziyu's performance is undoubtedly shocking. In the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, she not only won the MVP award of the tournament with an average of 35 points and 12.8 rebounds per game, but also led the Chinese women's basketball team to a historical runner-up. The rise of this young player has made me see the infinite possibilities of the future of the Chinese women's basketball team. Her talent, hard work, and love for basketball are all deeply admired.

However, when Zhang Ziyu's brilliance was intertwined with the controversy of Coach Li Xin, I couldn't help but think: Is a good player necessarily able to shine under a specific coaching system? Or can the coach's decisions and vision really determine a player's future?

The future of the team: more understanding and communication is needed

In my opinion, the future of the Chinese women's basketball team should not depend solely on the success or failure of a single player or coach. This is a team cause, which requires everyone's joint efforts and dedication. Both coaches and players need to work together for the team's goals based on mutual understanding and respect.

For Coach Li Xin, she may need to be more open to communicating with fans and the media, sharing her coaching philosophy and decision-making process. After all, as a public figure, her words and deeds will be widely noticed and evaluated. Only through sincere communication can misunderstandings and prejudices be eliminated and more trust and support can be earned.

And for the fans, we should also maintain a rational and objective attitude. Don't blindly follow the herd or blame others because of the emotions of the moment. After all, basketball is a sport full of variables, and any outcome can happen. We should focus more on the overall performance and progress of the team, rather than just looking at the gains and losses of a particular player or coach.

Discussion: How to build a more harmonious basketball ecosystem

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to spark a broader discussion: how to build a more harmonious and healthy basketball ecosystem? It's not just a question of the relationship between coaches and players, it's a question of basketball culture and values as a whole.

In my opinion, a harmonious basketball ecosystem should include the following aspects: first, coaches and players should establish a relationship of mutual trust and respect, and work together for the team's goals; Secondly, fans and media should maintain a rational and objective attitude, and give sufficient support and encouragement to the team. Finally, the entire basketball community should strengthen communication and cooperation to jointly promote the development of China's basketball industry.

Only in this way can we make the Chinese women's basketball team go further and more stable on the road in the future. Let's work together to contribute to the brilliant future of the Chinese women's basketball team!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Sub-heading: "Basket Dream Tapestry: The Storm Rises Again"

Basket Dream Tapestry: The Storm Rises Again

The war drums beat on the women's basketball court, and glory and tears were intertwined.

In the past, Li Xin was there, and a sword once referred to the Olympic champion.

Retired youth training is lonely, and he has worked hard for the country to select materials.

Zhang Ziyu's name was first revealed, and his edge was revealed to everyone.

The U18 game has changed, and the data is amazing.

MVP glory plus day, women's basketball star Yao Yaotai.

When the controversy started, the turmoil was vicious, and the cyberbullying was like a tide and it was difficult to return.

Li Xin angrily reprimanded the criticism, and the fans were in a state of confusion.

It is difficult to determine the strength of oneself, and the way of basketball is deep and small.

The coach's vision does not need to ask, and the victory and defeat are high and low.

Our generation of fans should introspect themselves and watch the game rationally.

The glory of the team is not exclusive, and we will build brilliance together and wait for the day to return.

The glory of the past has become the past, and the struggle is raised again.

The sons and daughters of the women's basketball team are full of ambitions and are not afraid of difficulties to catch up.

The field is heroic, and the sweat off the field is wet.

Every point is not easy to come by, cohesion and hard work.

May this turmoil subside as soon as possible and build a harmonious basketball forest together.

Coaches and players are heart-to-heart, hand in hand to create good news.

The basket dream brocade has a long road, and the wind and clouds will rise again when the time comes.

The Chinese women's basketball team has many ambitions, and the future can be expected to shine.

This article "Basket Dream Tapestry: The Resurgence of the Storm" uses the rhyme of ancient poetry to express the deep emotions and ardent expectations of the Chinese women's basketball team. The poem not only reviews the glorious past and coaching controversy of the famous Li Xin, but also praises the rise and hard work of the rising star Zhang Ziyu, and also pins on the beautiful vision for the future development of the Chinese women's basketball team. May they be on the road of basketball, not afraid of difficulties, move forward bravely, and weave a colorful basketball dream together.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】